
Eggs with a treasure, men nourish the kidneys, women nourish blood, the elderly and children nourish the spleen and stomach! But there is a kind of eating law that hurts the body, don't step on the thunder

author:Beiqing Net

When it comes to eggs, I believe everyone is familiar with them.

It is a source of high-quality protein, rich in a variety of essential amino acids, and contains a variety of vitamins and selenium and other nutrients needed by the human body.

Eggs with a treasure, men nourish the kidneys, women nourish blood, the elderly and children nourish the spleen and stomach! But there is a kind of eating law that hurts the body, don't step on the thunder

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that eggs are sweet and flat, can strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish yin and moisten dryness, nourish the lungs and nourish blood, remove annoyance and calm the nerves, and are commonly used foods to support righteousness.

What is gratifying is that eggs can not only "take the lead" and make delicious, but also very versatile, and many ingredients and medicinal materials can collide with sparks, such as the following ~

Eggs + leeks: Men eat to nourish the kidneys and laxative

As a home-cooked dish, scrambled leeks with eggs are simple and simple, but the nutritional effects are not simple.

Eggs with a treasure, men nourish the kidneys, women nourish blood, the elderly and children nourish the spleen and stomach! But there is a kind of eating law that hurts the body, don't step on the thunder

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that leeks have a pungent and warm taste, which can tonify the kidneys and help yang, warm the kidneys and solidify essence, warm the appetizer, regulate qi and blood, fill the liver qi, warm the waist and knees, and is suitable for kidney yang deficiency, impotence and spermatozoa, waist and knee pain and other symptoms.

From the perspective of modern nutrition, leeks contain proteins, sugars, fats, vitamin C, minerals, dietary fiber and sulfides.

Eggs with a treasure, men nourish the kidneys, women nourish blood, the elderly and children nourish the spleen and stomach! But there is a kind of eating law that hurts the body, don't step on the thunder

Among them, it contains trace elements such as zinc, selenium, iodine, etc., which are indeed good for sperm formation. This coincides with the fact that traditional Chinese medicine calls leeks "yang medicine", which has the effect of tonifying the kidney and strengthening essence.

In addition, leeks contain more dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, and wrap the residues in the digestive tract and discharge them with the stool to prevent constipation and intestinal cancer.

Eggs + Angelica: Women eat to nourish blood and invigorate blood, regulate menstruation and relieve pain

Most women often have blood deficiency, blood stagnation, and qi and blood disharmony due to menstruation, pregnancy and other reasons. At this time, the gynecological elixir - angelica can come in handy.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that angelica is warm, sweet and pungent in taste, and has the effects of replenishing blood and activating blood, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, and moistening the intestines and laxative.

Eggs with a treasure, men nourish the kidneys, women nourish blood, the elderly and children nourish the spleen and stomach! But there is a kind of eating law that hurts the body, don't step on the thunder

Angelica sinensis is warm and heavy, and it is an important medicine for blood replenishment, and is suitable for blood deficiency symptoms such as paleness, lip and claw, dizziness, and palpitations.

At the same time, Angelica sinensis is light in taste and pungent in taste, can be dispersed, invigorates blood and dissolves stasis, stasis dissipates blood, and swelling and pain stops, therefore, Angelica sinensis can be used for menstrual irregularities, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and other symptoms caused by blood deficiency, blood stagnation, qi and blood disharmony, and can also be used for bruises, hematoma and pain and tendon fractures.

Modern pharmacological studies have shown that Angelica sinensis has the functions of promoting hematopoiesis, inhibiting platelet aggregation and anti-thrombosis, and has a two-way regulatory effect on the uterus.

In short, angelica is a medicinal and edible ingredient. It is eaten stewed with eggs and is perfect for women.

Angelica stew

Eggs with a treasure, men nourish the kidneys, women nourish blood, the elderly and children nourish the spleen and stomach! But there is a kind of eating law that hurts the body, don't step on the thunder

Ingredients: 20 grams of angelica, 2 eggs. Method: Boiled eggs, peeled and set aside; Put angelica in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water to boil over high heat, change to low heat and fry for half an hour, and remove the residue; Put the eggs in a pot and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Efficacy: Replenish blood and invigorate blood, regulate menstruation and relieve pain, moisten the intestines and laxative, and have a better effect on palpitations and insomnia caused by blood deficiency. Note:

Angelica sinensis will affect uterine contractions, pregnant and lactating women should not eat it;

Angelica sinensis should not be used during menstruation or when there is pathological bleeding (such as menorrhagia, leakage, fetal restlessness, etc.);

Angelica sinensis has a pungent and warm taste, and it helps yang, so those with less blood and yin deficiency should not use angelica, or should not be used alone;

If you feel unwell before and during Angelica, you should consult a doctor or pharmacist.

