
Kung Fu Car | never expected that the new car released a second change salary conference!

On January 22, Baoneng Automobile held a new car tasting event in Guangzhou, unveiling a new BAO brand and a new model of Qoros Automobile.

Surprisingly, the comments of netizens are not at all in the car is good or bad, but in the same "salary". "There is money to hold a press conference, do not pay a salary", "I just want to know when the salary will be paid", "the last week of the year ago, the hope of paying wages is getting smaller and smaller" such spitting statements are all highlighted.

The official also does not control the evaluation, which is also a miracle in the automotive industry, I don't know if it is even the money for the control evaluation. The same thing also happened before Evergrande's new car rolled off the production line, and there was also a "salary" under the video number.

Kung Fu Car | never expected that the new car released a second change salary conference!

Before these real estate companies entered the automotive industry in a big way, all kinds of large-scale sacrifices came out, everyone was very shocked, it is said that Evergrande Automobile dug up some car companies are panicked. However, in just two years, it seems that everyone's attitude has taken a 180-degree turn.

What's the problem? Let the kung fu car take everyone to see it together.

The wind stopped, and the pigs on the vent fell

The famous big man Lei Jun has a very famous saying, "Standing on the wind outlet, pigs can fly." He said that he made his own mobile phone, and in just a few years, he created a Fortune 500 500, which was a good time to catch up.

Of course, this is a modest statement, at that time, almost all people made mobile phones, and now the car is the same, the final success is only so few, but the situation to create heroes is indeed correct.

Kung Fu Car | never expected that the new car released a second change salary conference!

Evergrande and Baoneng were also once on the cusp, remembering that the Chinese people first knew Evergrande, not even through their houses, but through the football they played.

In 2010, Evergrande Group bought out all the shares of Guangzhou Football Club and established Guangzhou Evergrande Football Club. At that time, many people were not optimistic, because at that time, many capitals had played football, Wang Jianlin had played, Jiucheng boss Zhu Jun had played, and even Zhao Benshan had played, and many of them had touched a nose of ash.

However, Evergrande is different from them, winning the championship the year it entered the home, creating a record of 44 league unbeaten games in the 2011 season, directly winning the AFC Champions League in 2013, and then making it commonplace to win the championship. To some extent, Evergrande football is considered to be a glory for the country, considering that it is the industry of football, even if it is blessed with "banknote ability", it is not easy.

Subsequently, Evergrande began to expand its business, selling water, selling insurance, selling financial management, etc., most of which also did a good job. At that time, when Evergrande was mentioned, everyone felt that the company's execution ability was really strong, even if Boss Xu won the scoring king at the company games, everyone just ridiculed it, and by the way, praised the acting skills of Evergrande employees.

Kung Fu Car | never expected that the new car released a second change salary conference!

The reason why Baoneng "became famous" was largely by participating in the equity battle of Vanke, although in the end Evergrande transferred its own Vanke shares to Shenzhen Railway, which finally broke the deadlock of the "Wanbao Dispute". However, the strength shown by Baoneng in this struggle also surprised the Chinese people, and eventually made a lot of money in this investment.

Strictly speaking, in the era of real estate booming, the performance of these two companies is rubbing up, and the reputation is also very good, which can be said to be the right outlet. However, with the decline of real estate, they seem to have begun to be regurgitated by word of mouth, obviously releasing a new car, and the result is that the comments are all salary-seeking, gags, and it is also an industry scene.

It can only be said that when the industry boom, they have received too much praise, and they are not so powerful and catch up with the wind. Nowadays, the real estate industry is on fire everywhere, and even a normal car has become the original sin, which is a responsibility that does not belong to itself.

Crisis of trust, can Evergrande survive?

A few days ago, Kung Fu Auto saw a Evergrande employee post a message about Evergrande's handover. To be honest, if I hadn't happened to see his circle of friends, I almost forgot that there are many Evergrande people in my WeChat.

Kung Fu Car | never expected that the new car released a second change salary conference!

This situation is very different from before, remember that Evergrande had all kinds of favorable information before, and the circle of friends was immediately Wuyang Wuyang. If you want to say to the company to publicize, that is indeed there, because the time and content of this information release are similar, all of which are Evergrande's sales and profits. But more or Evergrande people are really proud of the company from the bottom of their hearts, they are willing to share these. In fact, you can pay attention to the people around you, who are often in a better company, and are more willing to share some company information.

Including the time when Evergrande just announced the construction of cars, it is even more so, a group of real estate people have released relevant information about Evergrande's car manufacturing. But in recent months, these people have clearly stopped a lot. It is said that many people have left Evergrande, and many of the remaining people still have disputes with the company.

Kung Fu Car | never expected that the new car released a second change salary conference!

Baoneng is the same, when Baoneng first acquired Qoros, Kung Fu Automobile also found for the first time that there were so many Baoneng employees around, and many people shared this information. At that time, everyone generally felt that Qoros was a bad breath, Baoneng's funds were in place, and sooner or later it could turn over. Later, everyone also knows that Qoros has not turned over, and it is getting farther and farther away from the mainstream.

Especially in the face of the current real estate environment, Evergrande and Baoneng have a hard time. But even more serious is the crisis of trust. After all, both companies are going to sell products, and when your online reviews are all about salary, it seems difficult for consumers to buy your house and car.

The prospect of car building is confusing, how should Baoneng and Evergrande break the game?

In August 2020, Evergrande released 6 models including Hengchi 5, and then released 3 more models in February 2021. This style shocked the automotive industry, and it caused a big stir at the time. But a while ago, Hengchi 5 officially went offline, Evergrande was much more low-key, and there were not a few connected drafts.

Kung Fu Car | never expected that the new car released a second change salary conference!

This shows that Evergrande's mentality has quietly changed, and after arriving at the automotive industry, it has found that "doing" is more important than "saying". Because the car is different from the house, the house pays more attention to the "innate" factor of area and location, and the car pays more attention to the "acquired" factor of technology and quality. Before the real product is taken out, excessive publicity is actually a waste, and the effect will only be counterproductive.

It is said that the strength of Hengchi 5 is actually quite good, and the appearance created by the design master Shiro Nakamura and Maruyama Gonggu is quite eye-catching, full of sci-fi, the intelligent configuration is high enough, the performance is excellent, and the battery life is long enough.

What it needs is to solve the practical problems encountered in the design and manufacturing process more down-to-earth, and the publicity itself will not make it successful.

Kung Fu Car | never expected that the new car released a second change salary conference!

As for Baoneng, it may need to do more. Qoros used to be a good card, but it was not played, and now it has become a historical burden. After all, the image of Qoros brand has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it is the forerunner of independent brands to explore the high-end, but it is not grounded enough, and the commercial level has never been successful. Perhaps the most impressive thing is "linkage cloud, the first performance car for young people", and all kinds of people are bad at Qoros' shared cars.

Perhaps Bao can launch a new "BAO" brand, which is intended to be here. It is said that the first model of the "BAO" brand, code-named GX16, is itself made by Shanghai Qoros, and the appearance is indeed good.

Kung Fu shoots

Whether the car is the next outlet, no one can say. But the road of Evergrande and Baoneng is really not necessarily easy to walk. Both companies, in particular, have a strong crisis of trust, and it takes a lot of courage for consumers to choose to buy their new cars. In this sense, they are even inferior to some unknown companies.

But don't be like Jia Yueting, get up early in the morning, and the last achievements are all some of their own little brothers, and the glory of the industry has nothing to do with themselves.

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