
Efforts should be made to improve the welfare of ordinary people, rather than throwing money at public officials as icing on the cake

author:Ah Xin never gave up


We should vigorously improve the welfare of ordinary people, rather than tilting all resources towards public officials. This article discusses the issue of fiscal distribution and proposes solutions to improve the lives of ordinary people.

Efforts should be made to improve the welfare of ordinary people, rather than throwing money at public officials as icing on the cake

Recently, some important resources in our society have been over-skewed towards public officials, while the welfare of ordinary people has not been substantially improved for a long time. As the editor of Toutiao, I believe that this phenomenon should be re-examined, so as to make fiscal distribution more rational and strive to improve the living standards of ordinary people.

Efforts should be made to improve the welfare of ordinary people, rather than throwing money at public officials as icing on the cake

In the past few years, we have witnessed rapid economic development and significant growth in the country's fiscal revenue. However, it is regrettable that the welfare of ordinary people has not been improved accordingly. Many people lament that public officials seem to have become the only "darlings", while the rights and interests of ordinary people are ignored.

Efforts should be made to improve the welfare of ordinary people, rather than throwing money at public officials as icing on the cake

So, how can this be changed? First, we should establish a more equitable and rational system of fiscal distribution. This means that the government should give more consideration to the needs of the people when allocating funds, and use more funds for education, medical care, social security and other areas of people's livelihood, so that the people can enjoy tangible benefits.

Efforts should be made to improve the welfare of ordinary people, rather than throwing money at public officials as icing on the cake

Second, we need to strengthen the supervision and audit of the use of financial funds. It is only through strict management and supervision that it is possible to ensure that financial funds are used where they are needed most, avoiding waste and abuse.

Efforts should be made to improve the welfare of ordinary people, rather than throwing money at public officials as icing on the cake

In addition, the government should also promote the development of livelihood projects to improve the quality of life of ordinary people. For example, increase investment in infrastructure construction, improve transportation conditions, and build more public facilities; At the same time, we will increase investment in education and medical care, improve the level of education and medical care at the grassroots level, so that people can enjoy high-quality services no matter where they are.

Efforts should be made to improve the welfare of ordinary people, rather than throwing money at public officials as icing on the cake

Finally, each of us should pay attention to people's livelihood issues and actively participate in the action to build a better society. Only by working together can we truly improve the welfare of the people.

In short, it is the common wish of each of us to let the people live a happy and beautiful life. We should stop tilting all resources towards public officials and instead allocate fiscal resources more rationally to the welfare of ordinary people. Let's work together to make this happen!

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