
Tesla CEO Musk's internal email flowed out: Support employees to go to work and listen to music

A few days ago, a "Notice on Penalties for Violating employee codes of conduct" from Gome caused a hot discussion on the Internet! Several of the more excessive fish-touching employee behaviors were reported.

Tesla CEO Musk's internal email flowed out: Support employees to go to work and listen to music

Among them, there are two such bulletins, a NetEase Cloud Music 22.5G. A cool dog music 1.1G. Will the workers feel that listening to songs is also a fish?

Today, there was an email that Tesla CEO Musk had previously sent to the company's employees.

The email shows that Musk supports factory employees to listen to music at work.

"I'm very supportive of putting music in the factory and any little interactions that make work more enjoyable."

This is an internal all-staff email sent in early October this year. Musk said in the first email that employees can listen to music with one earbud while working and focus on safety-related issues with the other ear. The second sternly worded email reminded employees that when Musk gave instructions, there were only three options: explain why Musk's claims were wrong, or ask Musk for further verification, and the third was to actually implement them.

Original text of the October 3 email:

"I just want to say that I'm very supportive of playing music in the factory and any little interactions that make the work more enjoyable. A colleague just sent me a message asking if I could listen to music with one earbud so the other ear could focus on safety. That sounds good. In addition, as long as there is resonance between colleagues, the ambient music played by the speakers is also good. If you think there are other things that can be effective in improving your day's work, please let me know. I hope you look forward to coming to work every day! ”

October 4 Email Original Text:

"If I send an email with clear instructions, managers can only behave in three ways. 1. Email me back explaining why I'm not saying it right, sometimes I'm completely wrong. 2. If what I say is unclear, please check further. 3. Follow the direction I say. If the above points are not done, the relevant manager will immediately resign and leave. ”

Theoretically, even capitalists and farmers know that by listening to music to cows, their milk production will increase; by listening to music to hens, they will lay more eggs. Workers should not be so sensitive to listening to music when they go to work!

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