
The Vicious Heart Behind The Murder of His Wife (End)

author:Learn to be a smart woman
The Vicious Heart Behind The Murder of His Wife (End)

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Zhang Fang, 32, suffers from congenital heart disease and will only have two months at most if she cannot complete her heart transplant in time.

And due to the special physique of Zhang Fang, the heart that can be matched is extremely rare. Not only that, but in order to increase the adaptability after a heart transplant, the heart needed must be healthy and young.

Zhang Fang searched for a long time, and there were only two people who met the conditions, one of whom was Ning Dandan, both girls who were in their youth.

Zhang Fang had sent people to contact two girls, and it is conceivable that although the price given by Zhang Fang is very high, this kind of thing of exchanging his life for money, if it is not the kind of person who is really desperate, who will agree?

So the two of them rightfully refused.

Although Zhang Fang has money, or is particularly rich, but the parties do not agree to this kind of thing, you can't help it. However, Zhang Fang is not an ordinary woman after all, and after the normal negotiations were fruitless, Zhang Fang started a crooked idea.

First of all, he paid for someone to drive and injured the father of one of the girls, thinking that the girl would agree to Zhang Fang's conditions in order to save her father, but the girl's father died of his injuries.

And the girl was also too sick to be sad.

Therefore, Zhang Fang's last hope was only Ning Dandan. In order to ensure that this last hope will not be dashed, Zhang Fang thought of a perfect plan.

The first step in the plan was to turn Zhu Xiaojun into his own slave.

Another whip was drawn on Zhu Xiaojun's back, Zhu Xiaojun issued a pleasant groan, looking at the whip marks on Zhu Xiaojun's back, Zhang Fang was very proud.

Zhu Xiaojun, an SM enthusiast, is a fanatical masochist, and the more miserable the abuse, the more enjoyable he is.

Maybe he has been working in the line for a long time, and now only this depth of SM can make him excited.

Not only excitement, but also let him surrender, complete surrender, as long as it is Zhang Fang's order, no matter what he will obey, including, kill Ning Dandan.


Zhu Xiaojun and Zhang Fang also played until late at night before going home separately, Zhang Fang has a principle, no matter how crazy the play, in the end must go home to sleep.

Zhu Xiaojun returned home, and the excitement in his heart had not yet dissipated.

"This is life, this is the character I pursue."

At this moment, Ning Dandan's mobile phone vibrated in a series of vibrations. In order to perfectly disguise the illusion that Ning Dandan was still alive, Zhu Xiaojun always carried Ning Dandan's mobile phone with him.

After unlocking, it is Ning Dandan's girlfriend WeChat group, and several sisters in it are constantly @ Ning Dandan, wanting to go shopping on the weekend of Ning Dandan.

Zhu Xiaojun thought about it, and then used the usual tone of Ning Dandan, saying that he would go out with his husband on the weekend and would not accompany them, and joked that you would show your love to you when the time came.

Those girlfriends naturally had it, and after chatting for a few words, Zhu Xiaojun used the excuse of taking a bath to quit the chat.

Glancing at the freezer on the balcony, Zhu Xiaojun's face floated with a strange smile.

For Ning Dandan, Zhu Xiaojun was cheating from beginning to end, from that deliberately created encounter to this moment, Zhu Xiaojun had never loved Ning Dandan, at least, he thought so.

Zhu Xiaojun's approach to Ning Dandan was originally deliberately arranged by Zhang Fang, and it took a lot of thought to save the united States in the hero's nightclub at the beginning.

Beforehand, Zhang Fang had carefully investigated Ning Dandan's family and her personality, knowing that this was a person with her own opinions who was rebellious in her heart, and such a girl had basically no resistance to a man who was extremely romantic and did not lose her demeanor.

Therefore, under Zhang Fang's plot, Zhu Xiaojun disguised himself as the kind of man that Ning Dandan loved the most.

Sure enough, after the two met, it didn't take long for Zhu Xiaojun to completely capture Ning Dandan. For this man, Ning Dandan quickly changed from liking to unswerving deep love to death.


