
In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

author:Talk History

11 years ago, his wife suddenly disappeared, and She Xianglin was deeply involved in the "wife killing" controversy. After a police investigation, She Xianglin was sentenced to 15 years in prison. After 11 years in prison, the "deceased wife" Zhang Zaiyu suddenly returned home, and even remarried and had children.

Is this a realistic version of the "temptation to go home", or a "disappearing lover" that shines into life? The story begins with she Xianglin's acquaintance with his wife...

Disappearing lovers

In 1986, through the introduction of a matchmaker, She Xianglin, who was only more than 20 years old, met Zhang Zaiyu, a young girl from a neighboring village. Not long after, the two married and gave birth to a beautiful daughter, She Huarong.

The birth of their daughter weighed on two young people who had just set themselves on their own. In order to live a more prosperous life, She Xianglin and his wife Zhang Zaiyu decided to go out of the small mountain village and seek a new life in Madian Town, where there are more job opportunities.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(Zhang Zaiyu)

She Xianglin and Zhang Zaiyu are both down-to-earth people, so they quickly found jobs. She Xianglin became a member of the security patrol team of the Madian Town Police Station in Jingshan County, and Zhang Zaiyu also successfully joined a machinery factory.

The husband and wife are diligent and earnest, and the life of the family has become increasingly relaxed. But the good times did not last long, and just when Zhang Zaiyu was sketching out a beautiful blueprint for the family, a sudden news shattered her illusions.

It turns out that the town is not big, good things do not go out, bad things spread thousands of miles. The ambiguous affair between She Xianglin and a woman in the town reached Zhang Zaiyu's ears in this way. Since then, the husband and wife have no longer been as harmonious and harmonious as before. Instead, the two fell into an endless quarrel.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

She Xianglin

At first, She Xianglin just felt that this kind of life was very boring, and often complained about his wife to his friends around him. But gradually, he found that things were moving in a bad direction. In August of that year, Zhang Zaiyu took his five-year-old daughter to visit her husband at the Madian police station and stayed with her for a few days.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(Zhang Zaiyu Daughter She Xianglin)

One day, She Xianglin went out and came back, carrying the breakfast he had just bought. As soon as I entered the door, I vaguely heard my daughter's crying. She Xianglin was shocked and hurriedly threw down his breakfast and rushed into the room. It turned out that the wife, for some reason, was holding her daughter's neck with her hand, cursing and grinning in her mouth, scolding and hammering her daughter's head with her hand. She Xianglin rushed up to scold his wife and rescued his daughter.

"Are you crazy? Children who are disobedient cannot be beaten like this! She Xianglin picked up her daughter, and her anger towards her wife had reached her throat. Unexpectedly, the wife not only did not refute, but also looked at She Xianglin with a blank face, for a long time, before slowly asking:

"Who are you?" She Xianglin felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly put down her daughter to ask about his wife's situation, and as a result, no matter how he asked, Zhang Zaiyu just couldn't say why he came, and he hid at home for several days and refused to eat.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(Zhang Zaiyu and daughter)

After that, Zhang Zaiyu's illness recurred several times intermittently. On the fifth day of the first lunar month in 1994, She Xianglin asked the police station for leave, saying that he wanted to go home and take his wife to the hospital. But the couple also had no savings, so She Xianglin took her daughter to the home of his friend Li Wenhua in the countryside to borrow money.

Unfortunately, Li Wenhua seemed to be out that day, and the door was locked. Helplessly, She Xianglin had to walk home with her daughter, and her mood was not depressed.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(She Xianglin)

After returning home, She Xianglin found that his wife was asleep, so he drank some wine and took his daughter to sleep. At about 2:30 a.m., She Xianglin suddenly woke up from a nightmare, and when he was undecided, he found that his wife next to him was missing.

He knew that his wife was not in good spirits these days, so he was busy looking for him. Unfortunately, no matter how you look for it, you can't find any trace of your wife. She Xianglin had no choice but to declare that his wife had run away from home, and printed many notices to find people, starting a long journey to find his wife.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(She Xianglin, who is looking for a wife)

But as the days passed, Zhang Zaiyu still had no news at all. In this way, Zhang Zaiyu seemed to disappear without a trace.

Floating corpses appear, and the husband's "wife-killing" is exposed?

The people in the village love to chew the root of their tongues, and those rumors that are crazy make she Xianglin's family unbearable. Just as the gossip in the village was gradually dissipating, a creepy discovery ruined She Xianglin's life.

