
One Piece 1038 Episode Intelligence: No mistake, Luffy is the fruit awakened person, Kaido fell?

One Piece suspended a week later, this week will usher in 1038 words of intelligence content, presumably everyone has been eager for a long time, after all, the last word five old stars laid the foreshadowing, they said that the fruit of hundreds of years will awaken, after that everyone has speculated, this fruit will be who it is, for a time the major platforms and forums have fallen into thinking, but in foreign countries, there have been people who leaked the latest word of pirate content, but from the Arab side, he did not clearly explain what content was told, Just to give a hint, please focus on Luffy's eyes, and attach a Luffy avatar, what is this really hinting at? Let's analyze it together.

One Piece 1038 Episode Intelligence: No mistake, Luffy is the fruit awakened person, Kaido fell?

That's right, Luffy is the one who has awakened fruit

If according to the information given by the Arabs, then we did not guess the wrong direction, the unawakened fruit mentioned in the mouth of the five old stars should be Luffy's rubber fruit, because now all the evidence points to Luffy, and Luffy is the protagonist, he was blessed with oda aura is justified, and most importantly, Luffy's current situation, if not awakened, it is difficult to defeat Kaido, so according to the above information, it is enough to prove that Luffy is the chosen one.

One Piece 1038 Episode Intelligence: No mistake, Luffy is the fruit awakened person, Kaido fell?

Then the next plot is that Luffy's body will awaken, that is to say, the awakening of the fruit, driving the development of Luffy's body, such as the Arabs mentioned Luffy's eyes, perhaps this is a breakthrough point, which is related to Luffy's eyes, and some netizens joked that Luffy should not be the same as Sun Wukong, open the fire eye golden eye, this possibility is very small, but Luffy will definitely usher in transformation.

One Piece 1038 Episode Intelligence: No mistake, Luffy is the fruit awakened person, Kaido fell?

The reason why the rubber fruit will be selected, in fact, it is very likely because the development of the rubber fruit has unlimited potential, although luo's fruit awakening can be immortal, but once the rubber fruit is awakened, it may become an immortal body, because the rubber fruit in the pirate world, for others, are the existence of natural enemies, such as wind, fire, thunder and lightning, everything is not afraid.

One Piece 1038 Episode Intelligence: No mistake, Luffy is the fruit awakened person, Kaido fell?

Kaido fell?

Then the unlucky person, naturally is Kaido, if there is no accident, Luffy Fruit awakening, is the day when Kaido fell, Kaido lost, it is also an account for the peace country, but for many sea fans, this is a sloppy ending, will not be recognized, because Kaido has always been in the upper hand, Luffy is suppressed and beaten.

One Piece 1038 Episode Intelligence: No mistake, Luffy is the fruit awakened person, Kaido fell?

Now that Luffy has awakened to fruit, Kaido has fallen? This is inevitably a bit far-fetched, not that Luffy's strength is weak, but the progress is too fast, many people have not recognized Luffy's strength, how to win kaido, really when kaido is used for decoration? Kaido is also the king of the hundred beasts, if it is really so sloppy ending, I estimate that many netizens will send blades to Oda, but I am curious, if Luffy can fruit awakening, why can't Kaido?

One Piece 1038 Episode Intelligence: No mistake, Luffy is the fruit awakened person, Kaido fell?

Well, this issue of One Piece will talk about here, I hope that the guest officials can like Oh, the picture source network, invasion and deletion. If you like this article, welcome to like, comment and share Oh, thank you for your support, the later will continue to update the wonderful anime content Oh, if there are different opinions, welcome to leave a message Oh.

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