
She and her grandmother were both married to the same emperor, and her grandmother was crowned empress dowager in the harem, and she was lonely

The qing dynasty's concubine selection system was slightly different from other dynasties, and one of the most basic requirements was to pay attention to blood and beauty. Generally speaking, most of the concubines who were able to enter the palace were descendants of Manchu nobles, which led to the problem that the concubines were more or less related to each other. Just like The Emperor Taiji originally married Zhe Zhe, Bumubutai and Hai Lanzhu were aunts and nephews, and Qianlong was more exaggerated, he married a pair of concubines with a relationship between grandchildren and grandchildren, the difference is that the grandmother was crowned empress and was remembered by the emperor all her life, while as a granddaughter, she was not favored all her life.

She and her grandmother were both married to the same emperor, and her grandmother was crowned empress dowager in the harem, and she was lonely

The empress mentioned here is the White Moonlight Fucha Empress of Qianlong, who was born on March 28, 1712. Her family, the Fucha clan, was also one of the best among the Manchu nobles, and her uncle Ma Wu was also called "the most blessed person of the holy family" by Yongzheng. According to the recollections of the Fucha family's descendants, when Yongzheng was still a prince, he suddenly went to fucha mansion one day, because he was too anxious for fucha to avoid it, and he was bumped by Yongzheng. Yongzheng saw that there were some handwritten scriptures on the table, felt that the writing was very good, and also felt that it was very Ouyang Inquiry and Liu Gongquan's style, so he asked who wrote it.

Hearing that it was written by Li Rongbao's daughter, she asked who the elderly teacher was, and after some conversation, Yongzheng felt that the rich cha family's style was generous and erudite. If you think about it, the big family of Fucha will certainly not be too bad. Yongzheng also asked Fu cha some questions about politics, and found that she was familiar with the history of history and had her own opinions. So after returning the invitation, he told Yan Fujin and his third, fourth, and fifth brothers that this nine-year-old Gege was very good.

She and her grandmother were both married to the same emperor, and her grandmother was crowned empress dowager in the harem, and she was lonely

On July 18, 1727, the fifth year of Yongzheng (1727), Yongzheng married Fucha on behalf of the emperor's fourth son, Hongli. Although it was a marriage appointed by his father, Hongli had a good relationship with the Fucha clan, and even after ascending the throne, empress Dowager Fucha of the six palaces was still not snubbed. When Yongzheng was eighty-seven years old, he still remembered the beauty of when he married Empress Fucha seventy years ago, and when Yongzheng was eleven years old, Yongzheng gave Hongli the title of Changchun resident. After ascending the throne, in order to show his love, he put the place where the empress lived in Changchun Palace and Changchun Xianguan that matched his name.

She and her grandmother were both married to the same emperor, and her grandmother was crowned empress dowager in the harem, and she was lonely

It is a pity that Empress Fucha did not live long, and on March 11, 13th year of Qianlong, Empress Fucha died in Shandong. Qianlong was very heartbroken, which also became the beginning of a great change in his personality, after which Qianlong wrote countless poems in his long life to express his White Moonlight Fucha Empress. Empress Fucha's family, Qianlong, was also very fond of him, and Fu Heng and Fu Kang'an were rare non-clan members of the Qing Dynasty. But the strange thing is that Qianlong was quite cold to Concubine Jin, who was the grandson of Empress Fucha, who was from the Fucha family and was the granddaughter of Empress Fucha's grandfather.

She and her grandmother were both married to the same emperor, and her grandmother was crowned empress dowager in the harem, and she was lonely

According to the generations, she was the granddaughter of Empress Fucha, and if Empress Fucha was still alive, Princess Jin would privately call her grandmother. The first appearance of the Jin nobles on the archives should be Jiaqing three years, and she should be the concubine selected by the Jiaqing Emperor for Qianlong in the three years of Jiaqing. That is to say, the Jin nobles were much younger than Qianlong, and they were also favored for a while after entering the palace, but I don't know why Qianlong did not call her later. However, due to the relationship between the Jin nobles and Empress Fucha, there was no material shortage of her, and the life of the Jin nobles like a cold palace was destined to live for a lifetime. On the third day of the first lunar month of the fourth year of Jiaqing (February 7, 1799), the Jin nobles died just one year after entering the palace.

She and her grandmother were both married to the same emperor, and her grandmother was crowned empress dowager in the harem, and she was lonely

Jin Guiren was not favored in her life except for the short days when she first entered the palace, and she could not remarry. She could only spend a lonely life in the imperial palace, and her father also participated in the compilation of the Records of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty after Qianlong's death. She was pathetic, compared with her grandmother's empress Fucha's lifelong favor, she was not much favored in her life, and entering the palace may not be what she wanted, and not entering the palace according to her origin would not be too bad to marry.


Draft history of the Qing Dynasty




Records of Emperor Xuanzong of the Qing Dynasty, Records of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty

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