
In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children

author:History Revealing Archives

On the morning of April 11, 1994, a villager who got up early to take his children to school was passing by a pond in Luchong Village, Jingshan County, Hubei Province.

After delivering the children, it was already dark, and the villagers rushed home to work in the fields, so the pace was slightly faster, but at this time.

A black shadow suddenly appeared at the edge of the pond, and when the villager saw this black shadow, he was very curious, so he was ready to go forward to investigate.

But after the villagers saw what the black shadow was, they were immediately frightened to the ground, and it took them half a day to ease up, and then shouted "Dead man!" ”

The villager's shouts attracted the attention of the crowd, and then immediately called the police, so what is the identity of the corpse seen by this villager? Was the murder finally solved?

Let's take a closer look at this old case, to understand a tragic case that was wronged for eleven years and led to the destruction of the family.

Now let's turn back the clock to January 20, 1994, in The Village of Lüchong in Jingshan County, Hubei Province, there was a couple with a husband named She Xianglin and a wife named Zhang Zaiyu.

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children

She Xianglin

The two have been married for many years and have a daughter, originally the family lived happily together, and there was no quarrel on weekdays, but an accident broke this tranquility.

She Xianglin married Zhang Zaiyu in 1986, a patrol officer at the local police station and a worker at a machinery factory.

The two were introduced to each other, although they gave birth to a daughter after marriage, but because of She Xianglin's work, most of the husband and wife gathered less and left more, and She Xianglin often lived alone.

Because he lived alone outside, She Xianglin's heart felt a burst of emptiness and loneliness, and for a long time, She Xianglin was contaminated with some bad hobbies.

In She Xianglin's long years of living alone, he gradually became friends with a young lady surnamed Chen, and the two people later had a relationship.

As time passed, She Xianglin and the woman surnamed Chen got closer and closer, and in the end, the woman surnamed Chen often stayed in She Xianglin's house for the night.

But in the end, the paper could not contain the fire, the number of times the two lived together overnight was too frequent, so that they were bumped into many times by their fellow villagers, and the matter of She Xianglin raising Miss outside was gradually spread in Lü Chong Village.

Although both husband and wife had formal jobs, the annual income was not low at the time, so there was still some savings in the family.

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children

However, when She Xianglin got along with this woman surnamed Chen, he began to spend money lavishly, constantly buying things for the woman surnamed Chen to please her.

After coming and going, the little savings in the family were also squandered by She Xianglin, and at this time, She Xianglin's derailment of Miss Baoyang was also boiling over.

After his wife Zhang Zaiyu learned of this incident, he immediately broke out into a fierce quarrel with her husband She Xianglin, and Zhang Zaiyu constantly accused She Xianglin and asked him to break up with the woman surnamed Chen immediately.

However, I don't know what She Xianglin thinks, and instead of accepting his wife's suggestion, he continues to keep in touch with the woman surnamed Chen, for which the couple has had many fierce quarrels.

In the eyes of the villagers of Lüchong Village, She Xianglin's wife Zhang Zaiyu is a rare good daughter-in-law, with a beautiful appearance, fashionable dress, and a high school graduate.

Therefore, although the villagers did not say anything on the surface, they kept saying behind their backs, She Xianglin did not know how to cherish, and kept feeling sorry for Zhang Zaiyu.

A long quarrel not only has a serious impact on both husband and wife, but also causes irreparable damage to the young soul of the daughter, and every time she sees her parents arguing, the daughter will cry unceasingly on the side.

With the slow passage of time, this matter became more and more noisy, and later under the pressure of his wife's mother's family and his own relatives, She Xianglin broke off contact with the woman surnamed Chen and no longer lived alone outside.

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children


Although She Xianglin's prodigal son turned back, this incident still brought serious harm to his wife Zhang Zaiyu, especially mental harm.

Under the long quarrel and the fact that her husband cheated, his wife Zhang Zaiyu had serious mental problems and suffered from mental illness.

When there is no episode of mental illness, everything looks very normal, but once Zhang Zaiyu has a psychotic attack, Zhang Zaiyu will not be able to remember things, and when it is serious, he can't even remember what his name is, where his home is.

Moreover, after Zhang Zaiyu became ill, he would walk around randomly, sometimes a little better in the village, it was easy to be found, and then notify She Xianglin to take it back.

But sometimes, the disease is particularly serious, it will run outside the village, and once, Zhang Zaiyu fell ill again, and ran to the outside of the village with a brain.

