
#Gossip Manual #Gillian is actually 41 years old? Asa Zhang Shaohan zero point for the 41-year-old Ajiao to celebrate the birthday, Ajiao was kissed by a good sister, with a sweet smile. Recently, the two were cued because of their work

author:Peach & Plum Entertainment

#Gossip Manual# Gillian is 41 years old? Asa Zhang Shaohan zero point for the 41-year-old Ajiao to celebrate the birthday, Ajiao was kissed by a good sister, with a sweet smile. Recently, because of their work, the two were cue a lot of memories in the past 21 years, and I feel that everything is vividly remembered. Asa wishes Gillian to always be happy and brave to be herself, and she will always be with Gillian and finally confess "love you" warmly.

Agent Huo Wenxi also shared a birthday photo, the same is a small composition with temperature, she revealed that she has actually been most concerned about Ah Jiao over the years, but Ah Jiao is brave and strong, sincere and kind, touching everyone, everyone's friendship will never expire.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Shaohan also sent blessings to Ah Jiao, although the copy is short, but it is very punctual.

#Gossip Manual #Gillian is actually 41 years old? Asa Zhang Shaohan zero point for the 41-year-old Ajiao to celebrate the birthday, Ajiao was kissed by a good sister, with a sweet smile. Recently, the two were cued because of their work
#Gossip Manual #Gillian is actually 41 years old? Asa Zhang Shaohan zero point for the 41-year-old Ajiao to celebrate the birthday, Ajiao was kissed by a good sister, with a sweet smile. Recently, the two were cued because of their work
#Gossip Manual #Gillian is actually 41 years old? Asa Zhang Shaohan zero point for the 41-year-old Ajiao to celebrate the birthday, Ajiao was kissed by a good sister, with a sweet smile. Recently, the two were cued because of their work
#Gossip Manual #Gillian is actually 41 years old? Asa Zhang Shaohan zero point for the 41-year-old Ajiao to celebrate the birthday, Ajiao was kissed by a good sister, with a sweet smile. Recently, the two were cued because of their work
#Gossip Manual #Gillian is actually 41 years old? Asa Zhang Shaohan zero point for the 41-year-old Ajiao to celebrate the birthday, Ajiao was kissed by a good sister, with a sweet smile. Recently, the two were cued because of their work

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