If a person sincerely disguises himself as another person, especially a disguise that has been planned for a long time, it is extremely difficult to be seen as flawed.

At least Zhu Xiaojun's disguised appearance deceived Ning Dandan.

However, he did not hide from Ning Dandan's grandmother, and the old man's vision was always deep and wise.

On that day, as soon as Zhu Xiaojun left, Ning Dandan's grandmother righteously told everyone that this young man could not do it, and there was a treacherous look in his eyes, and Dan Dan absolutely could not be with him.

Although people know that the old man's words must have a certain truth, but they can't stand Zhu Xiaojun's perfect disguise, although later Ning Dandan's parents also felt that this man had some problems, but in the end, they still agreed to the marriage of the two people.

It is said that on the day of the wedding, Ning Dandan's parents only invited a few relatives, and Ning Dandan's grandmother did not agree, and finally had no choice but to lock up the old man at home.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zhu Xiaojun poured himself a glass of red wine.

Everything is going well, as long as Zhang Fang comes over tomorrow to take Ning Dandan's heart, ten million yuan will arrive.

A complete and healthy heart costs about $990,000 on the black market in the United States, which translates to about six or seven million yuan.

And Ning Dandan, the only one for Zhang Fang, ten million, is not very exaggerated.

And, it's not all.

Zhu Xiaojun sold Ning Dandan's heart to Zhang Fang for ten million yuan. What about the other organs? How could Zhu Xiaojun, who had already been devoured by the devil, waste it?

Long before he attacked Ning Dandan, Zhu Xiaojun had already contacted several black market buyers.

This money was Zhu Xiaojun's most primitive motive for killing Ning Dandan.

Everything is ready, only the East Wind is owed.

This night, Zhu Xiaojun slept very peacefully, without the slightest discomfort because there was still a corpse frozen in the balcony freezer.


In the morning, Zhu Xiaojun was woken up by a ringing telephone.

"I'm going to Hong Kong today, you take out the heart first, refrigerate it, and I'll get it when I get back."

Zhang Fang's voice came from the phone, and in her voice, I could hear a hint of urgency.

Although Zhu Xiaojun was a little strange in his heart, he didn't care, after all, there had been several times before, Zhang Fang's husband sent someone to pick him up and let Zhang Fang go there to live for a few days.

Zhu Xiaojun knew that Zhang Fang was not long away from the best surgery day, so he didn't have any worries.

So the most important thing now is to save Ning Dandan's heart, which is more than ten million.

Long before this, Zhu Xiaojun spent a lot of time studying human anatomy and organ preservation, and even went to several universities to personally dissect several corpses.

Taking out the heart and resealing it, Zhu Xiaojun checked the home, and after no problem, he went out with the money. Now that Ning Dandan is dead, no matter how much he spends his days drinking, no one will take care of him.

Because Zhu Xiaojun was originally a cowherd, he did not have to worry about finding a woman, plus he immediately had more than ten million in the account, and Zhu Xiaojun had no restraint in spending money.

All of Ning Dandan's savings were squandered by Zhu Xiaojun in just three days. Only three days have passed, and Zhang Fang has not returned.

"Brother Jun, do you want to play two?"

Just when Zhu Xiaojun was penniless and wanted to call Zhang Fang and advance some money, an old friend put his arm around Zhu Xiaojun's neck and said ambiguously.

In these three days, Zhu Xiaojun behaved extremely boldly, and naturally, he was noticed by some people with hearts. The woman who talked to her was an underground casino who came to solicit customers.

"I have something to do today, let's do it another day."

Now Zhu Xiaojun was shy and could only resign.

"What, did Brother Jun forget to bring money?" It doesn't matter, we can borrow it first, win it and then pay it back. In addition, I heard that in today's casino, it is Yujie who watches the scene, you know, Yujie is a famous female S. ”

Zhu Xiaojun is an avid SM enthusiast, which everyone in the circle knows, and the so-called jade sister is a fairly famous female S.