Just three months after Zhang Zaiyu disappeared, a villager in the village sent his child to school as usual, but on the way, he inadvertently discovered something strange not far from the village. The villagers approached the edge of the kiln weir carefully, and after seeing the objects floating in the pond, they were shocked.

It turned out that what was floating was nothing else, but a rotting female corpse with a completely different face and a foul odor!

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(Pond where the body was found)

The villagers who found the body immediately reported the case, and She Xianglin was quickly taken away by the criminal police brigade for investigation. According to the forensic examination report, the deceased had been dead for at least two months, was a woman, about 155 years tall, about 30 years old, had fertility experience, and had knife scars left by the birth of a child.

These characteristics are consistent with Zhang Zaiyu. However, because the body has been soaked in water for a long time, it has long been disfigured, and it is difficult to distinguish who the deceased really is by the naked eye.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him


Strangely, Zhang Zaiyu's brother Zhang Zaisheng and his mother immediately identified it as Zhang Zaiyu after seeing the corpse. Some people think that this is inappropriate, or further DNA is needed to verify the identity is the safest. But DNA testing at the time was a big expense, and the Zhang family couldn't afford it. As a result, the police also determined that the deceased was Zhang Zaiyu, who disappeared three months ago.

Because the deceased's head was hit by a blunt object, the disappearance escalated into a horrific murder in an instant. She Xianglin, who was designated as the murderer, never saw a corpse from beginning to end, but he was still arrested.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(She Xianglin arrested)

Soon, She Xianglin in prison voluntarily confessed to his crime under the interrogation of the police. He said that after he returned home that day, he first took his wife to the melon shed and locked her up, and then in the early hours of the morning, under the pretext that he was going to find his wife, he secretly pulled Zhang Zaiyu, who was locked up, to the edge of the pond, slammed her head with a stone, and then threw her into the pond.

The case seems to have come to light. On October 25, 1994, the former Jingzhou District Intermediate People's Court sentenced She Xianglin to death for "intentional homicide." Later, the provincial high court remanded for a retrial and commuted She Xianglin's sentence to 15 years in prison and deprivation of political rights for 5 years.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(She Xianglin in court)

Shortly after She Xianglin was imprisoned, She Xianglin's family began to become active in the public eye. Originally, the She family did not believe that the good-natured She Xianglin would kill Zhang Zaiyu, so they were determined to continue the unfinished investigation by the police in order to return She Xianglin's innocence.

The road to appeal is long, and the mother dies with hatred

It turned out that on the night of Zhang Zaiyu's disappearance, She Xianglin's mother, Yang Wuxiang, was also at home. She distinctly remembered that at about 11:30 that night, she distinctly heard someone open the door and go out.

At that time, she didn't think much about it, only when her son went out to the toilet. I wanted to say hello to my son who had just returned, but who knew that no one responded to a few shouts, and that was it. After a few minutes, Yang Wuxiang heard that his wife had returned, and it sounded like he was going to lock the door, so he shouted busily: "Don't lock the door, my son is still outside to untie his hands." ”

The wife then went to her son's bedroom to take a look, folded back and said, "Where, my son is sleeping soundly." As he spoke, he plugged in the latch.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him


Although Yang Wuxiang felt strange, his wife said that his son was asleep there, so he didn't think much about it. After a while, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. At two o'clock in the morning, the son suddenly woke everyone up in a panic and said that his daughter-in-law was gone. Yang Wuxiang suddenly realized that it was Zhang Zaiyu who had just gone out!

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

Yang Wuxiang then told the neighbors about the situation that night, and constantly repeated the fact that Zhang Zaiyu had left to the police. But under the rumors, no one believed Yang Wuxiang's words at all, and everyone felt that she was just a mother who was eager to protect her son, and made up lies in order to save her son.

Not long after, She Xianglin was convicted of "intentional homicide", which could make Yang Wuxiang anxious. She realized that it was useless to tell everyone the truth about that night. The most urgent task is to find evidence that Zhang Zaiyu is still alive. In this way, it can be proved that the son is really innocent!

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

In order to find Zhang Zaiyu, Yang Wuxiang centered on his home and began to run around. She not only published advertisements on radio and television in various places, but also distributed search notices in the streets and alleys.

She knew that there was little hope of finding it this way, but she just didn't want to give up this little bit of light. Finally, kung fu paid off, and in 1994, Yang Wuxiang heard the news of Zhang Zaiyu in Yaoling Village, Shihe Town.

