
The people in the city were rumoring that the king and the princess were in love, but later the princess was happy with a few men

author:Little Sister Library

The people in the city are spreading the word that the king and the princess are childhood sweethearts, and the couple is deeply in love.

But later, the princess blushed and embraced under several men.

In a fit of rage, the prince divorced the princess and threw her to the countryside Zhuangzi in disgust.

When I saw the princess again, she was covered in a foul smell, skinny and skinny, and her bulging eyes glared at me fiercely: "Little, what did you give me?"

"It's a magic medicine that makes you want to die, doesn't the princess like it?"

The princess tried to strangle me, but I kicked me back on the kang.

"If you kill someone, you should pay for your life!"

The princess glared at me with red eyes and scolded me: "Slut! Why don't you die? Why do you want to frame me?"

Instead of answering her, I laughed and poured a bottle of termites on her.

Did she ever remember an old woman who was so poor that she could only drink porridge but generously gave her the only meat to eat?

also killed so many people for her, how could she remember the old woman with a pimple on her hands but smiling kindly.

The people in the city were rumoring that the king and the princess were in love, but later the princess was happy with a few men


"Don't think that if you look like a fox, the prince will look at you."

I knelt in the hall obediently and straightened my back to listen to the princess's lecture.

It is said that His Royal Highness King Su also had the opportunity to sit on the dragon chair, but he gave up the country for the sake of beauty, and the people in Beijing all admired the love between the two of them.

But they have been married for more than three years, and the princess's stomach still hasn't moved, even if King Su loves the princess again, the queen mother can't wait.

Despite the objections of the princess, he gave the prince two beauties.

I am one of the two beauties rewarded by the Queen Mother.

I heard that the princess was so angry that she smashed more than a dozen pieces of the palace reward collection yesterday, and the prince coaxed her all night.

I honestly knelt on the ground, not daring to relax for a moment.

She deliberately tortured us and didn't let us get up for an hour, and Li Qing, who was also rewarded, soon couldn't kneel and fell to the ground.

The beautiful eyes drooped slightly, and the handsome little face was full of panic, and she looked pitiful.

It's just that in the eyes of the princess, it becomes a provocation.

"Where's the hook bar pie?"

The princess was furious and asked someone to grab Li Qing's hair and slap her.

"What kind of place are you in the palace! Who is the prince not playing around with here? There's your friend in the house, right?"

"The princess has been wronged!"

No matter how Li Qing shouted injustice, the princess still refused to give up, and directly asked someone to pick up her clothes and throw them in the courtyard.

The reputation of women is the most important, Li Qing was insulted like this, and he committed suicide by jumping into the lake.

The princess just looked at it, and when the people were almost gone, she pretended to be kind and asked someone to fish Li Qing out.

I fell to my knees trembling, not daring to glance at all, and soon a burning gaze came from behind me.

I heard a cruel voice behind me: "There are people in the palace who have fallen into the water, what are you still kneeling here?"

This is clearly to drive us to death.

King Su coaxed the princess all night, but he couldn't make her angry. He decided to execute us today, intending to kill the chicken and make an example for the Queen Mother?

I pretended to be flustered and said, "Princess, rest your anger!"

"I think Li Meiren was pushed down by her, push her down for me to accompany the beauty!"

With the princess's order, the two grandmothers carried me and threw me into the lake.

I saw the time and bit my grandmother hard, and then inserted another grandmother's eyes.

Flee as fast as you can.

It didn't take a few steps before he crashed into a generous warm embrace.

I looked up with tears in my eyes.

Watery eyes, slightly messy but with a hint of amorous black hair, has been full of soft waist.

I didn't miss the surprise in King Su's eyes, and then apologized to him pitifully: "It was the slave family who collided with the prince!"

"Xuanyuan Mu! You're still holding her!"

Hearing the princess's angry voice, King Su quickly came back to his senses and withdrew the hand that was holding my waist.

I immediately knelt at the feet of King Su.

