
Wiggins on Cumminga's first double-double: He's been improving The sky is his limit

Wiggins on Cumminga's first double-double: He's been improving The sky is his limit

Live Bar Jan. 19 Today, the Warriors beat the Pistons 102-86 at home.

Wiggins spoke of teammate Cumminga's first double-double after the game: "It's fantastic, he's a good boy, he deserves it. He's improving every game. The previous road trip was very important to him, and I feel like he has grown a lot and learned a lot. Now he must move on. The sky is his limit. ”

In this game, Cumminga scored his first career double-double, scoring 12 points, 10 boards, 1 assist and 1 steal. Warriors forward Wiggins scored 19 points, 3 boards, 1 assist, 3 breaks and 1 cap.

It is worth mentioning that Wiggins has praised Cuminga more than once that "the sky is his limit".

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