
300,000 is too expensive? Mocha DHT PHEV is all about going up

The price of up to 300,000 yuan has temporarily pushed the Mocha DHT PHEV to the outlet. Compared with the fuel version, the price is more than 100,000 higher, which also makes many consumers hold a wait-and-see attitude. Some people interpret it as pulling up the brand premium and enhancing the brand image.

For the questions that may be triggered, as early as the listing of Mocha DHT PHEV, Weipai CEO Li Ruifeng has given the answer. He said, "In the future, more than 300,000 Wei brands will occupy the vast majority of our proportion, which is the rise of the brand's upward support." 300,000 is the market hinterland of the BBA and new forces, and Wei is to break into the most competitive high-end market. ”

In his view, mocha DHT-PHEV and subsequent products are responsible for such a heavy responsibility. The new car is equipped with the Great Wall hybrid technology and DHT 2 gearbox, as well as the characteristics of up to 204km pure electric endurance under WLTC conditions, which support its high price. What is the actual experience for such an evolved all-round player?

300,000 is too expensive? Mocha DHT PHEV is all about going up

Hybrid or electric? Silly "can't tell"

Although consumers' acceptance of new energy vehicles is increasing year by year, the anxiety in their hearts has never been eliminated. Why anxiety? Probably afraid of insufficient battery life, afraid of unsafe batteries, or worried about insufficient power. Because of this, compared with pure trams, oilable and electric plug-in hybrid cars have become the option of more people.

In the case of mocha DHT-PHEV, there are two versions. One is an electric four-wheel drive high-performance version, 100 km acceleration of 4.8S, can achieve 175km pure electric endurance, 100 km feeder fuel consumption as low as 6.3L; one is a two-wheel drive long endurance version, with 204km pure electric endurance, WLTC 100 km feed fuel consumption as low as 5.55L, but also fast charging.

In terms of mileage, the hot-selling Hongguang MINI EV proves with 180km endurance that the travel radius and travel intensity of most consumers are not as high as imagined, and superimposed energy supplementation measures can meet most of the daily travel needs. The long-endurance version of the MOCHA DHT-PHEV will increase the pure electric mileage to more than 200 kilometers, even if it is traveled as a pure tram, it will also keep anxiety away from consumers.

300,000 is too expensive? Mocha DHT PHEV is all about going up

In terms of driving texture, the MOCHA DHT-PHEV equipped with the DHT system has a driving experience that is infinitely close to that of a pure electric car. Although it is an SUV weighing 2.2 tons, it has a maximum torque of 762N·m under the dual motor drive, the power output is abundant, the response is rapid without delay, and the performance of 4.8 seconds acceleration from 100 kilometers is already the performance of a high-performance car.

The smooth tranquility that you want is not absent, and stepping on the accelerator can also bring a good feeling of pushing back. The NVH is also a surprise for this car, whether it is driving at a low speed or accelerating sharply, it has excellent performance.

In terms of chassis feedback, although it supports the body weighing more than 2 tons, the driving feedback of the whole vehicle is still good, reaching the level that this level of model should be. With the steering light steering wheel, you won't feel heavy driving a big car. Easy to drive, comfortable and smooth to drive, probably the most intuitive feeling after the experience.

300,000 is too expensive? Mocha DHT PHEV is all about going up

Another point is the thick materials in the car, the large area of leather wrapping and the layered color distinction, which makes the interior look advanced visually.

This texture is also reflected in more aspects, such as the 12-speaker Yanfeilis sound system built in, and the chrome decorative panel with diamond-shaped grid around the door panel speakers, all of which enhance the luxury of the whole vehicle from the details.

Intelligent performance is eye-catching

When the new forces have seized the intelligent track, the Great Wall has not fallen behind. The Mocha NOH, which was launched last year, is a deep integration of the car navigation system, high-precision map and HWA high-speed driving assistance. In the process of this actual experience, we also saw the strength of traditional car companies on the new track.

Automatic lane change, in and out of ramps, intelligent avoidance of large vehicles, etc., are all popular features in the current assisted driving system. Compared to the new faction style, mocha NOH's performance is more stable.

300,000 is too expensive? Mocha DHT PHEV is all about going up

Taking automatic overtaking as an example, noH will detect the dynamics of vehicles in the same lane and adjacent lanes, and will slow down when the adjacent lanes are close, and accelerate through after the adjacent lanes are safe. However, in terms of speed, it does not belong to the very positive style of the new forces as a whole.

When changing lanes at high speed, switch from right lane to left lane, making the action more natural and flexible. When cutting from the left to the right, the action is more conservative.

When exiting the highway, the system automatically changes lanes to the rightmost lane 2 kilometers in advance, ready to merge into the ramp. Compared to other systems, the speed can be automatically adjusted after entering the ramp in the NOH. The default speed of the ramp is 50km/h, which avoids being too fast in sharp turns and ensures that the road will not be blocked due to too fast a slowdown.

300,000 is too expensive? Mocha DHT PHEV is all about going up

The way noH is turned on is also very simple. After entering the HD map support area, gently pull the lever at the bottom left of the steering wheel twice to enter the smart pilot state.

If the environment is not supported or fatigue driving is detected in the middle, the vehicle will automatically exit the NOH system and perform different levels of prompts. The first time is a voice prompt, the second time to turn on the double flash, slow deceleration, while the seat belt will be tightened, the air conditioning will be adjusted to the minimum temperature, the air volume will be adjusted to the maximum to remind the driver to drive safely.

300,000 is too expensive? Mocha DHT PHEV is all about going up

NOH is only one part of the vehicle's intelligence, and the electronically controlled active suspension, AR-HUD, facial recognition, fatigue driving reminder/distraction monitoring equipped with mocha DHT PHEV are all full of components in the same level.

The emergence of Mocha NOH is a challenge to new forces and the awakening of the intelligence of traditional car companies. It is no longer in the gimmick stage, but from the actual situation of domestic users, to maximize the experience of technology convenience for consumers.

Bell description

The price goes deep into the high-end market, and BBA shares with the new forces, and the mocha DHT PHEV pricing is indeed not low. However, the texture presented by the whole vehicle, whether it is the material used for workmanship, or the strength of the insertion and mixing technology, as well as the breakthrough in intelligence, are worth the payment of people who love it. What is important is that it comes from traditional car companies, and there will be more quality workmanship guarantees.

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