Fortunately, some villagers saw Zhang Zaiyu working in the fields, recognized Zhang Zaiyu, and quickly pulled her aside, left the farm work and sent Zhang Zaiyu back.

Therefore, after Zhang Zaiyu's multiple illnesses, She Xianglin's mother also began to watch every day, afraid that Zhang Zaiyu would fall ill again one day and run away, and there would be some accidents.

The time lasted until 1994, on the evening of January 20 of that year, She Xianglin and Zhang Zaiyu once again broke out into a fierce quarrel over some trivial matters.

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children

As usual, after the parents quarreled, the daughter hid in the arms of the grandmother, crying quietly, and I don't know how long it took for the couple to stop arguing.

His wife Zhang Zaiyu was really angry, and when she walked out of the house in anger, she saw her wife leaving the house, and her husband She Xianglin was angry, so she didn't care.

However, after a night, his wife Zhang Zaiyu did not return, which made She Xianglin feel a little anxious, but at that time, She Xianglin still thought that his wife had run back to her mother's house, so although she was anxious, she did not go too far to her heart.

However, it was not until noon that his wife did not return, and She Xianglin realized that there was something wrong, so he hurried to his wife's mother's house.

However, when She Xianglin came to the home of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he was told that his wife Zhang Zaiyu had not returned, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law also advised She Xianglin not to argue with her daughter anymore.

She Xianglin thought that this was broken, so he quickly told the second elder about yesterday's events, hoping that they could help them find Zhang Zaiyu's whereabouts.

The second elder was very angry when he heard it, but it was important to find his daughter at the moment, so he did not have time to scold She Xianglin, so he called his son and relatives to look for it together.

She Xianglin also returned to Lü Chong Village to inquire about the villagers, hoping that someone could provide some clues, but asking around for no results.

This also made She Xianglin anxious to catch fire, and began to constantly search for the trace of his wife Zhang Zaiyu, but after more than a week, Zhang Zaiyu still had no trace.

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children

After getting out of prison

Although She Xianglin reported to the police at the first time he found out that Zhang Zaiyu was missing, the local police also carried out several rounds of investigation, and the result was the same, and Zhang Zaiyu's whereabouts could not be found.

So some people in the village are speculating whether Zhang Zaiyu is "crazy" and ran out alone and was abducted by human traffickers?

This speculation has a certain truth, because everyone in the village knows that Zhang Zaiyu has mental problems, and the public security environment at that time was not as good as it is now, and the criminal behavior of human trafficking by human traffickers was rampant.

Therefore, many people agree with this speculation, thinking that Zhang Zaiyu's "madness" was committed, when it was dark, she was another person, and it was likely that she was abducted and sold by human traffickers.

Over time, She Xianglin's family also gradually felt that there was a certain truth in this statement, and the police, after filing the case, also said that they could only continue to investigate in this direction, and then notify She Xianglin when they had the results.

So She Xianglin returned home with his mother and daughter, and when he thought that this matter was over, a sudden situation came again.

On April 11, nearly two months after Zhang Zaiyu disappeared, the villagers of Lüchong Village had already returned to normal life, and She Xianglin was the same.

But on the morning of this day, someone in the village suddenly shouted "Kill!" After hearing this shout, She Xianglin was still very curious in his heart, who was so bold and dared to kill people?

Later, the villagers called the police, and the police also came to the scene of the incident, which is the scene mentioned in the opening paragraph, at which time the floating bodies in the pond have been recovered.

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children


The local police also set up a cordon, and then began to examine the body, after a preliminary examination, it can be determined that this is a female corpse, the figure has been blistered puffy, the initial estimate has been dead for about two months.

After drawing this part of the inference, the police investigated the crowd of onlookers and the villagers who found the body, hoping that they could provide some clues.

At this time, when the onlookers learned that this person had been dead for two months, their hearts immediately thought of She Xianglin's wife Zhang Zaiyu, who had been missing for two months.

So immediately explained this matter to the police, originally the police just thought that they could find out a little, but after learning the news, they were shocked and surprised, they did not expect to have a suspect so soon.

So the police immediately detained She Xianglin to prepare for an in-depth investigation of him, at the same time, the police took the body back for further examination, and on the other hand, they informed Zhang Zaiyu's family and asked them to come and identify whether the body was a daughter.

After a while, Zhang Zaiyu's mother came over, and the first time she saw the female corpse, she immediately determined that it was her daughter, and then she cried.

