
Hua Lou does not go to kear to stay in the team, where should the coach of the AG Super Play Club go? No one wants to be a puppet

KPL's bidding period has ended, and it seems that under the calm of the wind and waves, it is actually stormy. After the end of the bidding period, GK announced that the head coach Hualou left, about his whereabouts, everyone is also very concerned, originally thought that he would go to the ag super play, but it turned out to be impossible. The TTG side also determined that the coaching staff remained unchanged, in fact, the reason why these two coaches were mainly related to the AG Super Play, because the AG Super Play club had met these two coaches before the AG Super Play. But now, Kear decided to stay in TTG, and Hualou will not go to the AG Super Club, so what should the new coach of the AG Super Club do? It is also a suspense that becomes unknown.

Hua Lou does not go to kear to stay in the team, where should the coach of the AG Super Play Club go? No one wants to be a puppet

AG Super Play Will

Hua Lou did not go to kear to stay in the team, and the two coaches in the AG super play meeting were all gone.

Hua Lou does not go to kear to stay in the team, where should the coach of the AG Super Play Club go? No one wants to be a puppet

Flower Building

In fact, at the beginning, there were two more similar coaches, one was GK's flower building, and the other was TTG's kear. These two coaches, although they are the runner-up coaches, have always been recognized by everyone. When AG Super Play will look for a coach, it is also more inclined to these two coaches. Among them, Hualou has officially announced his departure from GK, when everyone thought that he would go to the AG Super Play Club, but Chen Ghost said that the Flower Building will not go to the AG Super Play Club, which is also somewhat surprising.

Hua Lou does not go to kear to stay in the team, where should the coach of the AG Super Play Club go? No one wants to be a puppet


In addition to the flower building, another coach in the AG Super Play meeting is kear. There was also a lot of news that kear and AG Super Play would have reached the stage of specific negotiations. But now it is also certain that the TTG's coaching staff has not changed, which means that he will not leave TTG. In this way, the two coaches who will be optimistic about the AG super play are basically out of play.

AG super play will or bamboo basket hit the water empty, once again into the coaching problem.

Hua Lou does not go to kear to stay in the team, where should the coach of the AG Super Play Club go? No one wants to be a puppet

AG Super Play club is said to have contacted all the coaches that can be reached now, just to give itself a chance to rise. Among them, the two most popular coaches are Hua Luo and Kear. Nowadays, it seems that the AG super play will or the bamboo basket hit the water empty. If Neither Hualou nor Kear go to the AG Super Play, then the AG Super Play will be stuck in a new coaching problem, which will affect their results throughout the spring.

AG super play will be a bad coach, and no one wants to be a puppet of Zhang Jiao.

Hua Lou does not go to kear to stay in the team, where should the coach of the AG Super Play Club go? No one wants to be a puppet

The coaching problem of the AG Super Play Club is actually a very headache. As we all know, AG Super Play will change many coaches, and each coach is also under a lot of pressure. Now AG Super Play will once again want to change coaches. It can be seen that the two coaches of Hua lou and kear, AG Super Play will have been considered, but in the end they were not determined. Perhaps in their opinion, the coach of the AG Super Play Club is really not good.

Hua Lou does not go to kear to stay in the team, where should the coach of the AG Super Play Club go? No one wants to be a puppet

Open horns

How is the coach of the AG Super Play Club bad? In fact, everyone understands this. First of all, the players of the AG Super Play Club are all star players, and each player has a huge fan support behind them. Therefore, including the selection of players to play, rotation and lineup bp, etc., will be questioned a lot. The second is the performance problem, if you lead the AG Super to play will take a runner-up, everyone feels that this coach is not good. In the end, because AG Super Play will have a horn, no matter who is going to be the coach, it will become a puppet of the horn. This is also the key to becoming prohibitive for many coaches.

Hua Lou does not go to kear to stay in the team, where should the coach of the AG Super Play Club go? No one wants to be a puppet

In the new season, we can foresee. The coaching problem of the AG super play will still be a headache. AG Super Play will always want to rise, so what AG Super Play will need most now is a good coach. Before, whether it was Hualou or kear, it became a hope for the AG Super Play Club. Fans also hope that they can come to the AG Super Play club and lead the rise of the AG Super Play Club. However, now that these two people will not come, then the AG Super Play will have to look for a new coach. In such a short period of time, which coach will AG Super Play choose? Also become a suspense. Perhaps in the end, there is no way, Zhang Jiao can only fight on his own. Where will the AG Super Play Club Spring Tournament go? Everything is full of unknowns.

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