
The plenary meeting of the Provincial Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Provincial Leading Group for the Implementation of Rural Revitalization Strategy) was held, and Hu Changsheng presided over and delivered a speech

author:Daily Gansu
The plenary meeting of the Provincial Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Provincial Leading Group for the Implementation of Rural Revitalization Strategy) was held, and Hu Changsheng presided over and delivered a speech

Hu Changsheng stressed at the plenary meeting of the Provincial Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Provincial Leading Group for the Implementation of Rural Revitalization Strategy).

Continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation

Three-dimensional policies to promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas

The plenary meeting of the Provincial Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Provincial Leading Group for the Implementation of Rural Revitalization Strategy) was held, and Hu Changsheng presided over and delivered a speech

On June 28, the plenary meeting of the Provincial Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Provincial Leading Group for the Implementation of Rural Revitalization Strategy) was held in Lanzhou, and Hu Changsheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and leader of the Leading Group, presided over and delivered a speech. New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Meng Jie

The plenary meeting of the Provincial Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Provincial Leading Group for the Implementation of Rural Revitalization Strategy) was held in Lanzhou on June 28, and Hu Changsheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and leader of the leading group, presided over and delivered a speech. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, implement three-dimensional policies to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside, and strive to create a new situation in the development of "three rural" in our province.

Ren Zhenhe, governor and leader of the leading group, attended and delivered a speech. Provincial leaders Shi Moujun, Wang Fu, Cheng Xiaobo, Liu Changgen, Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Wei, Li Gang and others attended.

The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of the National Work Conference on Consolidating and Expanding the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation and the Effective Connection of Rural Revitalization, informed the province of the special assessment of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation in 2023, and arranged the deployment of the national assessment and evaluation feedback problems and the rectification of problems found in the province's self-examination and key tasks in the next stage.

The meeting stressed that this year is the fourth year of the transition period, and it is a key year for effectively connecting the previous and the next. All aspects at all levels in the province should consolidate and promote revitalization with permanent efforts, take the prevention of large-scale return to poverty as a political task and a bottom-line task, adhere to the policy focus on poverty alleviation areas, the gathering of factors to poverty alleviation areas, and the convergence of forces to poverty alleviation areas, and resolutely prevent lax thinking, loose work, and loose support. It is necessary to grasp the consolidation and promote revitalization with strict responsibility, give full play to the functions and roles of the rural work leading groups of party committees at all levels, adhere to the five levels of provincial, municipal, county and rural secretaries to grasp together, consolidate and effectively connect work responsibilities step by step, and earnestly ensure that the responsibilities are clearly understood, shouldered, and fulfilled in action. It is necessary to take pragmatic measures to consolidate and promote revitalization, learn from and use the experience of the "Ten Million Project", implement the "one-click poverty reporting" mechanism, strengthen dynamic monitoring and precise assistance, increase industrial income and employment income, and consolidate the foundation for the development of poverty alleviation areas. It is necessary to grasp the consolidation and promote revitalization with market methods, strengthen the sense of openness, cooperation, and innovation, give full play to the advantages of east-west cooperation and fixed-point assistance from central units, take the initiative to undertake the industrial transfer of the eastern and central regions, and comprehensively stimulate the vitality of rural development. It is necessary to grasp the consolidation and promote rejuvenation with a strong work style, thoroughly rectify the unhealthy tendencies and corruption problems around the masses, and do practical things and solve difficult problems for the peasants with heart and affection.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to always maintain the stability and continuity of work and policies, consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation without relaxation, accelerate the completion of development shortcomings such as key counties for national rural revitalization and relocation and concentrated resettlement areas, strengthen the support of morale and intelligence, and enhance the endogenous development momentum. It is necessary to focus on promoting the effective connection of rural revitalization, improving the quality of industrial development, promoting farmers' employment and income, and accelerating the construction of Hemei villages. It is necessary to continue to promote the upgrading of cooperation and assistance, and actively strengthen communication with cooperative provinces and cities and assistance units in terms of upgrading characteristic industries, building industrial clusters, cultivating labor cooperation brands, and helping farmers to increase income through consumption, so as to implement the matters set, build the introduced projects, and use the aid funds well. It is necessary to make every effort to do a good job in the rectification of national assessment feedback problems, take the initiative to claim the problems that have been discovered, comprehensively find potential risks and hidden dangers, deeply analyze the causes, identify the problem focus, and insist on drawing inferences from one another, combining far and near, and systematically treating them, so as to ensure that rectification is carried out on schedule and thoroughly.

The meeting was held via video link to the county level. (New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Zhang Fugui Jin Xin)

The plenary meeting of the Provincial Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Provincial Leading Group for the Implementation of Rural Revitalization Strategy) was held, and Hu Changsheng presided over and delivered a speech

Source: New Gansu Daily Gansu Net

Editor-in-charge: Cao Xu (trainee) Supervisor: Mu Haoqiang

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