
She has been a deputy to the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress for four consecutive terms for 19 years, from the old to one river and one river, and she insists on speaking for the people

author:Shangguan News

"This is probably the one I've put in the most time in my job this year." Pointing to the two thick "one river and one river" legislative research report on the table, Xu Liping, deputy to the Municipal People's Congress and chief engineer of Shanghai Survey and Design Institute (Group) Co., Ltd., said with a smile.

As a deputy to the Municipal People's Congress for four consecutive terms, Xu Liping is known for her earnestness and relatively good faith. During the term of office of the 15th Municipal People's Congress, Xu Liping submitted a total of 10 bills, 37 deputies' suggestions and 1 legislative research report. During the Spring Festival in 2020, Xu Liping submitted more than ten suggestions for epidemic prevention and control. During this year's two sessions, she also plans to submit 2 bills and 4 deputies' proposals.

"Performing one's duties" and "one's own duties" can empower each other

"One of the bills I submitted this year is about speeding up the enactment of the Shanghai Municipal Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Soil and Groundwater Pollution." Xu Liping said that she has been engaged in research on polluted soil remediation for more than a decade, and has long been concerned about the safety of underground space in Shanghai, and this time she led the submission of relevant bills, hoping to promote new progress in this work.

As in previous years, the deputies' suggestions submitted by Xu Liping this year still pay attention to people's livelihood issues, such as "road zippers" and the renewal of old commercial housing communities. "Many citizens contacted me, today's electricity, tomorrow's gas, the day after tomorrow's drainage pipes, a road has been repeatedly excavated, and the surrounding residents are miserable." Xu Liping suggested that road excavation be included in the "two networks" to achieve multi-departmental joint approval, and each district and department should set up a 3-5 year excavation plan on the basis of finding out the road pipeline. Except for contingencies, this is carried out according to the overall plan.

She has been a deputy to the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress for four consecutive terms for 19 years, from the old to one river and one river, and she insists on speaking for the people

Before the two sessions, Xu Liping was preparing bills and suggestions for Wang Xianle to take photos

During the current term, Xu Liping submitted a number of proposals and suggestions that were adopted by the relevant departments, many of which later appeared to be quite forward-looking. In 2018, she proposed in a representative proposal to implement "one person, one car, one certificate" for delivery workers. After more than 3 years of exploration, in December 2021, the city's public security traffic police department issued special number plates for express delivery and takeaway electric bicycles, and from January 24 this year, law enforcement and punishment will be carried out for drivers of express delivery and electric bicycles used for takeaways that do not have special number plates in the city.

On the one hand, in recent years, every year during the intersessional period to participate in more than 80 people's congress research or supervision activities, on the other hand is the shanghai survey and design institute (group) Co., Ltd. chief engineer of this job, many people who know Xu Liping are curious about how she takes care of it.

"I don't think there's a conflict between the performance of a representative's duties and their own work." On the one hand, Xu Liping said, the methodology of natural science can help her make valuable suggestions in her performance of her duties. On the other hand, the systematic thinking and overall thinking required to perform her duties have broadened her horizons when studying natural sciences. "As long as the time is arranged, the performance of duties and their own work can fully achieve mutual empowerment."

People's congress deputies are meant to speak for the people

As an "old" deputy, Xu Liping is sometimes invited to share her experience in performing her duties with newly elected NPC deputies. Every time, Xu Liping will emphasize that as a people's congress deputy, the most important thing is to have a sense of mission.

"When I was elected as a deputy to the Municipal People's Congress in the first year, I suggested that the relevant departments should intensify their efforts to crack down on the illegal operation of refined oil products. I wasn't very happy with their handling, but I didn't know if I should bring them up. "Deputy Hu Xiujing recalled that at that time she made a long phone call to Xu Liping," deputy Xu said, saying that deputies to the people's congress should speak for the people. If the relevant departments really do not do a good job, we should urge them to improve. After hanging up the phone, Hu Xiujing ticked "not satisfied." At the same time, she also made some suggestions to the relevant departments in accordance with Xu Liping's instructions.