"What's going on here?"

King Su glanced at me and strode over to the princess.

The princess snorted coldly: "These two little prostitutes in the hook fence actually dare to sneak into the palace!"

King Su saw Li Qing, who had lost his breath, and couldn't help frowning: "This is the person sent by the Queen Mother, how can you ...... Zhu'er?"

The princess turned her head: "The Queen Mother obviously knows that you and I are as deep as the sea, and she wants to send these two people to anger me."

No matter how angry King Su was, he still remembered the relationship between the two of them, and killed a few grandmothers.

coaxed the princess again, and the two reconciled as before.

"Let's stay this one first, Zhu'er must not dispose of her again, otherwise I will not be able to explain to the Queen Mother."

"Besides, if you dispose of one of her, maybe the Queen Mother will reward more people to come over?"

The princess was unwilling, but she also knew the truth of accepting it when she saw it, and repeatedly promised that she would not attack me.

Only then did the two leave in love.

It's just that King Su glanced at me when he left.

I smiled at him.


I was kept in a remote courtyard, and the grandmother who served me spoke coldly to me every day.

Mock me when you have the opportunity.

"Don't really think that you are the master when you enter the palace, and you have to be served by someone."

Today's lunch was so bad that I just mentioned it, and my grandmother directly lifted the table and scolded me.

"Look at you giving us so much more work for no reason, why don't you clean it up quickly."

I was like a weak little white flower, snorting and squatting down and began to pick up the fragments of the plate, not noticing Mama's ill-intentioned figure.


Holding my fingers that were trampled on, I couldn't help but scream, and falling on my mother's ears was a symbol of disobedience.

She grabbed my ear and yelled, "What are the little hooves!"

"I...... I didn't."

No matter how I explained, Mama didn't listen, and even tried to push me on the porcelain tiles.

Until a loud voice sounded.

"What are you doing?"

King Su strode over, kicked at my mother's heart without saying a word, and then gently leaned over and held my hand.

The tears I had been holding back for a long time fell at this moment.

"Wang ...... Master."

King Su and the princess are in love, but which man doesn't yearn for the life of three wives and four concubines?

What's more, the princess is becoming more and more domineering, and she has long lost the appearance of a young little white flower in the past.

I watched the prince blow his fingers to me distressedly, tilted his head and said shyly, "This ...... I'm afraid it's unreasonable."

It shows the best side of my face.

King Su's eyes were full of distress: "I have wronged you."

turned his head and began to scold Mama, Mama wanted to defend a few words and was kicked down by him, and even turned her head comically.

When the doctor came, he dressed my wound himself: "Do I have a heavy hand?"

I shook my head, looked at King Su innocently and asked, "Is this a dream, Lord Wang?"

At King Shangsu's puzzled expression, I smiled and said, "If it's a dream, I hope this dream can be made a little longer."

"This is not a dream, whoever bullies you in the future should tell this king. The princess's intentions are not bad, you don't have to take it to heart."

King Su also knew that the grandmother was deliberately sent by the princess to torture me.

"If I can still see the prince like today, it will be worth the grievances I suffer."

How can a man refuse a pure little flower who is the only one with him.

King Su dragged me and chatted for a while, until the princess sent someone to call him to leave.

My situation has not changed for the better because of King Su.


The princess didn't let others bully me, she took it personally.

She asked me to copy Buddhist scriptures every day to nourish my heart, and I had to get up early to serve her freshening up.

I did what she told me to do, and I did my best without complaining.

It's just that she stared at me, but not at others.

The maid in her yard, Bailu, had morning sickness, and the child belonged to King Su.

The princess directly asked Bai Lu to be killed on the spot, and she would not allow this child to be born.

King Su betrayed the love between the two of them.

King Su felt that the princess was too cruel, so Bai Lu was pregnant with his flesh and blood.

The princess was so angry that she couldn't choose to speak: "If it wasn't for the porridge that my aunt gave you, you would still be alive now?"

King Su was speechless and walked away.

