
Hammered! You bought it from Daddy Crazy Mall and gave you two balloons

author:The first day of the rest of life a
Hammered! You bought it from Daddy Crazy Mall and gave you two balloons

There are many babies who will become thousands of babies when they are three or four years old, in their world everything needs to be asked to the end, many questions are also very nonsensical, especially when the baby asks mom and dad where she came from, many babies and moms have no way to answer, with their cognition, you can't tell him about fertility and physiology. Yesterday with the baby's mother to visit the mall, holding the baby tired, and then stole a little lazy, by the way to take a few photos.

Hammered! You bought it from Daddy Crazy Mall and gave you two balloons

New listing, 29 dollars

So I put it in the processing cabinet and rested for a while

It is estimated that the processing cabinet is a sweater, and the baby is quite comfortable in sleep


The story happens

Dad also saw more than one, another 39 [cover his face], I don't know if it is produced by the same business?

Hammered! You bought it from Daddy Crazy Mall and gave you two balloons

This is also new

Tangled for half a day, carefully looked at half a day, found that there seems to be no difference at all, saving 10 yuan can also help you buy a few pieces of diapers, hey! Two balloons were also sent

Hammered! You bought it from Daddy Crazy Mall and gave you two balloons

I love this pair of balloon mom and dad

Without saying a word, pack home [Amu] [Ador] [Ador] [Ador] [Ador] [Ador]

Hammered! You bought it from Daddy Crazy Mall and gave you two balloons

Daddy's trunk compartment is just enough for you to sleep

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