
The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

author:Plain talk little sir
The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

"In the turbulent times, in the collapsed world, the little people under the crushing pressure of the big times are forced to squeeze into the corners of the embarrassing and have to make choices.

—— Zheng Dasheng



"What I said is true, why don't you believe it?" Su Hongda asked the listeners in the teahouse with some anger.

"What I said is false, why do you believe it?" The storyteller on the stage immediately answered, and there was a burst of laughter in the audience.

This scene in the movie "Tianjin Idle Man" is one of the turning points of the whole drama, which is somewhat absurd and cruel. The film was directed by Zheng Dasheng, a director from a film family known as the "Anti-Trend Hero" and received the Ninth China Film Directors Association Annual Special Commendation, and received many praises.

This Saturday, we invite you to watch this "Tianjin Idler".

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

Director: Zheng Dasheng Screenwriter: Wu Bin / Jin Yuxuan / Lin Xi Starring: Guan Xincheng / Zhang Jinyuan / Yang Miao / Li Hongchen / Zheng Fushan Genre: Drama / Comedy Language: Tianjin Length: 90 minutes

Poke me poke me poke me to buy tickets!

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk
The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk
The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

Idler stories

On July 7, 1937, the Lugou Bridge Incident broke out. The background of the story of "Tianjin Idle Man" is Tianjin before the outbreak of the event, the situation is turbulent, and the undercurrent is surging.

"Tianjin Idle Man", as the name suggests, is about the wells in Tianjin, where there is no "chaotic reason" for running a living and selling and begging. They wielded a tongue, held a folding fan, shook their heads, shook their heads, swindled and cheated, and could take a kick wherever they went, and wanted to fish everywhere. Eyes are more than mouse thieves, and ideas are more than foxes.

An unnamed floating corpse appeared by the Haihe River, and the idle man Su Hongda believed in a meal in order to deceive the newspaper's chief writer Yan, pretending to know the deceased himself. After Yu Qiuniang learned of this news, she actually disguised herself as the widow of the deceased and ran to the river to identify the body, and she also wanted to get a piece of the pie. Su Hongda, Yan Erxin, and Yu Qiuniang formed an alliance of idlers and decided to deceive one by one.

The fourth and sixth masters of Tianjin Wei's number one idle man were seen by the three people as the next knife. Su Hongda and the three of them were very proud that they could fool the fourth and sixth masters, but they did not expect that they were used by the fourth and sixth masters in a down-to-earth manner...

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

△ Stills of "Tianjin Idle Man"

Under the influence of the torrent of the times, idlers cheat on eating and drinking on weekdays, and the small tricks that others seem to be on the table have become pawns of a larger conspiracy. Many people choose to go with the flow, but a "humble" idle person chooses the opposite direction, and the small grassroots become people worthy of narration.

You guess, the counterattack of the little people will succeed?

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

Taste of expression

Directed by Zheng Dasheng and starring Yang Miao, Guan Xincheng, Zhang Jinyuan and others, "Tianjin Idle Man" is adapted from the works of Mr. Lin Xilao, the representative of the "Jinpai" novel.

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

△ Writer Lin Xi and his "Tianjin IdleRs"

Not only is Mr. Lin Xi a very favorite writer of director Zheng Dasheng, Zheng Dasheng also has a deep relationship with Tianjin, he lived in Tianjin before elementary school, and he can still speak authentic Tianjin dialect.

In a series of Republic of China Tianjin Wei novels, Lin Xi wrote many small characters under the crushing of the big times. Cheng Dasheng said: "What attracts me most is that the turbulent situation, a collapsed world, squeezes these little people into a very awkward corner and has to choose. 」

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

The film was filmed at the Studio City in Songjiang, Shanghai. Although Shanghai and Tianjin were among the first regions to open up in that era, with a mixture of Chinese and Western elements, there are still many details that are different. The staff did a lot of homework and consulted a lot of life history materials.

The Tianjin Archives and Library provide a lot of old photos, many of which were taken by foreigners, and the crew restored the scenes as much as possible.

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

For example, in cities such as Tianjin and Beiping, there are spittoons between guest halls, but there are no spittoons in Shanghai. This is Tianjin's proximity to the desert north of Mongolia, because of the wind and sand to form a living habit; for example, there are many people wearing duck-tongue hats in Shanghai, and more people wearing melon-skin hats in Beijing and Tianjin.

In addition, almost every actor in the film is from Tianjin, and everyone speaks the Tianjin dialect. Mr. Zheng Fushan, the storyteller, is a very popular cross-talk artist in Tianjin, and another important role, "Four and Six Masters", is played by Zhang Jinyuan, vice president of Tianjin People's Art Theatre.

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk
The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk
The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

Dramatic presentation

"Tianjin Idle Man" is full of vivid Elements of Chinese Drama.

The opening scene of the film is a historical scene of many frames of Tianjin City. As the story unfolds, the black and white silent film scene becomes a retro pastel.

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

The film directly strings together the whole story with the narration of the "storyteller".

In the storytelling yard of the dimly lit tavern, a storyteller dressed in a 1930s robe tells the story in witty language, and wherever it is said, the story will be played out, like a stage play.

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

In addition to this design, the director also integrated the performance method of the stage play into the film, and the performance of the actors was more exaggerated. For example, in the bridge section showing the abduction of the idle people in the city, the stylized performance of Peking Opera is deliberately borrowed to show the ridiculous face of the city villain to the fullest.

Such a form is also a pun: if you are doing a play in front of people, then you can simply fake the play and really do it.

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

"Tianjin Idle Man" and another film directed by Zheng Dasheng, "Love in a Dangerous City", were filmed almost at the same time, with a total shooting cycle of 42 days, the first 22 days of "Tianjin Idle Man", the last 20 days of "Love of Dangerous City". The interval between the two films was only 4.5 hours.

Such a tight shooting cycle is due to a shortage of funds, and one more day of shooting will have to exceed the budget. "Tianjin Idler" only invested 1.5 million, and the two feature films together cost less than 3 million.

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

Low cost does not mean rough quality, and both films are quite attractive. "Tianjin Idle Man" won the Best Low-Budget Film Award in the Best Low-Budget Unit of the 20th Beijing University Student Film Festival, and the First Prize for Excellent Film at the 13th Lily Awards.

This Saturday, we brought this excellent movie to Fuzhou and waited for you to watch it together.

At the screening site, we also invited Zhang Yifan, chief teacher of Yiheng Drama Workshop and former actor of Fujian Fanghuayue Opera Troupe, as a special guest after the screening, to share with everyone.

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

Accustomed to seeing heroic scenes, if you want to watch a movie about small people and the life of the city, come and get together with us!

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

Elephants × plain words

"Tianjin Idler" was specially screened

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

November 16th, 15:00

Location Sino-Swiss International Cinema (Sanfang Qixiang Store)

The fare is 35 yuan

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk
The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

As always, this is a crowdfunding campaign

If the required number of applicants is not reached by the deadline

The event will be canceled

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

So, want to watch a movie together? Long press to scan the QR code to buy! ticket! oh! ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )

The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk


The unique "Tianjin Idler", the unique idler's life | Plain talk

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