The quarrel between the two eventually reached the palace, and the Queen Mother was also angry.

The queen mother's baby son finally had an heir, but he died at the hands of the princess. In anger, he will call the princess into the palace to train.

It was still King Su who forced the Queen Mother to give up with death.

In the end, at the cost of having a round house with me, this saved the princess.

I just don't know how long this kind of relationship can go.

A wife who is tyrannical and unreasonable and doesn't even take you seriously, and a young girl who is gentle and obedient.

Can King Su really keep his relationship with the princess?

After learning that King Su was coming to have a round with me, the princess immediately quit.

No matter how the king of Su persuades.

The princess burst into tears: "Xuanyuan Mu, if you dare to pamper her, I will sell her into the kiln tomorrow!"

In the evening, King Su still came to me.

I poured him a drink and listened quietly to his complaints.

"I have been in love with her for so many years, why can't she think about me?"

"You don't know that the queen mother is really angry today, if I hadn't stopped her, she would have wanted to lock Zhu'er in the Punishment Division!"

I rubbed King Su's head lightly and said softly, "The princess just loves the prince too much, just think about it in a few days."

King Su sighed and drank directly from the white porcelain bottle filled with wine.

I didn't speak, just rubbed his head quietly.

I know that King Su can't get over the hurdle in his heart, the hurdle called "King Su and the princess have a deep affection, like a winged bird".

Seeing that he was almost drunk, I grabbed his wine bottle and said, "Don't be greedy, eat some food, otherwise your stomach will burn at night."

King Su grabbed my hand and pulled me directly into his arms.

I was ashamed and said, "Your lord......

King Su's eyes were confused, and he directly lowered his head to stop my words.

After having fun, he pushed me away like an afterthought.

"This king is rude!"

"The slave family is the one given to you by the Queen Mother."

What kind of gentleman is he pretending to be when he takes advantage of enough?

I just think King Su is hypocritical.

He didn't seem to expect me to say it so bluntly, and he was stunned for a moment before leaving.

I didn't rush to stop it.

"Lord! The princess has sent a slave and maid to take you back."

The word "belt" is really unpleasant.

What's more, a person of King Su's status can only achieve a rebellious mentality.

If it was the princess's own kind words and coaxing, maybe there would be a play.

"Get out! This king can stay wherever he wants."

Sure enough, King Su blushed and picked me up and walked to the bed.

I snuggled up to him obediently.

A beautiful night.

When I got up, the prince was gone.

While there was no one, I poured the rest of the mixed wine into the pot.


The princess learned wisely, changed her previous domineering, changed into a dance dress, and danced when the prince arrived.

This dance awakened the memories of King Su and the princess when they were young.

The two reconciled again.

No one mentions anything about pampering me, but I don't know.

Two months passed in a flash, and the Queen Mother's birthday arrived.

He specially instructed King Su to bring all his family members into the palace to celebrate his birthday.

When he saw me again, King Su's eyes lit up, and after the maintenance of the secret recipe, I was radiant, as beautiful as a fairy, and even compared to the princess.

"Lord, I heard that the emperor is looking for you to catch up, so I will take my sister to the queen mother first."

King Su came back to his senses and said yes, and then reluctantly left.

I bowed my head and followed the princess, listening to her threats.

"Little prostitute, don't think that if you learn some hook styles, you can take the prince away. I advise you to be honest, and if you play any more tricks, you will die here."

"Slave no."

"Listen to the princess's reprimand, where can I tolerate you to talk too much."

I covered my face, which had been slapped red by the princess, and didn't dare to speak again.

The princess was satisfied and continued to take me away.

Soon I arrived at the Imperial Garden, and the princess changed her smiling face and cordially pulled me to greet the Queen Mother.

After a casual chat, he threw me in my seat.

I quietly rubbed my arm that had been pinched red by the princess just now, and drank the sullen wine alone.

After a few cups, my brain was groggy and I lay on the table with some weakness.

