
Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

author:Duan Yiming

Oswald Schwartz once said, "An unhappy marriage is tantamount to living in hell." ”

Many people may have heard a saying that a woman's marriage is equivalent to the second reincarnation, and it is necessary to find the right person to embrace happiness, in fact, this statement also applies to men, marrying the right person to live a happy little life, on the contrary, it will make their life into misfortune.

Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

The case of Zhang Zhijun's brutal killing of his son-in-law's family of three who defected to his daughter was finally settled, and he was sentenced to death for deliberately killing people with a knife, so what vendetta did the son-in-law's family have with Zhang Zhijun? Why did he lay down his dead hand?

This unpredictable human tragedy is probably the most thorough analysis of human nature.

01, the beginning of the tragedy

Zhang Zhijun killed with a knife on January 10, 2019, and the victims were his son-in-law Zou Shuo, 33, his father Zou Chenghai, 58, and his mother, Yang Huifen, 57.

Before this bad incident, Zou Shuo had been kicked out of his house by his father-in-law for a year, and many people may wonder why Zou Shuo, as the owner of the house, was thrown out of the house by his father-in-law? What happened between him and his father-in-law? What role did his wife play in this incident?

Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

To know all this, one might have to start at the source of the tragedy.

Zou Shuo comes from the countryside, is a northeast boy, his parents are teachers in the village, teaching for 30 years, there has never been any flaws, has been sticking to his post, won a lot of outstanding teacher honors.

In life, the Zou couple is particularly frugal, never spend money indiscriminately, do not buy new clothes every New Year's Festival, mobile phones are still very old styles, the family has not added any decent furniture, and all the money earned is saved for their son.

Zou Shuo graduated from a junior college, his wife Zhang Yu was his classmate, and the relationship between the two did not get the consent of the woman's parents from the beginning.

Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

The Zhang family hated the man's origin, thinking that he was just a rural person, completely unworthy of his daughter, hoping that the daughter could find a rich or powerful family to marry, but at that time, Zhang Yu had fallen in love and could not hear the advice of his parents.

Later, the two graduated, Zhang Yu was arranged to work in a company in Pengzhou, Chengdu, Sichuan, and Zou Shuo was transferred to Wuhan to work, in order not to be separated from his girlfriend, Zou Shuo gave up his job in Wuhan and went to Chengdu to work.

However, because of work reasons, Zou Shuo often travels on business, and once he leaves, he will be less than half a month, and it is particularly hard, in addition, Zou Shuo's salary is not as good as Zhang Yu, so the Zhang family is not satisfied with it.

But Zou Shuo, who was also in love at the time, believed that as long as he worked hard, his girlfriend's parents should approve of him.

In June 2013, the two parents of the woman received a marriage license.

Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

Zhang Yu's idea is that as long as the raw rice is fried and mature, the parents can not make it difficult for her, indeed, the Zhang family parents did not blame their daughter, but blamed all this on Zou Shuo.

When getting married, the marriage room, wedding car, etc. are all the money from the Zou family, and these money are saved by the Zou family's parents for most of their lives, and Zou Shuo has also added tens of thousands, and the woman has not paid a penny.

The idea of the Zou family's parents is very simple, their sons married other daughters, the money is deserved, only hope that the days of these two families can be more and more prosperous, but the reality is that the Zhang family feels that the man's money is justified, and even they think that their daughter married to the Zou family is a loss-making transaction.

The union of this marriage was not the beginning of a good relationship, but the beginning of a nightmare.

02, people are good and deceived

Although the daughter has received a marriage license and the Parents of the Zhang family have no choice, in their hearts, they have never regarded Zou Shuo as a family, so their attitude towards Zou Shuo is particularly bad.

Seeing the situation, the zou family's parents are still very uncomfortable in their hearts, but for the happiness of their sons, plus the Zou family are all generous people, so the old couple took out all their savings and did their best to give the little two a better material life.

Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

At first, the two children were particularly happy, but since the wife took the old man's family to live together, there was a slight rift in the relationship between the two.

At that time, the wife told Zou Shuo that she wanted to take her parents to live with them, first, her parents were old, and it was convenient to take care of them when they moved in, second, her parents were very uncomfortable living with her sister and could not get along with her brother-in-law, and third, Zou Shuo often traveled on business, and her parents lived with her and she also had a care.

Because it was his wife's pleading, and Because Zou Shuo thought that if his wife's parents moved in, they would slowly approve of him by getting along day and night, so he agreed without much consideration.

But what he didn't expect was that the arrival of his father-in-law and mother-in-law was his real nightmare.

As soon as they moved in, their father-in-law and mother-in-law acted particularly arrogant, as if they regarded the house bought by the Zou family as their own home, and they often took advantage of the fact that their son-in-law Zou Shuo was on a business trip to say bad things about their son-in-law's ear.

Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

It is not that Zou Shuo has been on a business trip for so long, there must be a problem, that is, the daughter should not have married Zou Shuo in the first place, otherwise her life after marriage would not have to live so tightly.