Eggs + chicken gold: the elderly and children eat to strengthen the spleen and stomach

Children have delicate internal organs, unfilled body qi, and insufficient spleen and stomach, and if they eat without moderation, it is easy to cause damage to the spleen and stomach.

When the spleen and stomach are weak, children often cannot fully digest food, which can easily lead to stagnation, and symptoms such as heavy breath, poor appetite, and abdominal distension occur.

After a long period of accumulation, it is easy to turn heat, and internal heat affects other parts, which can cause problems such as redness and swelling of the throat, dry cough, fever, irritability, restless sleep, loss of appetite, constipation, etc., and so on.

Eggs with a treasure, men nourish the kidneys, women nourish blood, the elderly and children nourish the spleen and stomach! But there is a kind of eating law that hurts the body, don't step on the thunder

As for the elderly, in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, after people enter middle and old age, the yang energy in the body is gradually weakened, and most of the physique is qi deficiency, which is often manifested as dull face, poor spleen and stomach function, fatigue and lack of strength, etc.

In particular, poor spleen and stomach function will cause the elderly to lose appetite, bloating or accumulate food after eating something, poor stomach, loose stools, and emaciation......

If there are elderly and children in the family, when encountering the above situation, it is not only necessary to eliminate food and accumulation, but also need to nourish qi and strengthen the spleen, so as to improve the weak state of the spleen and stomach of the elderly and children.

When it comes to eliminating food accumulation and strengthening the spleen and stomach, the chicken inner gold, which is known as "the all-rounder of stagnation and the all-round medicine for food consumption" by traditional Chinese medicine, is suitable for the elderly, children, and people with weak spleen and stomach functions.

The gold in the chicken is sweet and flat, which can eliminate various types of stagnation, which can be described as the culmination of food elimination medicine. At the same time, it can also strengthen the spleen and stomach and help transport.

Golden rice porridge in laying hens

Eggs with a treasure, men nourish the kidneys, women nourish blood, the elderly and children nourish the spleen and stomach! But there is a kind of eating law that hurts the body, don't step on the thunder

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 1 chicken gold, 30 grams of barley, 25 grams of japonica rice, appropriate amount of salt and chopped green onions.

Method: Add 1.5 liters of water to the pot, add chicken gold, barley, and japonica rice, and after boiling, change to a simmer for half an hour; Beat the eggs and add salt and chopped green onions, stir well, pour them into the pot, stir constantly, cook into porridge, boil and serve.

Efficacy: This porridge nourishes the spleen and invigorates qi, consumes food and appetizes, and is suitable for all ages.

In addition, eggs can moisturize yin and dryness, remove annoyance and calm the nerves, and this bowl of porridge is also suitable for the elderly who do not sleep well.

Of course, in addition to the above golden pairings and eating methods, eggs can also be eaten with many ingredients, and there are also many ways to eat them with different flavors.

But there is a kind of eating Fata that hurts the body, so it is recommended that you try it less!

Eggs are good, but don't eat them like that

There are many ways to eat eggs, but the least recommended is to eat raw eggs or soft-boiled eggs.

Eggs with a treasure, men nourish the kidneys, women nourish blood, the elderly and children nourish the spleen and stomach! But there is a kind of eating law that hurts the body, don't step on the thunder

Many people believe that the nutrients of eggs "evaporate" with temperature, so they prefer to eat raw eggs or soft-boiled eggs. However, undercooked eggs not only have the possibility of food poisoning due to Salmonella contamination, but also contain two harmful substances, anti-enzyme protein and avidin. The former will affect the digestion and absorption of protein; The latter can bind to biotin in food, resulting in biotin deficiency in the human body, resulting in symptoms such as mental fatigue and muscle aches. These two substances are destroyed only after they are cooked.

Eggs with a treasure, men nourish the kidneys, women nourish blood, the elderly and children nourish the spleen and stomach! But there is a kind of eating law that hurts the body, don't step on the thunder

In addition, raw eggs contain antitrypsin, which inhibits the absorption of protein from the gastrointestinal tract. In this way, a large amount of protein that has not had time to be digested escapes into the large intestine, and spoils under the action of E. coli, which produces toxic substances. Some of these toxic substances are excreted from the body, and some need to be metabolized by the liver, which greatly increases the workload of the liver. Therefore, for the sake of health, it is recommended to cook the eggs completely before eating.

(Health Daily Push)


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