According to a well-meaning villager in Yaoling Village, not long ago, a woman who called herself "Zhang Aiqing" came to the village, she could not say where her home was, only that she was 30 years old, with 3 acres of land and a 5-year-old child.

Two people in the village saw that she was really pitiful, so they took her in for one night and invited her to eat at home. However, the next afternoon, the woman quietly left again.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

This news rekindled hope in Yang Wuxiang's heart. Because "Zhang Aiqing" is Zhang Zaiyu's nickname! Unfortunately, after Zhang Zaiyu left, no one ever saw her again.

Therefore, Yang Wuxiang could only ask the deputy secretary of the party branch in Yaoling Village to help him issue a certificate, proving that a woman like Zhang Zaiyu had come to the village not long ago. However, this proof was not considered sufficient to prove that Zhang Zaiyu was still alive and was shelved.

The evidence he was struggling to obtain could not return his son's innocence, which made Yang Wuxiang more uncomfortable than death. But she was still reluctant to give up, still looking around for evidence that her daughter-in-law was alive.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(She Xianglin, who worshiped his mother after his release from prison)

Unfortunately, two years later, Yang Wuxiang, who was tormented by physical and mental illness, finally could not support it and quietly died in reluctance and pain.

Until her death, she did not wait for the news of her son's release from prison.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(Jingshan County People's Court)

The death of his mother made She Xianglin's brother She Suolin very sad. He went to the prison to visit his younger brother She Xianglin. As soon as they met, She Xianglin took his brother's hand and kept repeating the same sentence: "Brother, I am really wronged... You know mine, how can I kill someone? You must help me appeal... Return my innocence! ”

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

Through the iron window, his brother's words made She Suolin feel very unhappy. He couldn't stand his brother's unjust imprisonment, and he couldn't stand his mother's pursuit of evidence but regretfully leaving! So he took over the burden of his deceased mother and embarked on the road of clearing his brother's grievances.

But the world is big, how can he quickly find Zhang Zaiyu? Time passed day by day, She Suolin did not have any news of Zhang Zaiyu, how to help his brother clear his grievances? But in order to fulfill his mother's last wish, he never gave up...

"Dead Wife" who "Came Back from the Dead"

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, She Xianglin had been in prison for 11 years. In the past 11 years, he has repeatedly written letters to his family, telling them that he is innocent, but the evidence is insufficient, and he has never been released from prison.

March 28, 2005, was a cloudless day. But the appearance of a woman broke the peace of the village.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

Zhang Zaiyu

On this day, Zhang Zaiyu's mother was lying on a recliner in the doorway basking in the sun, and the afternoon sun made her sleepy. Confused, she seemed to hear someone shouting her name. She felt strange, so she opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the sound source. Before she could see who was coming, the man threw himself on his knees in front of her.

"Mom! I'm Qing'er! This voice, she is all too familiar!

Zhang Zaiyu's mother fixed her eyes on it, and the person in front of her was none other than Zhang Zaiyu, the daughter who "died" 11 years ago!

"Oh my God! Good boy! you... Aren't you dead?! ”

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

The noise provoked the onlookers of the neighbors, and for a time, everyone recognized the woman in front of them. Not long after, the news of Zhang Zaiyu's "resurrection from the dead" spread, and the She family rushed to hear the news. She Xianglin's brother She Suolin came to Zhang Zaiyu's home with his wife Jiang Yinxi and truly met this "dead" younger sister.

"Brother! Sister in Law! Zhang Zaiyu easily recognized his former brother and sister-in-law, and after a while, several people hugged each other and cried together.

She Suolin noticed that Zhang Zaiyu was also followed by a man and a little boy of about 10 years old, which confused him. In order to clear his brother's grievances as soon as possible, he asked Zhang Zaiyu to quickly explain what had happened over the years. Zhang Zaiyu, in the doubts of everyone, finally came together with what happened that year...

It turned out that She Xianglin felt that Zhang Zaiyu had mental illness was not a fantasy, Zhang Zaiyu did suffer from mental illness in the perennial husband and wife dispute, and often suddenly could not remember who he was, nor did he recognize the relatives around him. This problem has been tormenting her.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

That night, she suddenly fell ill, felt strange and frightened of her husband and children around her, so she quietly slipped out.

After running away from home, Zhang Zaiyu was penniless, and he couldn't tell who his surname was or where his family lived, so he could only wander all the way. When I meet a kind person, I stay in someone's house for one night. In this way, she wandered all the way to Chen Ji Village in Zaozhuang, Shandong Province.