Slowly, Zhang Yu listened to these provocative words of her parents, especially after the two had children, before there were no children, Zhang Yu only used to go to work every day, and after work, she could rest well, as long as her husband was at home, housework, etc. were all done by her husband, she was completely a miss of a thousand gold who did not stick to the spring water of the yang, and only waited for people to serve.

Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

But after the arrival of the child, because of the husband's work, she needs to travel frequently, and the travel time is very long, at this time, Zhang Yu needs to take care of the child, for a time, her good life seems to come to an end.

It was also at this time that her parents became more intense in their ears, all kinds of crusades against the son-in-law Zou Shuo, and even instigated the daughter and son-in-law to divorce, so that he could get out of the house Obviously, at this time, Zhang Yu's parents had long forgotten that the house and car where their daughter and son-in-law lived were all bought by the Zou family.

What is even more excessive is that the Zhang family, while accusing Zou Shuo of being incompetent, unscrupulously accepted the Zou family's payment, and even took it for granted, at that time, Zhang Yu's brother also borrowed 50,000 yuan from Zou Shuo, so far he has not repaid it, not even mentioned it.

However, for such Zou Shuo, the Zhang family was still very dissatisfied, and even thought it was taken for granted.

In August 2017, the wife suddenly withdrew 140,000 yuan from her husband's joint deposit, her reason was to use the money for daily expenses, but in fact, the use of this money was not the case, and later, for this matter, the Zhang family clashed with Zou Shuo again, and Zhang Yu's brother beat up his brother-in-law.

However, even so, Zou Shuo still chose to forgive.

Who ever thought that his patience and swallowing this time in exchange for the other party's intensification, after more than two months, Zou Shuo, who had been out for more than half a month, found that his door lock had been changed, and his quilts, clothes, etc. were all thrown outside, and then, the Zhang family directly ordered that Zou Shuo was not allowed to go home.

Forced to be helpless, Zou Shuo could only be forced to pick up his own things and find a 500 yuan monthly rental house to live temporarily.

Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

But at this time, his wife and father-in-law and mother-in-law were living in a house of more than 100 square meters that he had paid for, while as the owner of the house, he was thrown out of the house.

03. The father-in-law brutally killed the son-in-law's family of three

Not long after, Zhang Yu, who had long been brainwashed by her parents, filed for divorce to her former lover and asked her husband to leave the house, the reason she gave was that she raised her daughter herself, and Zou Shuo would not contact them again in the future, but she had to give her daughter more than a thousand maintenance fees every month, and the house and car were all used for her to cover her daughter's maintenance.

Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

At first, Zou Shuo still wanted to try to save his marriage with his wife, but the old man forced his wife to die, coercing his wife to divorce the marriage, and Zou Shuo could not take away a penny, even if the house and car were bought by the Zou family.

Slowly, Zou Shuo also saw the Zhang family clearly, and more understood that his marriage with his wife was coming to an end, and in November 2017, Zou Shuo asked to go to court and apply for divorce, but because the two children were not yet one year old, in the end, the divorce lawsuit was not heard.

In February 2018, Zhang Yu privately sold the car that Zou Shuo's parents bought for their son at a low price.

In June, Zhang Yu filed a divorce application with the court again, but she did not know why, and not long after, she withdrew the lawsuit again.

Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

Two months later, Zou Shuo also filed a divorce lawsuit with the local court, he agreed that his wife would raise his daughter and would also pay maintenance, but hoped that his wife's brother could return the 50,000 yuan he had borrowed before, as for the property, Zou Shuo believed that it should be judged by law.

However, the court gave a judgment not to divorce on the grounds that the relationship between the two was not completely broken.

At the same time, Zhang Yu's father bought a bone-cutting knife, and afterwards, his account was that it was used to pick sheep bones, because he was afraid of children touching it, so he would hide it in the closet all the time.

In January 2019, the Zou family's parents, worried about their son and granddaughter, rushed from a long way to Chengdu to save money and bought a hard seat on the train.

Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

After arriving, Zou Shuo first took his mother to the hospital to see a doctor, and then took his parents to the marriage house that the Zou family had paid for before, at that time, Zhang Yu was not at home, and there were only Zou family parents at home.

However, this time it was a farewell.

After the incident, Zhang Zhijun claimed that if it were not for the Zou family robbing the child, he would not have killed people passionately, but the reason why he did this was to protect the child.

However, after identification, it was found that Zou Shuo was hit by 4 knives, his mother had 3 knives and his father had 1 knife, and the knife was fatal, which did not look like passionate killing, but more like a long-planned plan.

Zhang Zhijun instigated his daughter to divorce and rob the family property, and brutally killed the son-in-law's family: his evil could not be forgiven

Isso has this to say: "Some people want more because they are greedy, but they lose everything." ”

If the Parents of the Zhang Family did not want so much and chose to slowly accept their son-in-law, perhaps this human tragedy would not have happened.

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