
From Dybala to Gessens, King Guomi plays with secret weapons and psychological warfare masters

On the pitch, Inter won the Super Cup.

Under the pitch, Inter also began to use some means to increase the competitiveness of the team, which is to concoct transfer rumors and create some trouble for the opponent.

From Dybala to Gessens, King Guomi plays with secret weapons and psychological warfare masters

In the past 24 hours, the Italian media has stirred up two rumors.

The first is Inter's visa-free Deal for Dybala.

Then there are the rumors that Inter lured Gessens.

Transfer rumors are every day, such as the capital, Turin media often hype fierce material, because the reference value is not large, so usually relayed less. But the above two rumors were exposed by Inter's team reporter and Sky Platform transfer master, of course, they are different.

From Dybala to Gessens, King Guomi plays with secret weapons and psychological warfare masters

It must be clear: judging from the current budget amount and financial situation of Inter, whether it is visa-free Dybala or buying Gesens, it is very difficult. Because signing Dybala is bound to break the salary cap. Although Gessens does not have a long remaining contract period (his contract expires in 2023 after activating the one-year clause of automatic renewal), there are chaebols who covet it and the list price is also very high.

Whether the transfer can be successful or not, it is difficult to have a conclusion in the short term, this kind of star transfer, mostly procrastination and lengthy, twists and turns, rarely have a head on the lightning finalization example.

However, the Italian media pointed out that these two rumors appeared at the time when Inter's opponents were the most headache, so it was not ruled out that the Inter transfer team let the wind and used the rumors as a weapon to disturb the opponents.

From Dybala to Gessens, King Guomi plays with secret weapons and psychological warfare masters

In the Italian Super Cup, Juve attacked, played pragmatically, sacrificed the attack to strengthen the defense in 120 minutes, the scene was very poor (less than 1/3 of Inter's goal), but still lost the game in a bad way (killed in the last minute before the penalty shootout).

It hurts morale.

For example, Bonucci and others lost their attitude at that time, made a lot of noise, and were fined by the Football Association.

From Dybala to Gessens, King Guomi plays with secret weapons and psychological warfare masters

In Italy, thousands of Juve fans exploded and they began to lash out that Super Cup referee Doveri was an Inter fan (because there was an old man wearing a mask who backed him and used An Inter bag), so the game was unfair!

Although these are small things, they can prove that this defeat has had a great psychological impact on all parties in Juve, and the negative emotions are not easy to digest.

From Dybala to Gessens, King Guomi plays with secret weapons and psychological warfare masters

At this time, the Italian media began to hype the news that Inter milan was free of signs for Dybala, which would undoubtedly make Juve more passive - the public opinion circle that worried that Juve would lose the game and lose the star was difficult to dispel, so they ran to scold the manager, which created a lot of pressure on the Juve management.

Sky Tai pointed out that Juve originally renewed Dybala's contract, has its own strategy and rhythm, but now the rumors are fermenting, and the agent is not timely to dispel the rumors (most of the teams that talk about the renewal are willing to let the rumors ferment to increase the chance of seeking a fat contract), which forces Juve to disrupt the rhythm and change the established plan. Considering that the "transfer dark war" between Inter and Juve is not limited to Dybala alone, but also includes Skamaka, Flatesi and others, it can be said that whether Inter can win Dybala, they can use these rumors to achieve their set goal: to disturb Juve.

From Dybala to Gessens, King Guomi plays with secret weapons and psychological warfare masters

The situation is similar in Gersons.

Inter played Against Atalanta immediately after playing the Super Cup, and physical fitness was the biggest hidden danger. Atalanta also played the Coppa Italia in midweek (2-0 win over Venice), but the consumption was much smaller than inter's 120 minutes of bitter fighting. It is foreseeable that when embarking on this war, Inter is the weaker side in terms of physical fitness.

At this time, there was a transfer hype of Inter's intention of Gessens, and if it could make the Nerazzurri players more confident and superior, and let the Atlanta players have more quirky ideas, it would help Inter.

From Dybala to Gessens, King Guomi plays with secret weapons and psychological warfare masters

As we all know, the biggest difference between Inter players and Atalanta players is that they earn more.

Atlanta's cap annual salary is only about 2 million, more than one million are considered high-paying classes, such as Gessens, a long-established fierce general, after tax annual salary is only: 800,000.

In Inter, after this wave of contract renewal, among the main players, Scheke's annual salary of more than 3 million is relatively low, even if it is a substitute player (such as Besinosensi, or Di Marco, who has just renewed his contract), the annual salary is more than 2 times or even 3 times that of Gesens.

From Dybala to Gessens, King Guomi plays with secret weapons and psychological warfare masters

All along, the market experts have pointed out that Inter's pursuit of Gessens will not be to open a high price to "smash", but only to open a high salary to "lure".

About to play Atalanta, at this time there is a hype of "Inter's high salary seducing Gessens", this time...

Gessens is currently recuperating from injuries and will certainly not play for Inter. But what about the other players? Players are engaged in playing football, and they are naturally very sensitive to income, and in the face of such rumors, it is not true to say that there is no wave in their hearts. As long as the real blue and black players are distracted, the beneficiaries are Inter.

From Dybala to Gessens, King Guomi plays with secret weapons and psychological warfare masters

There is an "open secret" in the Italian media circle, the first time of the Milan Sports Newspaper guessed well, the Sky Station newspaper transfer will be very accurate, the two media inside Inter, there is a good chance that there will be "sources".

Conversely, if Inter is interested, it can also "let the wind out" to guide the rumors.

In half a year, the Nerazzurri won the championship twice, and the fans praised Conte, Inzaghi Jr., and even some people mythologized them. But it must be noted that none of them is the number one helm of the Inter battleship, and the real captain has always been Marotta.

Marotta controls not only direction setting, strategic direction, manager selection, squad formation, standing decision-making, discipline management, he is also a master who has truly "played" all the lines of the football industry.

Using transfer rumors as a weapon against your opponents? For him, it was not impossible.

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