This woman's words immediately provoked Zhu Xiaojun's desire to burn.

"Go, play, in a few days the military brother will be a multi-millionaire, what is this money?"


For the next whole week, Zhu Xiaojun never left the casino, and at the beginning he used the borrowed money to win some, and the jade sister also played with him once.

Then Zhu Xiaojun was like a madman, and began to gamble wildly, and in seven days, Zhu Xiaojun lost three or four million.

On this day, Zhu Xiaojun shook his dizzy head and left the gambling table, but as soon as he got off the field, three people dressed in black immediately surrounded Zhu Xiaojun.

Zhu Xiaojun knew that this was because he had lost money, and he would definitely be firmly monitored before he paid it back, but it didn't matter.

Only Zhang Fang's money is in hand, and these millions are small meanings.

However, thinking of Zhang Fang, Zhu Xiaojun was a little unsteady in his heart, counting the previous three days, it had been ten days since Zhang Fang went to Hong Kong.

For ten days, Zhu Xiaojun did not contact Zhang Fang, at first Zhang Fang still answered the phone, but then no one answered.

Faintly, Zhu Xiaojun was a little worried, but he couldn't think of any reason for Zhang Fang not to contact himself, to know that it was only a few days before the time of heart transplantation.

Just then, a man in a suit and sunglasses and speaking a Hong Kong dialect appeared behind Zhu Xiaojun, and Zhu Xiaojun saw the man stretch out his hand and point to himself.

Then I felt a pain in the back of my head, and then I lost consciousness.

At the last moment before the coma, Zhu Xiaojun seemed to hear the man and said something that destroyed all the evidence.

When Zhu Xiaojun woke up again, he found himself locked up in a basement.

"Hey, is there anybody?" Hey..."

At this time, a man in the form of a bodyguard knocked the iron door outside the door.

"What's the fuss, you're the one who can't pay off the gambling debt, right?" I heard that the boss decided to use your organs to pay off the debt, and the person who is going to die is going to die, so be quiet. ”

"Hey, what do you mean?" You're a casino guy, right? The money I owe will be repaid immediately, and in a few days I will be a multimillionaire..."

Before Zhu Xiaojun could finish speaking, the TV on the basement wall was suddenly turned on, and inside, a news article was being reported.

"The wife of a wealthy businessman in Hong Kong, Zhang Mou, has now been confirmed to have died due to a failed heart transplant..."


In the news, Zhang Fang was surrounded by a group of doctors and pushed out of the operating room...

"Zhang Fang is dead, Zhang Fang is dead?" How is this possible, how is this possible..."

"Nothing is impossible, you're the guy who got involved with my wife, you're not a little bold."

Outside the door, a middle-aged man with a Hong Kong and Taiwan accent looked at Zhu Xiaojun through the crack in the door and said.

Just at a glance, Zhu Xiaojun recognized that this man was Zhang Fang's husband.

"It was you, you killed her?"

The middle-aged man smiled, "It's okay to tell you, I told her to go back, arranged surgery for her, and then moved some hands and feet, anyway, you are also the one who is going to die, I heard that the casino is preparing to pay off your organs." “

"That woman put a green hat on me, and she still wants to change her heart to live, it's really a dream, boy, wait for death, remember, not a woman you can touch." 」

With that, the man left.

Zhu Xiaojun was full of despair and fear.

That night, Zhu Xiaojun took advantage of the doorkeeper's inattention and escaped from the basement.

However, it was soon discovered that when the casino thugs were shouting and chasing them out, Zhu Xiaojun had already arrived at the police station.

Zhu Xiaojun turned himself in, and in the face of police interrogation, he said everything, including the matter of wealthy Hong Kong businessmen.

In the end, the court sentenced Zhu Xiaojun to death for intentional homicide, and the rich Hong Kong businessman had to give up because of insufficient evidence.

Zhu Xiaojun was indeed punished, and Zhang Fang also got the retribution he deserved, but the innocent Ning Dandan died after all.

How dirty can people's hearts be?

-Sister Meow's 2072nd Story-


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