
Happy healthy | eat, sleep, play, move, and have a healthy year together!

Happy healthy | eat, sleep, play, move, and have a healthy year together!

It's New Year's New Year' soon! Eat well, sleep regularly, play reasonably, exercise in moderation, and have a healthy year together!

First, eat

The first meaning of the New Year, of course, is to eat and eat. After a whole year of hard work, the rare Spring Festival holiday should certainly be made up for, how can I eat delicious and healthy?

1. Eat less fatty meats, fats and sweets

If you eat too much fat, fat and sweets, your intake of energy, fat and cholesterol will also increase significantly, which may cause or aggravate hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, fatty liver and obesity.

It is recommended to eat less fatty meat, fat and sweets, and replace them with vegetables, fruits, fish, shrimp, lean meat, etc. Daily cooking using vegetable oil, the total amount does not exceed 25 ml; daily meat is controlled within 3 two, mainly lean meat; meat is preferred for fish and shrimp, followed by peeled chicken and duck, and finally choose beef and mutton; one meal is greasy, and the next meal is as light as possible.

Happy healthy | eat, sleep, play, move, and have a healthy year together!

2. Reduce purine intake

If purine intake is excessive, it increases the risk of hyperuricemia and gout. Foods containing purines (150-1000 mg per 100 grams of purine) include: various types of animal offal, sardines, anchovies, roe, broth, etc. If gout is acute, you can only eat eggs, refined flour and vegetables with less purines, eat more fruits, and drink plenty of water. For patients with chronic gout, 1 boiled egg, 250 ml of milk (optional skim milk) and no more than 100 grams of white meat (such as peeled chicken) can be eaten daily, and meat can also be boiled with water and eaten in soup to reduce purine intake.

3. Do not overeat, eat seven or eight full meals

If you consume a large amount of food rich in energy, protein, fat and sugar at one time, not only will most of the nutrients (such as protein, etc.) not be fully absorbed, but also may cause acute gastric dilation, induce acute gastroenteritis, acute gastric ulcer perforation, and even induce heart disease, acute pancreatitis and so on. Don't overeat, just eat seven or eight minutes at each meal.

4. Use male chopsticks with a male spoon

Eating with your family during the holidays, make it a habit to use chopsticks and spoons. The infection rate of Helicobacter pylori in mainland China is nearly 60%, which is the culprit of stomach cancer, and the use of male chopsticks can effectively prevent infection with Helicobacter pylori.

Second, sleep

1. Stay up late less

Sleeping too little can make people feel tired and unable to concentrate. Even if you Chinese New Year's Eve keep the age, don't go to bed too late, especially the elderly over 60 years old, people with chronic diseases, preschool children, etc. Do not stay up late, and maintain adequate sleep.

2. Don't sleep too much

Sleeping too much is not good, it may disturb the normal biological clock, and the body is uncomfortable. Lying in bed for too long is also easy to get groggy, and it is generally enough for adults to sleep for seven or eight hours.

3. Take a nap for half an hour and be more energetic

Napping is a very efficient form of sleep that eliminates fatigue and improves immunity. At the same time, it should be noted that the nap can not sleep too long, sleeping for half an hour is enough, can make people more energetic. People's sleep can be divided into light sleep and deep sleep two stages, the average person after falling asleep for more than 30 minutes, from light sleep to deep sleep stage, at this time the end of sleep will feel uncomfortable or even more sleepy, so nap for half an hour is enough.

Three, play

Happy healthy | eat, sleep, play, move, and have a healthy year together!

1. Rational use of eyes to prevent myopia

Holiday drama chasing, brushing videos, staring at mobile phones and computer screens for a long time, it is easy to cause eye fatigue. To use the eyes reasonably, a continuous close-up eye time should not be too long, with the eyes for about 30 minutes should rest, look far away for a while, so that the eyes fully rest. You can also do eye exercises, or take hot compresses to relieve dry eyes and eye fatigue.

2. Reduce aggregation

At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is grim, and the Spring Festival holiday should also pay attention to protection, minimize gathering, protect yourself, and protect family and friends.

3. Be optimistic about the weather

It is expected that during the Spring Festival holiday (January 31 to February 6), the mainland will be weak and cold air activity, most of the north is mainly sunny to cloudy, the temperature is close to the perennial, and the south is low temperature rainy and snowy weather.

The north is sunny and cold, snow drifts in some areas, the temperature is low, and the public needs to keep warm; the rain and snow in the south are mixed, wet and cold attack, the temperature is low and obvious, especially in South China, where the rain is frequent, and travel needs to pay attention to anti-slip.

Happy healthy | eat, sleep, play, move, and have a healthy year together!

Fourth, move

1. Get plenty of sun

Proper sun exposure in winter can promote the body's synthesis of active vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. Patients with osteoporosis are showing a younger trend, rooted in calcium deficiency, and the absorption and utilization of calcium requires active vitamin D. Human skin can synthesize vitamin D, but it can only form active vitamin D after being exposed to sunlight and metabolizing by the liver.

2. Exercise in moderation

A small number of activities can be performed every day, and sufficient warm-up and stretching can be carried out before and after exercise. Do some of your favorite exercise, be happy and control your holiday weight.

However, it is not recommended to go out too early in the winter for morning exercise. Winter outdoor exercise is best selected after the sun rises, when there is a noticeable warmth, and it is more suitable after about 9 am.

(Some of the content of this article is synthesized from the People's Daily and China Weather Network; the word "Fu" in the article was created by Guo Qiang, a reporter of Workers' Daily)

Happy healthy | eat, sleep, play, move, and have a healthy year together!

Workers Daily client "Le Health" No. 180

Editor of this issue: Wu Lirong Cheng Lu

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