
The vicious heart behind the murder of his wife

author:Learn to be a smart woman
The vicious heart behind the murder of his wife

Sister Meow's 2072nd story

"Quit your job, I really don't want to see you work so hard." Zhu Xiaojun kissed Ning Dandan's sexy collarbone and said softly.

Zhu Xiaojun's rare gentleness touched Ning Dandan's heart at the same time, and he couldn't help but rejoice that he had made the right choice after trying to overcome the public opinion.

Although Zhu Xiaojun's origin is not very good, he has been a cowboy before, but as long as he truly loves himself, he really does not care about those.

"If I quit my job, all our expenses depend on you alone, then how can it work, I don't want you to work too hard, well, you tap." 」

After the passion, Ning Dandan's face was still flushed, and Zhu Xiaojun's lips touched the sensitivity of his chest between words, and he couldn't help but exhale.

In fact, there is a sentence Ning Dandan did not say, she was afraid that Zhu Xiaojun would return to employment, although he made a lot of money as a cowherd, but after all, it was not a serious profession.

Especially now that the two are married, Ning Dandan will not allow him to hook up with those rich old women anymore.

Zhu Xiaojun's attitude was very resolute, "Rest assured, I am now doing business with a friend, and I will not lose money, so you can rest assured." “

Ning Dandan still wanted to refuse, but he couldn't stand Zhu Xiaojun's soft and hard bubbles, especially that sentence I raised you, I took care of you, so that Ning Dandan had no choice, and finally could only compromise.

In the night, Ning Dandan, who was satisfied and sleeping, where to think, a most terrible nightmare, from the moment she promised to resign, quietly came.

Ning Dandan quit his job the next day, and went to the vegetable market to buy a lot of dishes and prepare for a big meal in the evening.

When I first fell in love with Zhu Xiaojun, the family was not the same, not only because of Zhu Xiaojun's work, but also because of Zhu Xiaojun's heart, his parents also felt that Zhu Xiaojun's heart was too deep and completely unreliable.

Now Ning Dandan really wanted to tell his parents and those relatives and friends who did not agree to the marriage of the two people in the first place, you are all wrong, Zhu Xiaojun is a good man.

Just when Ning Dandan was full of sweetness, the mobile phone rang.

"Dan Dan, mom and dad come here today, you buy more food." Zhu Xiaojun said on the other side of the phone.


Ning Dandan was a bit surprised, his parents lived in the countryside, basically rarely came here, and his parents suddenly came over, how did not greet themselves.

"Well, I know, Mommy and Daddy, have they already arrived home?"

"It's arrived, well, where are you?" I'll drive to pick you up. “

In the evening, Ning Dandan and Zhu Xiaojun cooked a lot of dishes together, and the old two also had some improvements to Zhu Xiaojun for the first time, at least, people who know how to honor their parents will not be too bad.

Afterwards, Ning Dandan learned that the parents were specially picked up by Zhu Xiaojun.

The next day his parents left, watching his parents get into the car, Ning Dandan was very emotional in his heart, it was very good to meet Zhu Xiaojun.

Speaking of the first encounter between the two, Ning Dandan was always, full of happiness.

That time he was drunk in the nightclub and was teased by several bad youths, fortunately, Zhu Xiaojun rescued himself in time, but the consequences were unimaginable.

Thanks to that chance encounter, otherwise I wouldn't have known Zhu Xiaojun, and I wouldn't have the love I have now.

After Ning Dandan's parents left, in the following days, Zhu Xiaojun took Ning Dandan on various dates, and then frequently asked two friends to party or sing together.

The two people also often go out to play, and then Zhu Xiaojun also took the initiative to take a lot of photos, there were two photos and ning dandan's single photo, which made Ning Dandan even more moved

At this time, in the hearts of many people, Zhu Xiaojun's image has undergone some changes.

A month later, Zhu Xiaojun and Ning Dandan offered to move.

"You see, the place where we live now is inconvenient for transportation, and the rent is still expensive, listen to me, let's move."

Ning Dandan hesitated, "But I have been living here for several years, and the neighbors are also very familiar, and suddenly moved to a place where I am not familiar with life, I am afraid..."

Zhu Xiaojun was not in a hurry, but patiently explained: "Change a new environment, feel the new life, our life is still long, always living in this small circle, how boring." “

Although there was still a little reluctance in his heart, what Zhu Xiaojun said was also reasonable.

So three days later, the two men began to move, to the other side of the city, a place that was also not particularly bustling.

The day after the move, Zhu Xiaojun was in the big shopping mall and bought a freezer, a big freezer.


After the move, the lives of the two people gradually stabilized, and Zhu Xiaojun also began to commute to work normally, just when Ning Dandan thought that everything was moving in the direction of happiness, the nightmare quietly came.

Zhu Xiaojun cheated and was caught by Ning Dandan.

On this day, Ning Dandan was just out for a walk, but he happened to see Zhu Xiaojun and a woman coming out of the hotel, and the two people were at the hotel door, kissing selflessly.

After returning home, Ning Dandan was furious, originally she thought that After Zhu Xiaojun did not become a cowherd, he would become a qualified good man, but she did not expect that it was still a dog that could not change eating.