However, the relevant inspectors still proposed that just by looking at the eyes, the authenticity of the situation cannot be guaranteed, and it is recommended to conduct DNA testing to determine whether this is Zhang Zaiyu or not.

But at that time, the cost of a DNA test was 20,000 yuan! Or the family paid for it themselves, which was a huge expense for Zhang Zaiyu's family, so this test was not done, which was also a major reason for the tragedy that followed.

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children

Zhang Zaiyu's mother only got a simple report from the autopsy staff, the female corpse is about thirty-five years old, about one meter and six meters tall, and has also undergone a caesarean section, so there is still a scar on the stomach.

When Zhang Zaiyu gave birth to her daughter, she was indeed born by caesarean section, and there was indeed a scar on her stomach, so Zhang Zaiyu's mother concluded that this was her daughter based on this.

After getting the assertion of Zhang Zaiyu's mother, the police officers also determined that the female corpse was Zhang Zaiyu, who had been missing for a long time, so they began to investigate her husband She Xianglin.

On the other hand, he also sent staff to Lü Chong Village to investigate, zhang Zaiyu and She Xianglin and his wife's usual situation, this is not to be checked, I don't know, A check is frightened.

The staff learned from the villagers that She Xianglin hooked up with a young lady in the early years and often quarreled with his wife for this reason, which also caused Zhang Zaiyu to suffer from mental illness.

Moreover, some people confirmed that on the night that Zhang Zaiyu ran away from home, he also heard She Xianglin and Zhang Zaiyu arguing, which was also the direct reason why Zhang Zaiyu ran away from home.

After synthesizing various factors, an obvious conclusion came out, the husband She Xianglin was dissatisfied with his wife's blocking of his relationship with the woman surnamed Chen, so he secretly murdered his wife Zhang Zaiyu, and then lied that his wife was missing, in fact, he had thrown away the body pond.

After reaching this conclusion, the local police immediately intensified the interrogation of She Xianglin, but She Xianglin did not kill his wife, let alone throw away the body pond!

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children

Therefore, at the beginning, She Xianglin refused to admit the words of the police, insisting that he was innocent, but after more than ten days of interrogation, She Xianglin suddenly changed his confession and admitted that he had killed his wife and thrown away the body.

As for why She Xianglin changed his confession, the reason behind it is unknown, but the local police were very happy after getting the results they wanted, so they immediately filed a public prosecution against She Xianglin.

Soon the local court's verdict came down, sentencing She Xianglin to death for intentional homicide, and this verdict plunged the She Xianglin family into great pain.

In particular, She Xianglin's elderly mother did not believe from the beginning to the end that her son would kill her daughter-in-law, so the She Xianglin family resolutely did not approve of this verdict and demanded a second trial.

On the other hand, Zhang Zaiyu's mother, after learning the verdict, was very happy in her heart, thinking that her daughter's great revenge could finally be repaid.

However, when they learned that the She family refused to approve the verdict, Zhang Zaiyu's mother was extremely annoyed, so she contacted her relatives on the one hand, and the villagers in the village on the other.

When the Provincial High People's Court reopened the trial of She Xianglin's wife murder case, more than 200 people gathered outside the court to protest, and they kept accusing the She family of shielding the murderer and asking She Xianglin to kill people to pay for his life.

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children

Fortunately, however, the Provincial High People's Court resisted the mass pressure brought by the Zhang family, believing that she Xianglin's wife murder case still lacked empirical evidence and was full of doubts, and refuted the judgment and asked them to re-investigate and collect evidence.

She Xianglin's old mother was very happy to see that the verdict was rejected, so she once again begged relatives and friends for help to find the missing Zhang Zaiyu.

Finally, at the end of 1994, She Xianglin's mother heard about her daughter-in-law Zhang Zaiyu, and in Yaoling Village in Tianmen City, someone said that it was in October of that year.

There was a female neurotic in the village, all dirty, and when she asked her, she didn't reply, but whispered there, my surname is Zhang, my surname is Zhang and so on.

She Xianglin's mother was overjoyed when she heard about it, so she rushed to Yaoling Village and begged the local village secretary to write a certificate for herself and stamp it.

After that, the old mother hurried back to her hometown again and handed this certificate to the local police, hoping that they could conduct a detailed investigation, but the final result was a stone sinking into the sea!

