
The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

author:Take you around the UK

It is said that eating a trench is a wisdom, but there are always people who like to fall in the same pit.

Stephanie Garcia, 49, a parole officer from Texas, has experienced two unhappy marriages in a row that have been abused by her partner.

Fortunately, she later "lost her way" and lived a happy single life for 8 years after her divorce, when she worked in a problem youth school, specializing in teaching some minors who committed crimes to help them get back to their way.

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

In 2016, a student accidentally mentioned to Stephanie that one of his relatives had just been released from prison, was overwhelmed by the changes in the outside world, and did not know how to reintegrate into life.

Having always believed that "repentance can lead to a new life," she could bear it after hearing this, so she suggested that the students let her relatives contact her to see if they could help the prisoner named Geraldo Castaneda to reintegrate into society.

Although Stephanie never had any other ideas to contact him, simply to help, but did not expect that after a period of interaction, the two actually had feelings for each other!

In particular, Gerardo's "gentle" personality, and the kind of responsibility that always takes the responsibility on herself, are in stark contrast to her two ex-husbands:

"He paid attention to my needs and gave me everything every woman wanted!"

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

Touched by some of Gerardo's details, the two began to date more and more frequently, and they got to know each other more and more, and finally talked about why he had been in prison a few weeks later.

It turned out that Gerardo was arrested for killing his wife, and on December 22, 1996, he was convicted of first-degree murder by the Hidalgo County Court and sentenced to 20 years in prison!

However, after learning that the date in front of her was a wife killer, Stephanie was indeed frightened, but soon her mind changed.

"When he told me he killed his ex-wife, I was shocked, but I sympathized with him!

Because he was crying, it sounds like he didn't mean to take the woman's life, and I believed him at the time..."

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

Stephanie already felt that he and Gerardo's personality were very compatible, and the most likely "estrangement" problem was talked about, and their relationship was naturally getting better and better.

Then, after only 7 months of knowing each other, in July 2016, the two were officially married!

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

At the wedding, Stephanie offered to give her new husband a "second chance" and chose to marry him.

After marriage, the life of the two is also like glue, and it is sweet to stick together every day

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

They will also take Stephanie and her ex-husband's little daughter out to play from time to time, which is a happy family of three in the eyes of outsiders

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

But when Stephanie took these new lives to social media and wrote about her own experience, she was questioned by netizens:

"So you yourself are already a victim of domestic violence, but you still decided to marry a wife murderer..."

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

"Murderers who take other people's lives don't deserve a second chance!"

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

But at this time, she single-mindedly determined that Gerardo was the Stephanie to whom she finally belonged, and who could let netizens say this about him, she frantically defended their relationship, and even said such a controversial word:

"He's been in jail for 20 years, enough to learn how to treat a woman when he's out of prison, so he's been nice to me!"

As a result, who could have predicted that she had just hardened her temper not long ago, and was punched in the face by the sudden reality of the situation——

Less than a year after the two were married, Gerardo quietly left her without even leaving a word of explanation...

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

At this point, Stephanie was completely confused, and then stood up to overturn his previous "argument":

"Probably because I'm used to being with violent men and have become numb, I can't believe I would say that, but I really didn't feel so bad when I was in a relationship."

Looking back now, oh my God, what was going on in my head at the time, I actually married a man who killed his wife!

In other words, no woman would have done that, but it should have been due to my life experiences that acquiesced to his use of this to manipulate my behavior.

It turns out that this type of person stayed in prison for so long and learned only how to manipulate women!

I'm older and more mature now, so I can see that..."

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

However, after this matter was reported, netizens still felt extremely ridiculous about her remarks.

"Prison is a great place to learn how to treat women? No one has ever said that before..."

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

"Going to jail doesn't change a person's innate character, it's just a form of imposed punitive obedience."

The true face of the person is reflected when there is freedom of choice, and this man has a history of domestic violence, which is evidence that he may have made similar moves.

This risk is not affected by love, only by the situation at hand..."

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

Some people also accused her of having a brain problem, directly angry without leaving a little affection for ah——

"This woman is crazy!"

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

"So the first two marriages that were abused by domestic violence didn't teach her anything?" It's really easy to change the nature of the country and the mountains..."

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

"Some people just never have a long memory!"

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

"When a woman is involved in a domestic violence relationship more than once, it is obvious that there is a problem, and now she has to defend another wife killer who has a history of domestic violence, and I really think she needs to see a doctor!"

And she can't continue to be an parole officer anymore, because her thoughts are distorted, is she not aware of it herself? ”

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

She still didn't realize what was wrong with her!

This time she was dumped instead of the one who chose to leave, if the man decides to stay, it is estimated that the two will continue to be together! ”

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

Some people think that she is still so brainless as a mother, afraid that it will affect her children.

"I'm even more worried about her young daughter..."

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

"Her daughters are so pathetic..."

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

"How could anyone put children in such a dangerous position?!"

The American woman fled two abusive marriages and married a wife killer for the third time

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