However, in the face of the angry Ning Dandan, Zhu Xiaojun behaved very coldly, just bowing his head and not speaking. Ning Dandan thought that Zhu Xiaojun had nothing to say, but he did not expect that a devil was being resurrected.

Suddenly, Zhu Xiaojun stretched out his hands, and when Ning Dandan was unprepared, those big hands pinched Ning Dandan's delicate neck.

Zhu Xiaojun insisted on fitness every day because of the need to be a cowherd before, and he was originally tall, plus he was completely holding the fierce strength of strangling Ning Dandan, where Ning Dandan's thin body broke free.

Although the fierce struggle was to no avail, after a few minutes, with a strong reluctance and disbelief and thousands of words to say, Ning Dandan took his last breath.

From choking Ning Dandan's neck until Ning Dandan fell to the ground, the expression on Zhu Xiaojun's face did not change in the slightest.

As if he had done a very trivial thing, even after Ning Dandan fell to the ground, Zhu Xiaojun went to the bathroom to wash his hands, then sat down on the sofa and smoked a cigarette.

I couldn't understand how dark a person's heart could be, the only thing that could be thought of was that Zhu Xiaojun was already dead at this moment, and sitting next to Ning Dandan's body was a devil.

After smoking, Zhu Xiaojun let out a long breath, and his face was full of relaxed and relieved expressions.

I picked up Ning Dandan on the ground and put it into the bag that had been prepared long ago.

Taking out the contents of the freezer, Ning Dandan's body was laid flat on the bottom floor of the freezer, and then the mess of meat and ice cream was evenly placed on top.

As long as the freezer is not hollowed out, no one can find the lowest body.


After doing all this, Zhu Xiaojun smiled contentedly.

"Finally, it's done, it's perfect, and from now on, I'm a married woman."

Took out Ning Dandan's mobile phone, skillfully unlocked it, opened WeChat, picked a photo taken when the two people went out to play in the album, and sent a circle of friends.

"Tonight is also super happy, but it's a little cold."

After a while, there were Ning Dandan's good friends who liked and left messages, and Zhu Xiaojun selectively replied to a few.

It was not an accidental murder in excitement, but a murder that had been planned long ago, and had been premeditated since the quarrel, from the time when Ning Dandan was persuaded to resign.

If you want to not be discovered after Ning Dandan's death, you must let Ning Dandan resign, otherwise someone will definitely notice if you don't go to work for a few days.

Secondly, in order to reduce the awareness of relatives and friends, especially Ning Dandan's parents, Zhu Xiaojun deliberately spent a period of time, and Ning Dandan frequently appeared in everyone's sight, and they were all extremely loving images.

Even that time, Ning Dandan's parents were deliberately brought over in order not to let Ning Dandan's parents come here to visit her afterwards, so as to reduce the possibility of being discovered.

Of course, the purpose of moving is also the same, the original family Ning Dandan lived for a long time, are acquaintances, if there is no time to appear will inevitably be found abnormal, so move to a strange place, even if Ning Dandan does not appear for a year or two is no problem.

In the end, it was necessary for Zhu Xiaojun to forge the illusion that Ning Dandan was still alive.

That's why he sent that circle of friends, using the photos that had been taken earlier.

In the current era of extremely developed network information, in addition to colleagues who go to work every day and roommates who live together, other friends are basically WeChat or QQ contacts.

What is the matter of Sending WeChat to say a word, what is the heart to send a circle of friends, in a way, as long as the circle of friends is alive, it means that this person is alive.


After taking care of everything and cleaning up the traces, Zhu Xiaojun nodded with satisfaction.

Then he put Ning Dandan's bank cards, credit cards, etc. into his wallet, locked the door, and drove straight to the nightclub.

"Xiao Jun, how did you come, Sister Zhang has been waiting for you for a long time."

The consul of the nightclub complained to Zhu Xiaojun, and Zhu Xiaojun smiled and then went directly into the private room.

Sister Zhang, named Zhang Fang, is a well-known rich woman, and her husband is a Hong Konger, a super rich businessman.

Because her husband has been in Hong Kong for many years, Zhang Fang, who is lonely and intolerable, often lingers in nightclubs and raises a few young and handsome cowboys.

Zhu Xiaojun is one of the most favored.

Closing the door of the private room with his backhand, Zhu Xiaojun immediately knelt on the ground, climbed a few steps to Sister Zhang's feet, and said flatteringly: "Master, I am here, the woman, is already dead." “

Sister Zhang was very satisfied, nodded, and pulled out a stack of money in her bag and threw it on Zhu Xiaojun's face.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to really dare to do it, it's really my good slave."

"Got it, master."

"By the way, do you have a good preservation?"

"Back to the master, I put the woman in the freezer and froze, within 48 hours, no problem, all organs can be used."

"Nothing else matters, as long as the heart is OK, well, tomorrow I will go to your house to get the heart, as long as the master and I have a successful operation, promise you money, not a penny less." 」

"Thank you very much to the host."

In the luxurious private room, the two devils were smiling.

As everyone knows, the end of the two is coming.

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