At this time, a palace maid came over, "Madam, the slave maid will take you to rest."

I was taken to the resting palace by the maid in a daze.

Seeing that I was drunk and unconscious on the bed, the palace maid quietly went out and closed the door.

The moment she closed the door, I opened my eyes.

I'll just say how can we, the princess, just slap me twice.

I also lived in the palace for a while, and this palace was not for the ladies to rest, but for the emperor.

And this palace was once the place where he and the queen fell in love.

Princess Su wanted me to have a reputation for seducing the king, and then I was directly executed by the queen.

What a vicious woman.

I went out through the window, hid in the dormitory where the lady was resting, and waited for a long time, until I finally waited for the drunken princess.

After the palace maid walked out, I ordered the princess's hole and carried her back to the emperor's special bedroom, intimately took off her coat and covered her with a quilt, and returned to the palace of the female concubine.

I am a fine work cultivated by the emperor, and I have long been a physique that is invulnerable to all poisons, not to mention her little sweat medicine?

I prefer King Su to the emperor and queen mother, if it weren't for the princess, I would have supported him to sit on the throne anyway.

This incident became the emperor's heart disease, after learning that the queen mother was going to reward King Su with a beauty, I recommended myself to ask the emperor to find out whether King Su had the intention of rebellion.

Just as I was lying in bed and almost asleep, it finally started to make noise.

I went out with my head on my head, and I watched the Queen Mother's group of people walking next door violently, and I immediately followed behind.

Pushing open the door, I saw the emperor sitting on the side with a calm face, and the princess wrapped in the quilt crying.

King Su rushed out of the crowd and hugged the princess distressedly and said, "Okay, what's wrong?"

The emperor had a dark face: "You really married a good princess!"

The princess cried and explained, "I don't know what's going on, I just got drunk and came to rest, who knows how I got here. Someone has framed me!"

The princess glanced around with red eyes, and finally fell on me.

"Little, you must have made it bad!"

She rushed over directly in her coat and gave me a kick without saying a word, so many people couldn't stop her.

I sat on the ground in pain, teary eyes, and said, "The slave doesn't know what the princess is talking about."

The Queen Mother angrily picked up her crutches and hammered her hard: "Do you want to rebel?"

The princess pointed at me and said, "If it weren't for you, why would I be here? It's supposed to be you......."

The people present were all human spirits, and even if the princess didn't finish speaking, they all guessed the latter words.

King Su immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "Brother Huang forgives your sins!"

The princess also reacted at this time, and knelt on the ground crying: "The concubine is angry and talking nonsense!"


The emperor had already seen King Su unpleasantly, but finally seized the opportunity.

"What do you two think of the palace! Li Qing and Xia Wanrou are both people given to you by the Queen Mother! It's not enough to kill Li Qing, and he came to frame Xia Wanrou again! What do you think of me?"

Long Yan was furious, and the people present were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe.

Xu is wine has not woken up, and the princess actually said terrible words.

"The concubine and the prince were originally Qin Se and Ming, didn't the emperor and the queen mother have to intervene to destroy us? Dead a Lee liquidates something!"

"It's just an ant!"


King Su was anxious, and slapped the princess in the face.

The princess was beaten to the ground directly, and then covered her face in disbelief: "Xuanyuan Mu, you actually hit me!"

King Su looked at the hand that slapped the princess, and trembled: "This king didn't mean it."

It seems that he didn't expect that he could be ruthless to this pillow man who has been in love for a long time.

"Very good! It seems that the princess has a deep opinion of me and the Queen Mother! Someone will drag me out and put fifty boards!"

The princess offended the emperor's authority and completely annoyed the emperor.

"Could the emperor be too heavy?"

Although the Queen Mother couldn't get used to seeing the princess, she still felt sorry for King Su.

However, he pushed this thorn in the emperor's heart a few points.

"She doesn't take King Su in her eyes, she doesn't take me in her eyes, and she doesn't even take the Queen Mother in her eyes!"

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