
Jet Li's successor, why is An Zhijie only a supporting role? Will the Green Leaf Villain star in Wolf Warrior 3?

author:Secret Quest

In this society that looks at the appearance, women like Peng Yuyan, men like An Zhijie, many people may ask, why do men like An Zhijie? From the perspective of a man, An Zhijie not only has a handsome appearance, but also has the fortitude that men in this era lack, as wild and sexy as the jaguar of the Americas, and is the ideal "boyfriend" in the hearts of countless men, so An Zhijie also has the name of "Asian Brad Pitt", but An Zhijie, who has such a superior appearance, has been tepid since his debut 18 years ago, so in the public's mind, An Zhijie has always been a golden supporting role with excellent appearance. And An Zhijie, who was originally Jet Li's successor, why did he go high and low in this life, this issue followed Ah Jing to explore his story

Jet Li's successor, why is An Zhijie only a supporting role? Will the Green Leaf Villain star in Wolf Warrior 3?

Born in the United States in 77, An Zhijie has been a kung fu fan since childhood, often imitating kung fu in the play, and An Zhijie, who was originally a bartender in the millennium, quit his job at the suggestion of a friend, and embarked on the journey back to China with the dream of an actor, just shooting some advertisements at the beginning. In 2002, An Zhijie, who was full of loose hormones, was discovered by Huaqiang, and signed a ten-year contract with "China Star", and the first film after that was replaced by Li Lian's outstanding performance in "Black Man 2" directed by Xu Ke, Jet Li attracted the attention of international filmmakers because he created the classic image in "Black Man", An Zhijie's starting point can be said to be super high, and was built by Xu Ke as Jet Li's successor.

Jet Li's successor, why is An Zhijie only a supporting role? Will the Green Leaf Villain star in Wolf Warrior 3?

Before the filming of the movie, An Zhijie went to the Shaolin Temple for a month of martial arts training, and also got the guidance of Jet Li, but after all, An Zhijie did not systematically learn martial arts, martial arts can not be completed overnight, a science fiction film "Black Man 2" by editing, did not bring him any popularity, in the same year, he and Shu Qi partnered to star in Lin Lingdong's "Chess Opponent", as the male number one. During this period, An Zhijie received more martial arts training, laying the foundation for him to become a new generation of film martial arts stars. In 2004, An Zhijie once overshadowed the limelight of starring with the role of tank in "Young A Tiger", winning the "Best New Actor Award" and "Future Superstar Award", and in the same year, he starred in "New Police Story" with Jackie Chan Wu Yanzu. Later, Jackie Chan also said that the fight scenes filmed by An Zhijie in the play were quite enjoyable.

Jet Li's successor, why is An Zhijie only a supporting role? Will the Green Leaf Villain star in Wolf Warrior 3?

In 2007, he and Xie Tingfeng Wu Jing starred in "The True Colors of Boys" in Tianyang Yi, although only a supporting role Although he is one of the thieves, he is a person who hovers between conscience and sin, An Zhijie through a variety of subtle performances to speak unhurriedly and slowly, portraying the characters very well, so far Ah Jing's deepest impression is Tianyang Yi. After that, he starred in "Three Kingdoms Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi An Zhijie has created many villain images, the villain role he plays is full of toughness, and the character personality is clear and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that the audience sees An Zhijie, and has always been afraid that the protagonist will not be able to beat the villain.

Jet Li's successor, why is An Zhijie only a supporting role? Will the Green Leaf Villain star in Wolf Warrior 3?

When filming "Special Identity" in 13 years, due to the break between Zhao Wenzhuo and the crew, it was finally decided to be played by An Zhijie, who played the black boss with his own aura, and Zhen Zidan's fight scene was quite wonderful, always letting people pinch a sweat for Zhen Zidan as the protagonist. In 14 years of "Vicious War", he played the underworld leader Long Qi, who was also good and evil, charming and domineering, his acting skills were explosive and had his own aura, and he was cold in his bones, which made people shudder, and once had the title of "villain professional household". Handsome and tough An Zhijie is naturally indispensable to the love of girls, because of the filming of the MV and The Queen of Heaven Li Wei met in 2002, a year later Li Wei could not accept An Zhijie's childish and clingy breakup.

Jet Li's successor, why is An Zhijie only a supporting role? Will the Green Leaf Villain star in Wolf Warrior 3?

In 2008, he fell in love with Xie Tingting, and xie Tingting, in the filming of "Three Kingdoms Zhizhi No See the Dragon Unloading Armor", due to the negligence of the stuntman, An Zhijie's mouth was injured, leaving a scar, according to Xie Tingting, it was precisely because of this scar that he fell in love with An Zhijie, just when everyone thought that the two could go to the end, the news of the two breaking up in 13 years, there were rumors that the third party intervened, and there were also rumors that An Zhijie pushed out Wong Kar-wai's "Generation Grandmaster" that lasted eight years because he liked to play games. Giving up the Academy Award film emperor, In 14 years, An Zhijie and model Jessica had a love affair because of the drama when filming "Corpse City", and married in 16 years, and now have a son and a daughter, and the family lives a happy life.

Jet Li's successor, why is An Zhijie only a supporting role? Will the Green Leaf Villain star in Wolf Warrior 3?

Ah Jing has seen An Zhijie's works, which is not difficult to find that An Zhijie's own image is resolute, but a delicate Hong Kong and Taiwan cavity, and his own image is completely incompatible, it is easy for the audience to Chinese New Year's Eve, so for the literary drama part with lines, An Zhijie has been extremely difficult, coupled with too much Western color in his performance, which makes us as Asians look extremely uncomfortable, so the play path is very narrow, most of them are supporting roles, but they can always cover the limelight of the starring role, although An Zhijie is not a very popular actor, The roles he can play can always penetrate the hearts of the people and is a very prolific actor. It is said that "Wolf Warrior 3" also has An Zhijie's appearance, and Ah Jing is also looking forward to his wonderful interpretation, what role do you think An Zhijie will play in "Wolf Warrior III"?

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