
Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"

Before evaluating the performance of the Weipai Mocha DHT PHEV, I would like to throw out a soul torture: If a plug-in hybrid car had a pure electric range of 200 kilometers, would you use it as a hybrid, or an electric car?

Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"

I've been thinking about this when I was test-driving this car. The car can be divided into two configurations - the high-performance version of the electric four-wheel drive, which accelerates by 4.8 seconds from 100 kilometers; the long-endurance version cuts a motor, which can achieve a pure electric endurance of 200 kilometers and can also be charged quickly.

The key is fast charging, which means that mocha DHT PHEV does not need to rely on its own parking space, which means that the owner does not need to buy a parking space, which can save a lot of money - by the way, 70% of the current domestic pure electric vehicle owners do not have their own charging piles.

Therefore, whether there is a fast charging capacity will be the core criterion for the future of this long-lasting PHEV model. At this point, the Mocha DHT PHEV is in place.

Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"

But on the other hand, there is another core question that I am curious about, its opponents have some unique skills that are not passed on, so where is the unique stunt of mocha DHT PHEV?

At this time, you should be able to understand what kind of car the Mocha DHT PHEV is. Its exterior and interior are not particularly prominent, but the pure electric endurance of 200 kilometers will be its unique skill - just like the chassis of Lynk & Co 09 and the intelligence of the ideal ONE, it is difficult to be replaced by others.

Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"

▲When you sit in, you can find that the floor of the MOCHA DHT PHEV is obviously raised.

Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"

▲ This is easy to understand, after all, the floor is under the 39kWh large battery pack that supports fast charging.

To put it another way, you may not have much of a concept of 39kWh, for example, Euler's black cat, a pure electric car, the battery capacity is 35kWh, yes, this PHEV, the battery is larger than the EV.

From the parameter point of view, mocha DHT PHEV is a very perfect car, it solves the needs of about 300,000 consumers for all-round cars, 1.5T engine, with the front 130kW, the rear 135kW motor, zero hundred acceleration of 4.8 seconds, the performance is very strong. So for a more complete experience, we decided to run in pure electric mode, then hybrid mode, and finally feed mode.

Pure electric mode driving texture

In pure electric mode, the motor output of the Mocha DHT PHEV will simulate the feeling of a gasoline engine, especially when starting, it will be deliberately delayed, which is very comfortable. Because the gentle acceleration avoids dizzy feelings for drivers and passengers, you'll see that many people love Volkswagen's ID.series of pure trams because of the "gasoline smell."

Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"

The test drive model is a high-performance version, front and rear dual-drive motors. In fact, I prefer to drive the long-endurance version, that is, the front-drive, pure electric range of 200 kilometers. Because there is one less motor and a little more battery life, the feeling of driving up and the feeling of endurance should be very different.

Hybrid mode driving texture

Now, I want to change cars, I want to change hybrids, so I'm going to switch to hybrid mode on the big screen.

At this time, this 1.5T four-cylinder engine finally clocked in to work, as a high thermal efficiency engine, its speed range is concentrated in 1000 ~ 1500rpm, the sound insulation performance of the mocha has been good, so you basically do not perceive the engine at work, but can faintly feel the vibration through the steering wheel and the floor, especially in low-speed working conditions, because the load of the engine and the load at low speed should be different, so there will be a difference in experience.

Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"

After the speed comes up, the sensitivity of the accelerator and brake pedal is not high, more like the output style of 2.0T, and the rhythm is like a gasoline car, in fact, it is difficult for you to feel from the accelerator/brake pedal that this is a car with a 4.8-00-100 km acceleration - unless you step on the accelerator pedal 50% deep, and the facial muscles flying backwards will tell you that this is not a 2.0T, this is a 3.0T level of power.

For the most part, you'll feel like the MOCHA DHT PHEV is essentially a very good car to drive and comfortable. It's a car with an honest output and a smooth driving texture, it just has this performance, it's not violent, it's a peace-loving guy.

Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"

You will also find that the comfort of steering and suspension is very compatible with this output style, the standard steering is very light, and the body reaction will be slow, will remind you to be leisurely, the suspension is also a relatively crisp filter style, when passing the speed bump, there is no aftershock, at high speed, the chassis is also very stable, and the roll control is in place.

Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"
Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"

The only problem that can be felt is that the center of gravity of this car is controlled when turning, or can be felt, after all, this car weighs more than two tons, just like a middle-aged man dragging his family with his mouth, it is inevitable that he will engrave the word fatigue on his face one night.

Charging mode driving texture

If you don't have a charging pile at home, then you must accept that you are a pure gasoline engine owner, and what you need to do at this time is to keep the car charged at all times. Then, turn on the big screen and in hybrid mode, keep the SOC at 80%.

The Weipai Mocha DHT PHEV is a dual-motor structure that knows how to keep the thermally efficient engine in optimal working condition under high load conditions. Then you can hear the pleasant engine sounds and vibrations.

Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"

This power system has a very interesting point is that the speed of 30 per hour is below, the engine is not related to the wheels, pure oil burning power generation, to ensure smoothness and combustion efficiency, only 30km/h will be connected to 1 gear, 70km/h will be connected to 2 gears. The speed is generally maintained at 1500 rpm, and some vibration can indeed be felt.

Of course, this is actually an operation that will occur in extreme conditions, such as climbing a mountain for several kilometers on a plateau, or forcibly charging the battery after a long traffic jam. At this time, this set of DHT PHEV still maintains the smoothness and response of the output, which is actually very rare, and once again reflects the superiority of the dual motor structure.

Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"
Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"

As for the high speed, it is directly driven, at this time the responsiveness, the degree of correlation between the throttle pedal and the engine speed, really like a 2.0T, the throttle is also like 3.0T, the gasoline smell is really too strong, at this time the cruise speed also reaches 2000rpm, and the general medium-sized SUV is not bad.


Looking back, Weipai's PHEV models were still in a stage of progress and exploration. When it comes to mocha DHT PHEV, it becomes a mature complete body. From the user's point of view, the shortcomings of this car are few and far between, and there is nothing about the powertrain. Among the various solutions of the 300,000 level of Chinese brands, we can fully say that Wei Pai gives a high score answer sheet.

Test drive Wei brand Mocha DHT PHEV: 300,000 yuan "all-round car"

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