
No matter how poor you are, some money should not be saved, and the more you save, the poorer you are

No matter how poor you are, some money should not be saved, and the more you save, the poorer you are

There is a saying:

"The people of the world are panicked, but it is just a few pieces of silver, but this piece of silver can solve the world's sorrow."

There's no denying that in this world, money is important to everyone.

In order to increase our wealth, we are not only trying to make money every day, but of course we will save as much money as possible.

The so-called open source throttling, perhaps in the hearts of many people, whether it is to make money or save money, they will eventually make their money more.

But in fact, there are many times when there is a contradiction between making money and saving money.

The reason we can make more money is because we don't save money, because we pay first and then we get paid.

Once the money that should not be saved is also saved, then in the end it will often only be the sesame seeds and the watermelon, which is not worth the loss.

No matter how poor you are, some money should not be saved, and the more you save, the poorer you are

Filial piety to parents can not save money

I once saw such a story on the Internet:

When a young man and a client were talking about cooperation in a restaurant near the company, the young man's father appeared and asked the young man for some money.

Because they were talking about cooperation, the young people were particularly unhappy about the appearance of their father, and then they sent their father with an impatient face and said:

"I'm busy right now, you go back first, and I'll call you back."

The young man's father said in a pleading tone:

"Last week you said you turned back, last week you said you turned back... But your mother's illness really can't wait! ”

However, even if the young man's father said this, the young man still did not have any emotion, and eventually the young man's father returned disappointed.

Of course, all of this is seen by the customer.

The next day, the client broke off his partnership with the young man and wrote the following sentence in his message:

"A person who is not filial to even his own parents, we dare not cooperate!"

Mencius has clouds:

"Do not be a relative, not a person; if you do not obey your relatives, you cannot be a son."

Filial piety is the foundation of virtue.

A person who is not filial piety, they lack sunshine and warmth in their hearts, they are dissatisfied with society, and they are indifferent to human feelings. I am not touched by beautiful things, and I am extremely angry.

Such a person, although he said that he saved the money spent on his parents.

However, a person who is not filial to even his parents will eventually not only make the family a mess, but even if he enters the society, he will be despised and rejected.

In such a state, it is bound to lose its fortune, and thus make the road narrower and narrower.

No matter how poor you are, some money should not be saved, and the more you save, the poorer you are

Don't save money to improve yourself

Someone said:

"Once you have a money-saving brain in improving yourself, you can't develop the ability to make money." So you'll be very stable in poverty. ”

Indeed it is.

In this world, the most fundamental thing that can really determine whether a person can get richer and richer is whether he is good enough.

If, blindly in order to save money, the cost of learning and upgrading is also omitted, then in the end it will only be a mediocre life, or even poorer and poorer.

When I worked at my last company, I knew such a young man.

To be honest he really saves money.

Not only do colleagues not participate in the party, daily life is very poor, and even in order to save 500 yuan, they do not apply for any study classes when they take the exam for very important documents.

However, in the end?

In the end, his saving money not only did not make him live better, but he watched as people who were not as good as him have passed the certificate, promoted and raised their salaries.

But he still stood still, and in less than a year, his income was much worse than others.

Mr. Yang Dai once wrote in the book:

"In a lifetime, you need to have three self-realizations, which are nothing more than knowing yourself, refining yourself, and consciously and voluntarily transforming yourself."

Admittedly, saving money is indeed important, and the money in that province must not be wasted.

But there is a saying: "Good steel is used on the blade." "When it comes to improving your own money, don't be stingy.

Only when you sharpen yourself can you make your way forward easier and get more wealth.

No matter how poor you are, some money should not be saved, and the more you save, the poorer you are

The money exchanged by Li Shang is not saved

In life, no one can live as an island, and good relationships are the best help for us to get more good luck and opportunities.

However, a good relationship is never a person who is rich and powerful, and he sucks blood.

Only by knowing how to exchange courtesies, two people pay each other and support each other, can the relationship be close for a long time.

If you always take other people's efforts for granted, then on the surface it seems that you have taken advantage of and saved money. But what you end up losing may not be exchanged for a thousand dollars.

I've seen a video like this.

There were two young people who entered the company together, and because of their similar ages, the two quickly became friends.

Later, one of the young people got married, and the other young man took 3,000 yuan with a gift, but when the latter got married, the former did not say anything.

Just as the young man who took advantage of him was complacent about his little cleverness, another young man slowly alienated him.

Later, even if there was a good project, I didn't ask him to join him.

The Psalms say:

"Throw in the peach, and repay it with Qiong Yao."

The relationship between people is never eternal, when you make each other feel warm, the relationship is closer, and every time you disappoint the other party, the relationship is farther away.

And blindly want to save money on the matter of etiquette, in the end you will find that you will become a friend without any, your road will only become more and more difficult to walk, and your life will naturally not be able to live smoothly.

No matter how poor you are, some money should not be saved, and the more you save, the poorer you are

I really like this sentence:

"Spending money and making money are equally important, and the former is even better."

Indeed, no matter how unsatisfactory life is and there is no money, then the money that should be spent on the above three kinds cannot be saved.

Only when you spend the money you should spend, then you can get more fortune.

Eventually let yourself earn more wealth and live a better life.


Author: Away from the rain slightly cool, a rational, emotional, like to use words to express personal views, bring you spiritual healing, emotional solution, life perception of the post-90s writer.

No matter how poor you are, some money should not be saved, and the more you save, the poorer you are

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