
Buyers speak ill of Sun Zhuo, drink more ungrateful milk, and save college fees and bride price money

Sun Haiyang's family of five reunited for the first time, and the scene was warm. Mr. and Mrs. Sun Haiyang watched their three children healthy by their side, not to mention how happy they were. For Sun Haiyang, as long as the family is together, it is his greatest satisfaction.

Everyone was happy for them, and the family was immersed in happiness. Unexpectedly, the buyer was a demon again, and the seller spoke harshly to Sun Zhuo. The buyer directly said that Sun Zhuo was a white-eyed wolf.

Buyers speak ill of Sun Zhuo, drink more ungrateful milk, and save college fees and bride price money

The buyer said that everyone knows about Sun Zhuo's recognition of relatives, and Sun Zhuo is ungrateful and ungrateful in the first place. Sun Zhuo did not quit and said goodbye, so as not to violate his conscience? Sun Zhuo's family over-hype, is to make money.

They also say that there is nothing wrong with making money, but is it too much to plant a stolen adoptive parent in order to make money? Seeing this is really very angry, how can they have the face to say such a thing, it is simply no moral bottom line.

Buyers speak ill of Sun Zhuo, drink more ungrateful milk, and save college fees and bride price money

The buyer said that Sun Zhuo drank milk and was ungrateful, they gave all the milk in the family to Sun Zhuo, only Sun Zhuo grew up drinking milk, and his two biological daughters did not drink it.

Unexpectedly, Sun Zhuo drank so much milk, and finally became ungrateful, really no conscience. Everyone knows that Sun Zhuo likes to eat grilled sausages very much, and the buyer even said that the grilled sausages ate too many rotten lungs.

Buyers speak ill of Sun Zhuo, drink more ungrateful milk, and save college fees and bride price money

It is really too much to say this, why should you impose what you have done on a child, so as to attack Sun Zhuo, and you will not feel guilty in your heart?

The buyer also said that I was not angry, Sun Zhuo left just right, saving college fees and dowry money. They believe that as long as Sun Zhuo is by his side, they need to earn him the cost of going to college, and after going to college, they also need to start a family, and they need dowry money to get married.

Buyers speak ill of Sun Zhuo, drink more ungrateful milk, and save college fees and bride price money

Sun Zhuo walked better, so that his economic pressure would not be so great. Why not relax? Seeing this, I really feel that the buyer is really not a thing, and there is no moral bottom line at all.

The buyer's true face was finally exposed, and he did not expect that the buyer's heart was so fierce, and he did not care about any family affection. If the buyer really considered 14 years of family affection, he would not say so about Sun Zhuo.

Buyers speak ill of Sun Zhuo, drink more ungrateful milk, and save college fees and bride price money

If they truly love Sun Zhuo, they should let go and stop pestering. Maybe Sun Zhuo would still remember the grace of nurturing, but he didn't expect them to achieve such a point. From this point of view, they will not give up.

Buyers speak ill of Sun Zhuo, drink more ungrateful milk, and save college fees and bride price money

Sun Zhuo's decision was correct, fortunately he did not return to his adoptive parents, otherwise sun Zhuo would face what kind of situation. Seeing this face of the buyer, I was really scared.

They showed the worst side of human nature, and originally had a little pity for them, but now it seems that they do not deserve everyone's sympathy at all, and they should spend the rest of their lives in prison.

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