
In the ten years of the Cultural Revolution that were hidden in "Parental Love", Jiang Defu was even more miserable than Ouyang Yi

author:Shan Yue said


I believe that familiar officials know that I just recently updated "What Happened to the Artillery School After Jiang Defu Left?" (I)" This article is a sequel to the previous article, if you can't understand this article, you can go and read it in combination with the previous one.

This article takes about four minutes to read. (另一个‬题目‬:其实‬安杰‬并没有影响‬江德‬福‬,江德福‬发呢‬因为‬安杰的‬到晋升‬)

The previous article respectively said the tragic experience of the principal and Wang Xiu'e because the previous article Wang Xiu'e was not well read, so this one let's write about Jiang Defu.

As the protagonist of his parents' love, Jiang Defu has always loved Ander, and the two have enjoyed a lifetime of love

I have to admit that Jiang Defu really loves Anjie, including tolerating Anjie's little temper everywhere, bringing invisible benefits to Anjie and Anjie's family,

But because of Jiang Defu in the ten years of the Cultural Revolution, in addition to his married life, is his career and interpersonal relationship really as quiet as the years played in the play?

In the ten years of the Cultural Revolution that were hidden in "Parental Love", Jiang Defu was even more miserable than Ouyang Yi

First of all, let's explain the background of the times and a few suspicious details

First, there are many doubts in the leadership inspection, and Anjie does not lag behind in Jiang's career

Everyone still remembers that once, the leader came to Songshan Island to inspect, which was originally a mediocre drama, but only for the previous plot to follow up and briefly explain the reasons why Jiang could not be promoted.

However, it is precisely this scene that is the biggest foreshadowing of the whole play

Anjie and Jiang Defu discussed the issue of his official position, and Jiang Defu could not get promoted, which made Anjie very distressed.

Then the plot continues, and the leader wants to come to the island to inspect.

So a dramatic scene appeared, knowing that Jiang Defu would not come back for dinner, and told the family, but soon after Jiang returned again.

Is this just a humble arrangement, which I do not think so. This time not coming back for dinner also hints at Jiang Defu's political fate, which is also so tortuous and so unexpected.

Everyone pays attention to a detail, why Jiang Defu did not come back to eat, because the leader was seasick. But everyone thinks about why the leader is seasick

In the ten years of the Cultural Revolution that were hidden in "Parental Love", Jiang Defu was even more miserable than Ouyang Yi

Obviously, it is the navy, and the navy should also be present during the inspection, so why would it arrange for seasick soldiers to come. Even if individual leaders come, they should be accompanied by the Navy.

But the play says that they are all lying down, how can they all lie down?

They were all seasick, although this sentence explained the reason why the leaders could not eat.

But from behind this sentence, we can see that Qingdao is a coastal defense city.

Soldiers, how can you get seasick? They are obviously the Army, obviously not the Navy, because a regular navy does not get seasick.

And how could the outpost of Qingdao Haiphong arrange for seasick troops to garrison Haiphong? What about coming to inspect the work? Therefore, the arrangement of the artillery school is very unusable and the people make the best use of their talents.

The chaos of the revolutionary system has created chaos in the management system.

This was the first suspicion, and the second suspicion was that Anjie asked Yaning to deliver food to Deputy Political Commissar Liang

In the ten years of the Cultural Revolution that were hidden in "Parental Love", Jiang Defu was even more miserable than Ouyang Yi

This move seems to pave the way for Lao Jiang's career, but in fact it harmed Lao Jiang, and Anjie was on such an occasion as leading the inspection. Blatantly do these small actions to let other soldiers see it.

In the ten years of the Cultural Revolution that were hidden in "Parental Love", Jiang Defu was even more miserable than Ouyang Yi

It was a very shameful thing to go back door in those days, especially in the disciplined military. This kind of small action is especially difficult.

Second, Ouyang Yi's fate is not the most tragic, and Ge Meixia has become a scapegoat for the times

This person is Ge Meixia, the daughter of the fisherman on Matsuyama Island.

Let me explain to you the word fisherman first: according to the play, Zhang Guiying's mouth said that the fishing bully is equivalent to our landlord there.

Landlord, the word is in the context of a specific era, has a specific meaning, landlords also have good and evil, landlords like Hu Hansan are bully landlords, and landlords like Zhou Ying who are worried about the country and the people are also there.

We should officially go through history, not be killed with a stick.

In the play, whether Ge Meixia's family is good or bad, we don't know.

This article only dissects the fate of Ge Meixia as a person, and good and evil are not judged.

In the ten years of the Cultural Revolution that were hidden in "Parental Love", Jiang Defu was even more miserable than Ouyang Yi

It is mentioned many times in the play that Ge Meixia is still good-looking, has culture, and has a relationship with Lao Ding.

It is reasonable to say that such a woman should be considered to stand out from the crowd in front of a group of rural women, but the truth is just the opposite.

Because of the problem of composition, this poor woman was humiliated and trampled by the inhabitants of the island, and even sent to pick up the dung.

In the episode where Jiang Weimin District returns to his hometown and goes to the countryside, through Anjie's mouth, we can spy, Ge Meixia asked: Isn't this just a rural area?

Anjie replied: But isn't it small! Not a vast world.

Yes, Ge Meixia is like a caged bird, living on a small island. In Qingdao during the Cultural Revolution, Anjie was still difficult to survive.

Not to mention a small island. In the words of the play: Are capitalists worse than fishermen?

Yes, in that crazy and terrible era, students were anti-teacher, and social order was disrupted. Even the naval artillery school in Qingdao was not peaceful, and Lao Ding was relegated to the island. The principal has Alzheimer's disease.

This was the misfortune of that era, and Ge Meixia's lifelong events were also delayed by the torrent of the times.

The river of time rolls in and does not stop because of anyone.

Finally dragged into the old girl, until those years passed.

Perhaps Ge Meixia's fate is not the most unfortunate, the ending is still good, married to Wang Zhenbiao, and became the family of the military chief.

This is the pain that Chinese people are unwilling to reply to, today, the mountains and rivers are still the same, we may as well face up to history. Through Ge Meixia's fate, the Chinese-style reunion is shown

All in all, that era has finally passed, and the fate of Ouyang Yi and Ge Meixia is not another tragedy?

Dear officials, this issue ends here, welcome everyone to pay attention, like, forward. Code words are not easy, Xiaobian will continue to update, "Antai's wife, is the most understanding person in the whole drama (three)".

If you like it, just keep an eye on it.

Your praise is the motivation for the editor to write.

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