
The 13-year-old girl was incorporated into the harem by the 88-year-old Qianlong, stayed alone in the empty house for half a life, and was buried in the stone pool after her death

In modern society, we often hear a kind of love relationship, called yearless love, which refers to the love relationship between two people with a large age difference, and more commonly, old husbands and young wives, but this is nothing in ancient society, especially in the emperor's harem, and it is a common phenomenon. The age difference between the two pairs I want to talk about today is 75 years old, they are the famous Qianlong Emperor and the Concubine Jin of the Qianlong Harem.

The 13-year-old girl was incorporated into the harem by the 88-year-old Qianlong, stayed alone in the empty house for half a life, and was buried in the stone pool after her death

Concubine Jin came from the Yellow Banner Fucha clan, one of the four major families of the Qing Dynasty, and the Fucha clan has been in the history of the Qing Dynasty for a long time, especially during the Kangxi Yongzheng Qianlong period, and reached its peak. Princess Jin's great-grandfather was the former dynasty's tumbler Scholar Maqi, the uncle of Empress Xiaoxian, that is, this Jin concubine was the niece of Empress Xiaoxian of Qianlong. The two grandsons married the same emperor, which was the only time in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

There is no historical record of the year in which the Jin concubine FuCha entered the palace, but by looking at the annual and reward records of the harem in Qianlong's later years, there is no figure of the Fu cha clan, because we can fully believe that this Jin concubine did not enter the palace during the Qianlong period, she entered the harem after Jiaqing succeeded to the throne.

The 13-year-old girl was incorporated into the harem by the 88-year-old Qianlong, stayed alone in the empty house for half a life, and was buried in the stone pool after her death

Moreover, Princess Jin's father, Deke Jing'e, was only an alternate principal after Qianlong's death, and it was not until Daoguang twenty years before he became the head of the Ministry of Works, and judging from the time of Deke Jing's tenure, Jin Fei should also be a young woman, and her first appearance in the archives was in the pulse case of Jiaqing in July of the third year, so it is speculated that she should have entered the Qing Palace through the Eight Flags Draft of Jiaqing's three years.

At that time, the Taishang Emperor Qianlong was still alive, and still controlled the power of the DPRK, Jiaqing was still transferred to the will of his father Qianlong in everything, in this extraordinary period, he was able to meet such a young and beautiful woman, or the niece of Empress Xiaoxian, so offering Concubine Jin to Emperor Qianlong was completely an act of pleasing the emperor, and what was unexpected was that Qianlong was nearly ninety years old (88 years old) at that time, and he did not refuse such a young woman (estimated to be about 13 years old at the time), laughing and accepting, He was given the title of nobleman and called a nobleman of Jin.

However, less than a year later, Emperor Qianlong of taishang rode the dragon to the guests, and the Concubine Jin, who had not yet opened like a bud, suddenly became a concubine. Some people may ask, did this Concubine Of Jin sleep for Qianlong?

The 13-year-old girl was incorporated into the harem by the 88-year-old Qianlong, stayed alone in the empty house for half a life, and was buried in the stone pool after her death

The author believes that if we want to answer this question, we can refer to a recital of the Yongzheng Dynasty: "Today' general manager and other things played by yi guiren, it seems that this noble person can enter the tomb." In the land of feng shui in the mausoleum, it is advisable to consider it carefully, such as a noble person who has served the imperial examination, but not if he is often sealed. Or build another garden around the periphery, or around Su Ma Ligu.'s. Er, etc. If something goes wrong, discuss it with the general manager of the Ministry of internal affairs. ”

According to this recital, Yongzheng believed that a noble person like Yi Guiren, who had served the emperor (attendant) in Kangxi, could be buried in the Kangxi Jingling Concubine Garden, and could not be buried if there was no one who served the emperor. According to this precedent, combined with the fact that Concubine Jin was later buried in the Garden of Qianlong Yuling, she should have slept for Emperor Qianlong.

The 13-year-old girl was incorporated into the harem by the 88-year-old Qianlong, stayed alone in the empty house for half a life, and was buried in the stone pool after her death

In the twenty-fifth year of Jiaqing, Daoguang, who had just succeeded to the throne, issued an edict: "Emperor Gaozong's concubine Emperor Gaozong's concubine is only a noble person of Jin, and it is advisable to honor the title." He is honored as a concubine. However, only two years later, Concubine Jin died in the palace, estimated to be about 40 years old. The following year, Concubine Jin was buried in the Qianlong Yuling Concubine Garden, and thus she became the last woman to be buried in the Yuling Concubine Garden.

It is worth noting that according to the ancestral system, the concubines who were in the concubine position should be buried in the stone coupon treasure roof after death, but at that time, there was only one brick pond left in the Yuling Concubine Garden Bed (noble standard), and there was no extra place in the Concubine Garden Bed, so Daoguang ordered that the only remaining brick pool be changed to a stone pond, and thus the Concubine Jin was buried in the low-grade stone pond.

References: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Qing Shilu, Tomb Easy to Know

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