In 2011, Xu Liping came to the Yong'anli residential area of Huangpu District for the first time. It is close to the Bund, and in the shadows cast by the rows of tall buildings are pieces of old houses built 50 or 60 years ago, and the meters outside the walls are like spider silk, and some houses can't get a little sunlight. Xu Liping walked into one of the homes, a family of three crammed into a 10-square-meter house, the stairs leading to the second-floor compartment were only half a foot wide, and if you were not careful, you would step on the air. An aunt in her 80s took Xu Liping's hand and said, "I have been married for 60 years, and the housing conditions have not improved." ”

This scene greatly shocked Xu Liping. After returning home, Xu Liping submitted a proposal calling for greater efforts to reform the old ones so that more citizens can share the fruits of development. "At that time, I thought that after the reform and opening up, the appearance of the city is changing with each passing day, but there are still many people living in very difficult conditions. I am a deputy to the National People's Congress elected by them, if I don't speak for them, am I worthy of this status? ”

She has been a deputy to the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress for four consecutive terms for 19 years, from the old to one river and one river, and she insists on speaking for the people

In recent years, Shanghai's old reform efforts have been increasing

Driven by this sense of mission, Xu Liping has been more active in performing her duties and promoting the solution of one problem after another that has plagued the public for many years.

In Shanghai, there are a number of "nameless roads" that are neither municipal roads nor internal roads of enterprises and communities. The line department cannot manage it, the street and town have no right to manage it, and once there is a problem, the citizens have nowhere to complain. At the 2019 Municipal People's Congress, Xu Liping made suggestions for the first time on the management of these "nameless roads". In March 2019, the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, as the undertaking department, convened multiple departments to jointly discuss solutions. Xu Liping was also invited to attend.

"It feels like all departments are looking for reasons. Honestly, I wasn't satisfied. Xu Liping said that although all departments do have bitter feelings, they cannot ignore the voices of the citizens. Fortunately, under her continuous attention and the promotion of the municipal government, the barriers between departments were finally broken, and by the end of April 2021, nearly 90% of the city's 1529 nameless roads had been catalogued.

Feel the whole process of people's democracy

"Tomorrow I will go to 'one river and one river' to investigate, and there are two places." Seeing the new message jumping out of the WeChat group, Zhang Qinfang immediately replied: "Register! "In just a few seconds, two spots were snapped up.

In June 2020, Xu Liping was appointed as a member of the Urban Construction and Environmental Protection Committee of the Municipal People's Congress. In September, Xu Liping's non-resident committee member studio was established. She became a member of the studio with six colleagues, including Zhang Qinfang of the Shanghai Survey and Design Institute. As soon as the studio was established, it received a task - to complete the first draft of the "one river, one river" legislative research by the end of January 2021.

With the completion of the 45-kilometer shoreline along the Huangpu River and the 42-kilometer shoreline along the Suzhou River, "one river and one river" has become a new landmark of the people's city. In order to better manage this public space, the Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal Government decided to launch legislative research at the same time. This is the first legislation in Shanghai for public space, involving many subjects and complex interests.

After receiving the task, in more than two months, Xu Liping organized 30 research activities, visited relevant committees and bureaus, relevant departments of districts along the one river and one river, grass-roots legislative points and surrounding residential areas, and also visited experts in different fields.

"'One river and one river' is related to the vital interests of Shanghai citizens, and being able to participate in the legislative process is not only the object of the investigation, but also our enthusiasm is fully mobilized." Zhang Qinfang said that although every survey had to be written immediately after the end of each survey, it was often busy until after 12 midnight. However, everyone's enthusiasm is very high, "every time Xu deputies send a message of registration and research in the work group, everyone rushes to go, and finally can only fight for the speed of the hand 'second kill'."

She has been a deputy to the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress for four consecutive terms for 19 years, from the old to one river and one river, and she insists on speaking for the people

On September 23, 2021, the "One Belt and Ten Views" riverside trail of Huazheng Campus in the Changning section of Suzhou Creek was opened to Haishaer photo

On November 25, 2021, the Regulations on Public Spaces by Riverfront in Huangpu Jiangsu Prefecture, Shanghai were voted and passed. In Xu Liping's view, the "one river and one river" legislation is a vivid case of people's democracy in the whole process. In response to one problem after another, in the process of research, from ordinary people to the leaders of the commission and bureau, everyone actively participated and spoke freely, and finally formed the "greatest common divisor".

"For example, should Riverside be open all hours a day? Some enterprises, institutions and residents of residential communities along the coast have proposed that they should take into account the reasonable needs of their production and life. Xu Liping said that these opinions were finally adopted, and the Regulations stipulate that waterfront public spaces should be open to the public all the time, except for enterprises and institutions along the coast and residential communities that need to close the corresponding sections for production and life, teaching and scientific research at a specific time period.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Jun Text Editor: Wang Xiaole Title Image Source: Wang Xianle Photo

Source: Author: Wang Xianle

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