
Native eggs are more nutritious? These eggs are no better than eggs and teach you how to pick eggs

author:GP online

Xu's mother is 58 years old and an authentic farmer. Her sons and daughters-in-law all work in the provincial capital next door, and the grandson is two years old and is in the care of his relatives. Recently, the epidemic has occurred sporadically, and it is difficult to go to my son's house, so naturally I have brought a lot of things. There are many local specialties, including native eggs.

Native eggs are more nutritious? These eggs are no better than eggs and teach you how to pick eggs
Xu's mother said that native eggs are more fragrant and nutritious, more safe without hormones, and cannot be bought with money. I believe that there are not a few people who have this idea of Xu's mother, and they would rather be more expensive than buy native eggs. In fact, this idea is not right, expensive eggs do not mean better.

Are native eggs really safer?

Consumers often assume that native eggs are safer because they are eggs from free-range chickens that are not exposed to dangerous substances. In fact, in terms of safety, native eggs are not absolutely safe. The living environment of free-range native chickens is uncertain, the possibility of contamination is relatively large, and the risk of infection with germs is relatively large.

In 2010, researchers at National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan conducted a study to buy free-range eggs and caged eggs from supermarkets to test the content of dioxins in these eggs, and the results showed that the dioxin content of free-range eggs was 5.7 times that of caged eggs.

Native eggs are more nutritious? These eggs are no better than eggs and teach you how to pick eggs

Free-range native chickens are generally free-range, if you accidentally eat contaminated food or accidentally eat rat poison, eggs will have these pollutant residues, which will endanger health. Moreover, free-range native chickens eat more miscellaneous foods and are more susceptible to pathogenic bacteria. Native eggs are really not as safe as people think.

Why do native eggs taste more delicious?

Native eggs are more fragrant to eat, which is by no means a psychological effect, this is a fact. Because the fat content in the eggs is relatively high, the yolk will be relatively large, so it will be very fragrant to eat, but after simple cooking, it can have a good taste. The native chickens that are free-range outside eat natural foods such as small insects and grass, so the color of the egg yolk will be darker.

However, these do not necessarily mean that native eggs are more nutritious, and the test data of foreign eggs and native eggs in the "Chinese Food Composition Table" shows that there is no significant difference in overall nutrition between native eggs and foreign eggs, and even foreign eggs have a slight advantage.

Are these eggs more worth eating?

1. Duck eggs and goose eggs

Both duck eggs and goose eggs are more expensive than eggs, so many people think that duck eggs and goose eggs are more nutritious. In fact, their protein content is almost the same, the mineral content is also similar, the difference is in the fat content. Goose eggs have the highest fat content, followed by duck eggs and finally eggs. It is precisely because goose eggs and duck eggs are high in fat that it is easier to flow oil when marinating. There is no difference in nutritional composition, eat eggs can be.

2. Quail eggs

Many parents will buy quail eggs for their children to supplement nutrition. In fact, it is not necessary, quail eggs and eggs, whether in protein content, or fat content, or mineral content, are similar. Instead of bothering to peel quail eggs, eat eggs.

Native eggs are more nutritious? These eggs are no better than eggs and teach you how to pick eggs

3. Turtle eggs

Turtle eggs are uncommon, but there are still legends about them. The price is dozens of times that of eggs, and it is said that it can beautify the face, strengthen the body, and supplement the kidneys and aphrodisiacs. In fact, let everyone down. Turtle eggs have not found special functional ingredients, in terms of nutritional value and eggs are almost the same, the only difference is that the calcium content of turtle eggs is relatively high. If it is just a simple calcium supplement, it is better to drink milk.

How to pick a good egg?

Choosing eggs requires certain skills, first of all, to see whether the appearance of the eggs is complete and whether the color is bright. Secondly, touch the surface of the egg to see if there is a rough feeling, if it is very smooth, it is likely to be an inferior egg. Finally, shake the egg to see if there is any noise. There is also a certain doorway for storing eggs, and the tip should be placed downwards, not cleaned, and stored away from light.

Native eggs are more nutritious? These eggs are no better than eggs and teach you how to pick eggs

Native eggs are indeed more fragrant, but there is not much difference in nutritional composition from foreign eggs. Whether it is eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, or quail eggs, turtle eggs, in the final analysis, it is all eggs, the nutritional content is similar, eggs are good and cheap, is the most cost-effective choice.

Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction


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