
The beauty of Huang Binhong's ink bamboo!

The beauty of Huang Binhong's ink bamboo!

Huang Binhong Lanzhu 20×30cm

Huang Binhong has always been known for his landscape paintings of "Thick Huazi", and on the occasion of the gathering of famous artists of "a thousand years of fresh wind" ink bamboo, the Zhejiang Museum has sorted out the collection of Huang Binhong and ink bamboo related to the collection. These collections epitomize Huang Binhong's methods and attitudes of learning from the ancients, artistic creation and thinking, collection and appraisal, etc.

Huang Binhong began to paint at the age of 4, huang father bent down to catch his wrist, so that the painting of plum blossom branches and bamboo leaves, full of paper, pencil and ink. Father Huang smiled at his relatives and friends, "Here I have understanding and can learn to paint." ”

According to records, Father Huang himself often drew plum bamboo, and wrote dozens of papers on bamboo days. Although Huang Binhong's lifelong painting of bamboo is far less than that of landscape paintings, bamboo paintings in his early years are often used to embellish flowers and chat for self-amusement. Middle-aged and three-five friends Yaji Qixing cooperation landscape, flower drawings nowadays occasionally have ink bamboo.

The beauty of Huang Binhong's ink bamboo!

Huang Binhong Bamboo Stone Figure 90×34cm

In the north of the usual time, Huang Binhong planted a cluster of thin bamboo in the land of three feet, and composed the "Bamboo North Oak Picture Scroll" to wish himself peace on the occasion of his return to the south. After settling in Qixialing, Hangzhou, Huang Binhong made a number of "Plum Bamboo Maps" to distribute to friends.

The beauty of Huang Binhong's ink bamboo!

Huang Binhong Meizhu 33×34cm

Huang Binhong not only painted bamboo, but also tasted and admired the famous ink bamboo traces of famous artists in the past. Zhejiang Bo has Huang Binhong's calligraphy "On Po Gong Bamboo" and "Record Li Yan Xi Zhai Painting Bamboo Notation". When Huang Binhong participated in the compilation of the "Fine Arts Series", he included many articles related to bamboo themes, such as "Bamboo Notation of Li Xizhai", "Bamboo Inscription of Dongxin Painting", "Bamboo Record of Zhang Huigong", "Bamboo School of Wenhu Prefecture", "Ink Relics of Mei Daoren" and so on.

While editing the text, Huang Binhong also re-rationalized his thinking and clarified his own views. Among the large number of manuscripts he has left behind, there are commentaries on the paintings of Wu Zhen, Ni Zhan, Wang Fu, Ke Jiusi, Su Shi, Lin Lingsu, Han Nongxin, Xia Chang, Wu Yujie, Song Huizong and other 20 or 30 people.

The beauty of Huang Binhong's ink bamboo!

Ming Chen Qin Bamboo stone diagram axis

Collection of the Palace Museum

The beauty of Huang Binhong's ink bamboo!

Huang Binhong Linwen with ink bamboo chart axis

The beauty of Huang Binhong's ink bamboo!

【Linwu Town Ink Bamboo Painting Manuscript】Collection of Zhejiang Provincial Museum

【Lin cui yao ink bamboo painting draft】Zhejiang Provincial Museum collection

Through these lightly sounded paintings, we can boldly speculate that perhaps similar to the study of calligraphy, Huang Binhong's painting of bamboo is not in bamboo, but as a practice of tempering pen and ink, pursuing pure innocence and conveying the pen and ink interest outside the image.

Huang Binhong painted bamboo works to appreciate

The beauty of Huang Binhong's ink bamboo!
The beauty of Huang Binhong's ink bamboo!
The beauty of Huang Binhong's ink bamboo!
The beauty of Huang Binhong's ink bamboo!

【Article Source: Network】

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The beauty of Huang Binhong's ink bamboo!

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