Whether the local police went to Yaoling Village to investigate that year, we do not know, only that the police have been detaining She Xianglin in the detention center.

Later, when the She family saw that the police did not move, they continued to run outside to seek revenge, and She Xianglin's old mother also found the local police many times and complained that her son was innocent.

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children


However, the local police not only did not listen to the elderly man's complaints, but also detained the old man for nine months on the charge of disturbing public order!

In the end, it was only after paying a fine of three thousand yuan, but the old man was still fine before he was detained, and when he came out nine months later, he was already deaf and blind and could not speak, and the whole person fell into a sluggish state.

Less than three months after coming out, the old man died of hatred, and before he died, he did not even close his eyes, or She Xianglin's father covered the burial.

However, She Xianglin did not know about this matter, because at this time, he was being interrogated by the police in the interrogation room, and six months had passed.

The local police again produced a complete document of killing his wife and dumping the body, and then prosecuted She Xianglin again, and on June 15, 1998, She Xianglin was sentenced to 15 years in prison and deprived of political rights for "intentional homicide" for 5 years.

Faced with such a verdict, the old father of the She family did not believe it at all, so he continued to petition in the hope that someone would return his son's innocence.

However, there was no progress, and at this time, the She family also became extremely poor, and She Xianglin's daughter She Huarong also changed her personality because of this matter.

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children

Originally a lively and cheerful little girl, she was discriminated against in school because of this incident, but soon she did not even have the conditions to be discriminated against.

The family spent all their property because they wanted to avenge their father She Xianglin, which forced She Huarong to drop out of school, and later his grandfather wanted to apply for poverty subsidies for She Huarong.

Originally, the matter had been decided, but the local township chief believed that She Huarong was the daughter of a murderer and was not eligible to apply for subsidies, so he sent her out again, and 14-year-old She Huarong dropped out of school.

Slowly, the She family gradually withered, if it were not for the occurrence of this incident later, perhaps this case would have been so unclear.

In 2005, a person suddenly came to Lu Chong Village, her name was Zhang Zaiyu! That's right, the wife of She Xianglin, who has already been killed and thrown away, Zhang Zaiyu!

She came back alive, and this incident immediately caused a sensation, so the media came to the door to interview, and under Zhang Zaiyu's narration, we learned the truth of that year.

It turned out that Zhang Zaiyu ran away from home in a huff after the quarrel that day, suddenly fell ill on the way, and was delirious, and when she regained consciousness, she found that she had come to a strange place (according to the analysis, it was likely to be Yaoling Village).

But at this time, not only could she not remember what her name was, she didn't even know where her home was, but with the help of a kind person, she took a shower and changed her clothes, and Zhang Zaiyu went on the road again.

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children

I don't know how long later, Zhang Zaiyu was tired and hungry, she met a man again, this person was very good to her, and then Zhang Zaiyu thought that since he couldn't remember, then live like this.

So she married the man who saved her, and the two gave birth to several children, until later Zhang Zaiyu gradually recalled some things, such as the address of her mother's home.

So Zhang Zaiyu wrote to his hometown mother, but never got a reply, until 2005, Zhang Zaiyu completely remembered his past, so he thought about going back to visit.

However, as soon as she returned, she learned that she had actually died and was killed by her ex-husband She Xianglin, so she told the truth of that year.

As for whether Zhang Zaiyu's mother received those letters? Zhang Zaiyu's mother said that she did receive it, but she thought it was a prank, so she burned it and ignored it.

The matter is already very clear at this point, the female corpse was not Zhang Zaiyu, She Xianglin was innocent, so the local court released She Xianglin and compensated him 700,000 yuan.

But at this point in development, there are still two problems to be solved, the first is, since the female corpse is not Zhang Zaiyu, who is she?

Although there are reports that the local police are ready to reopen the investigation, but after a long time, there is still no information, and the matter is finally closed.

In 1994, the man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and was married and had children

The second is She Xianglin, 700,000 yuan in compensation, has been unable to save a person's life, and the She family is now a broken family.

From the day of his arrest in 1994 until his release in 2005, 11 years have passed since he was arrested, and She Xianglin has become out of touch with society.

Now She Xianglin accompanies her daughter and her elderly father every day, a family of three living in a small house, and her daughter's study has been completely delayed.

None of this is enough to measure with money, although She Xianglin expressed understanding, but She Xianglin's life is no longer so complete, fortunately, the truth is revealed, he can still be reunited with his family.

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