
Controlled nuclear fusion ignition successful! With $3.5 billion to boil 20 pots of water, humanity has taken off the holy grail of clean energy

author:Ms. Dami.


The pure light reflected the surroundings of the lab, and the researchers smiled, their years of hard work finally paying off.

This is a great scientific breakthrough, and the famous Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the United States announced that they have made a major breakthrough in the field of nuclear fusion.

They produced the world's strongest laser pulse to date, "Laser Dawn", and successfully applied it to experiments.

Under the illumination of strong light, not only did the fusion ignite, but also achieved a "net energy gain".

This means that the researchers produced 3.15 megajoules of fusion energy output during the experiment, which until then had only been used to boil 20 jugs of water.

This breakthrough has been dubbed by the industry as the "Holy Grail of Controlled Nuclear Fusion".

So how big of an impact does it have on human development and the future?

Controlled nuclear fusion ignition successful! With $3.5 billion to boil 20 pots of water, humanity has taken off the holy grail of clean energy

Humanity has finally picked up the Holy Grail of Energy.

Nuclear fusion has always been a worthy goal in the eyes of scientists.

The energy contained in this reaction is considered the "holy grail" of clean energy.

You must know that every second there is a huge amount of energy transferred from the core of the sun to the surface of the planet, and it is the nuclear fusion reaction in it that is full of light and heat.

Therefore, scientists have been trying to use this reaction to produce energy.

Similar to nuclear fission, nuclear fusion is also a process.

But with the advancement of science, especially in the 90s of the last century, with the development of light intensity laser technology, we can provide enough energy to start a nuclear fusion reaction.

It's just that the new fusion experimental device in the Maxwell storage ring is the current device in the world that can produce a higher plasma temperature than the core of the sun.

The so-called "controlled nuclear fusion" is to use the energy released during the nuclear fusion reaction to drive the future development of science and technology, which can currently provide pollution-free and low-cost new energy.

In order to prove the feasibility of this ultimate theory, the United States has built a large number of facilities and laboratories to promote the scientific research of "fusion energy".

It is worth mentioning that the world's first controllable nuclear fusion experimental device "Huanju-1" was designed and built by Soviet scientists in 1957.

However, due to unpredictable challenges and difficulties, scientists have not succeeded in taming the fusion flame for many years.

It was only during this experiment with a large "beam" device at the Lawrence Livermore laboratory that scientists finally took a victorious step.

Controlled nuclear fusion ignition successful! With $3.5 billion to boil 20 pots of water, humanity has taken off the holy grail of clean energy

Eternal energy.

Fusion reactors operate in a similar way to nuclear fission.

When scientists ignite controlled fusion, the ultra-high-temperature plasma excited by the emitted laser pulses blooms violently in the lab like a spark from the sun.

These plasmas are emitting yellow light waves at temperatures 20 times higher than those of the sun that are not present in the solar spectrum.

This particular light wave, once formed, may mean that the experiment has been successfully ignited.

At the same time as this spectrum occurs, the heavy hydrogen nuclei in the fusion fuel may also begin to synthesize helium nuclei due to the influence of plasma, thus producing a large amount of energy.

For this reason, scientists have been referring to this process as "ignition".

Although nuclear fusion works the same as nuclear fission, it releases several times more energy than nuclear fission.

The key problem is that the radioactive elements produced during nuclear fusion are short-lived, only one-tenth of that of nuclear fission.

Controlled nuclear fusion ignition successful! With $3.5 billion to boil 20 pots of water, humanity has taken off the holy grail of clean energy

This means that in contrast, the long-term radioactive waste of nuclear fission will not be produced in the fusion reactor, and the fuel on which nuclear fusion depends is heavy hydrogen molecules, and the by-product produced is helium, so it is relatively mild in radioactivity.

So from this point of view, nuclear fusion will become a safer and more reliable clean energy.

This is due to the fact that the energy released during nuclear fusion is cheap deuterium and tritium, which would be limited by the fusion reactor.

So taking advantage of this allows for better control of the fusion process, which allows for a safer release of fusion energy.

Controlled nuclear fusion ignition successful! With $3.5 billion to boil 20 pots of water, humanity has taken off the holy grail of clean energy

The fact that the United States was able to successfully ignite nuclear fusion experiments was a major breakthrough in nuclear deterrence.

In fact, since the 50s of the last century, many countries have been researching nuclear fusion technology.

Although some progress has been made, the challenges and difficulties faced are also extremely arduous, which shows that this is still a long process.

On the other hand, this breakthrough also provides key data for hydrogen bomb research.

As far as we know, nuclear fusion is the basis of modern nuclear weapons.

And in addition to producing massive explosive power, this weapon can provide a more detailed understanding of how nuclear fusion works.

This also shows that the weapons of the future will become more lethal, and in order to be able to better maintain peace, everyone will wait and see how this will develop.

How much energy exactly does nuclear fusion have?

Although a breakthrough in nuclear fusion means that more energy can be produced with less raw material, it is still a long way from commercialization.

This is mainly due to the extremely complex technical and economic challenges of translating the skills of a laboratory into a commercial product.

But after taking this important step, we may already see hope for near-carbon-free electricity production.

Controlled nuclear fusion ignition successful! With $3.5 billion to boil 20 pots of water, humanity has taken off the holy grail of clean energy

It is important to note that despite the growing understanding of nuclear fusion, there are still significant challenges to its commercialization.

At least in the current situation, we have not seen plans and timetables for the construction of nuclear fusion power plants.

Controlled nuclear fusion ignition successful! With $3.5 billion to boil 20 pots of water, humanity has taken off the holy grail of clean energy

In addition, the cost of fusion machines is a huge challenge.

While scientists are working to reduce this cost, it is not an easy task.

Controlled nuclear fusion ignition successful! With $3.5 billion to boil 20 pots of water, humanity has taken off the holy grail of clean energy

You know, building a fusion power plant requires a huge capital investment.

In doing so, we have to overcome a series of obstacles, which can be challenges in terms of scientific research, engineering technology, or legal and regulatory challenges.

Controlled nuclear fusion ignition successful! With $3.5 billion to boil 20 pots of water, humanity has taken off the holy grail of clean energy

Even so, we cannot deny the crucial role that nuclear fusion plays in the future of energy development.

It can not only provide clean energy, but also bring great changes to human society.

Controlled nuclear fusion ignition successful! With $3.5 billion to boil 20 pots of water, humanity has taken off the holy grail of clean energy

Its development will provide us with more cheap, renewable energy, which will drive the growth of the global economy.

This is especially important for developing countries, which are in a phase of growing energy demand.

Controlled nuclear fusion ignition successful! With $3.5 billion to boil 20 pots of water, humanity has taken off the holy grail of clean energy

In the case of energy-developed countries, the commercialization of nuclear fusion will also provide a new economic growth point for them.

In addition, with clean energy sources, we can better cope with issues such as climate change and environmental pollution.

Therefore, it can be said that the development of nuclear fusion is of great significance to human society.

Not only can it meet our growing energy needs, but it will also create a cleaner, safer and more reliable energy future for us.


Successful experiments in nuclear fusion could lead to more technological breakthroughs that will help propel human society toward a more prosperous and sustainable future.

Although the road to commercialization is still a long way off, we should be excited about this major scientific breakthrough.

Most importantly, we should continue to devote ourselves to scientific research and actively explore more applications of fusion technology to leave a better world for our children and grandchildren.

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