Here, a bunch of well-meaning elderly couples took her in and helped her get a doctor to treat her. In order to repay the kind couple, Zhang Zaiyu married their son and gave birth to a cute boy. In this way, she had a warm home in a brand new place.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(Zhang Zaiyu and her new husband)

The warmth of the family made Zhang Zaiyu's condition gradually improve, and she finally recalled some past events with the help of everyone. Over the years, she has successively written some letters to her family, but the family believes that Zhang Zaiyu is dead, so she thinks that these letters are someone playing a prank and does not care.

Zhang Zaiyu, who did not get a response, felt that her longing was getting heavier and heavier, so she decided to go back to her hometown in person to see her relatives.

Hearing these words, everyone present was already in tears. It turned out that She Xianglin was really wronged that year! That female corpse was not Zhang Zaiyu at all!

In order to restore She Xianglin's innocence as soon as possible, the She family immediately hired a lawyer and appealed again against the verdict of that year. She Xianglin and Zhang Zaiyu's daughter She Huarong also rushed back from Shenzhen immediately, and she cried with her mother, who had been reunited for a long time.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

11 years have passed since the case, can She Xianglin get a fair trial and get out of prison early? Everyone felt very nervous...

Belated justice

On March 30, 2005, the Jingmen Intermediate People's Court urgently revoked the first-instance judgment and the second-instance ruling in She Xianglin's case, and demanded that the Jingshan County Court immediately retry the case. The next day, She Xianglin was released on bail pending trial. Soon after, She Xianglin, who had been in prison for 11 years, was acquitted in court. She Xianglin was almost 40 years old that year.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(She Xianglin and the father of the old tears)

When he heard that he had been acquitted, She Xianglin's calm expression revealed a hint of joy. Those days in prison with no end in sight have long since worn away his mind. He was looking forward to it every day, hoping that he would regain his innocence. He hopes that his own justice will come sooner rather than later. Today's judgment is a glimmer of comfort for his pale heart.

When She Xianglin was released from prison. Many reporters were crowded at the door, and he didn't have a single mood swing. When a reporter asked him what he thought about the matter, he just smiled haggardly at the camera and did not speak.

Seven months later, She Xianglin came to the Jingshan County Public Security Bureau that had brought him endless nightmares, and signed a final agreement here:

The Jingshan County Public Security Bureau needed to compensate She Xianglin for the loss of labor force of 160,000 yuan, 66,000 yuan for She Xianglin's unreasonable injuries during his detention, 220,000 yuan for the death of She Xianglin's mother and Yang Wuxiang after his detention, and 4,000 yuan for the unreasonable detention of She Xianglin's brother, a total of 450,000 yuan.

At the same time, the Jingmen Intermediate People's Court needed to pay more than 256,000 yuan, and the Yanmen Town Government also issued a subsidy of 200,000 yuan to She Xianglin for living difficulties. So far, She Xianglin and his family have accumulated more than 900,000 yuan in compensation.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(She Xianglin and his father)

After all this was settled, the once vigorous "She Xianglin wife killing case" finally came to an end, She Xianglin gradually faded out of the public's vision, and She Xianglin seemed to have finally lived a peaceful life.

But the lesson of She Xianglin's case is too profound. In order to better pursue fairness and justice, She Xianglin's case has been written into the textbooks of countless law students. How could this man, who was once an ordinary man who only wanted to live his whole life, have imagined that he would experience such a twist and turn?

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(She Xianglin and onlookers)

Later, a reporter found She Xianglin and wanted to know how he was doing now. She Xianglin wears a black duck-tongue hat and is still very calm when facing the camera. He said: "The money for compensation is used to compensate relatives. I owe too much to my loved ones..."

She Xianglin also said that he sent his daughter to Yichang to study secondary school, and the girl worked in other places at a young age, and her life was too difficult. He also took out a sum of money to build three new tile houses for his elderly father with limited mobility. He himself spent a lot of time in the town, reading books or reading letters from all over the country.

In 1994, Hubei man was sentenced to 15 years for killing his wife, and 11 years later, the "deceased wife" suddenly returned home and had a son with him

(She Xianglin and daughter)

When asked what other wishes She Xianglin had, he smiled shyly and said, "Find a daughter-in-law for my little brother, my affairs have delayed my family over the years, and if I can help, I want to help." ”

It seems that She Xianglin's life is finally on the right track.

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