
The benefits of honey for the brain nerve are so many that the "distress" signal sent by the brain should be replenished in time

author:Field bee honey science

Have you ever had this experience, obviously the words are in your mouth, but you just can't remember, just put down the things, as soon as you turn around, you can't find them, have you ever lamented that you are old, and your brain is not good?

In fact, these are the signals sent by the brain to tell you that it is tired, especially after the age of 30, the brain inevitably goes to aging, and brings all kinds of bad problems.

Do you know your own brain? Do you know how to effectively protect it?

Today is the 21st Brain Health Day in our country, and we talk about these things about the brain.

Brain fatigue, excessive use of the brain

Be wary of brain sub-health

In the impression of many people, only with brain diseases, such as encephalitis, brain tumors, stroke, etc., the brain will be unhealthy, in fact, brain fatigue is also a kind of sub-health.

Here's a little test to help you understand what state your brain is in.

What do you see in this picture?

A, three or more people; B, two people; C, a face; D, a few wisps of green smoke.

The benefits of honey for the brain nerve are so many that the "distress" signal sent by the brain should be replenished in time

Test results: Select A, the brain is in good condition; select B, mild brain fatigue; choose C, moderate brain fatigue; choose D, severe brain fatigue.

The brain is made up of 10 billion neurons, accounting for less than 3% of the body's weight, but consumes 40% of the body's nutrients, so the brain is a very energy-intensive and prone to fatigue organs.

Due to the long-term use of the brain, it is easy to cause insufficient blood and oxygen supply to the brain, so that the brain has a feeling of fatigue.

Migraines, brain chaos, slow response, inattention, memory loss, etc. are all distress signals from brain fatigue.

The benefits of honey for the brain nerve are so many that the "distress" signal sent by the brain should be replenished in time

Today, office workers have become the hardest hit area of brain fatigue. In recent years, the incidence of cerebrovascular disease has been increasing and gradually becoming younger, and the news media has reported cases of overwork deaths from time to time.

Irregular diet, decreased exercise, staying up late, long-term working environment in "Alexander", anxiety and nervousness, smoking and alcoholism, etc. will lead to metabolic disorders in the human body and induce various cerebrovascular diseases.

At the age of 30, the brain begins to age

Thirty and standing, we not only work hard for life, but also be vigilant against various problems caused by brain aging.

The Journal of the American Medical Association has pointed out that our brain will embark on the road of aging at the age of 30, and the function of brain cells will decline after the age of 40, and after the age of 60, the brain will accelerate aging at a rate of 15% per year.

Physical strength is not as good as before, memory is also seriously reduced, which is two earlier "signals" of brain aging, if the body has appeared such a signal, it must be intervened early.

The benefits of honey for the brain nerve are so many that the "distress" signal sent by the brain should be replenished in time

If the brain is a machine that runs at high speed every day, if it is not used properly or the accumulation of years of use, it will also age, malfunction, crash, and even scrap.

Some people may think that the elderly are old, and it is normal to have a confused brain, which is actually a misunderstanding. If you start to have a memory loss at the age of fifty or sixty, your body is uncoordinated, you can't call your family name, and your reaction is slow, you must be wary of the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

The benefits of honey for the brain nerve are so many that the "distress" signal sent by the brain should be replenished in time

With the aging of the brain and the aging of the brain, brain diseases such as cerebral thrombosis and cerebral infarction have also become common diseases for middle-aged and elderly people, threatening their health.

Brain aging is an irreversible natural law that cannot be avoided, but we try to alleviate the rate of aging of the brain as much as possible.

Honey nourishes the brain and eliminates brain fatigue

In the process of mental work, the brain will consume a lot of energy, so it is necessary to replenish brain energy in time.

In all natural foods, the energy required by brain neurons is the highest in honey, and the fructose and glucose in honey can be quickly absorbed and utilized by the body, improving the nutritional status of the blood.

The benefits of honey for the brain nerve are so many that the "distress" signal sent by the brain should be replenished in time

For office workers, it is simple and convenient to always have a bottle of honey, and eating two spoonfuls of honey or a cup of honey water between busy hours has a very obvious effect on eliminating brain fatigue and restoring spirits.

Delays brain aging, and the effect of royal jelly is obvious

After the age of 30, it is necessary to supplement some royal jelly appropriately.

The unique royal pulp acid and the protein in royal jelly work together, coordinate with each other, and have a slowing effect on the human body.

The benefits of honey for the brain nerve are so many that the "distress" signal sent by the brain should be replenished in time

The nutritional content of royal jelly is very complex, containing minerals, vitamins, acetylcholine and all the essential amino acids of humans, which can replenish the nutrients needed by the human blood and brain for glial cells.

For example, acetylcholine (96mg/100g) in royal jelly has a certain effect on memory loss.

The aminobutyric acid in royal jelly avoids brain aging caused by excessive brain use.

In particular, the fresh king pulp collected from the shore of Qinghai Lake is not only rich in royal pulp acid and nutrients, but also has a very high content of active substances and proteins, with a vigorous spirit, which is very suitable as a nutritious food for daily brain protection.

The benefits of honey for the brain nerve are so many that the "distress" signal sent by the brain should be replenished in time

The brain needs to be nurtured, you are good to it, it will be good to you.

The benefits of honey for the brain nerve are so many that the "distress" signal sent by the brain should be replenished in time

Domestic and foreign research proves

Royal jelly is a functional food for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Following the National Brain Health Day, September 21 is also the World Alzheimer's Day, and the establishment of these two "days" expresses people's attention and concern for Alzheimer's disease.

We are pleased that royal jelly has made new progress in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

The experiments done by Professor Hu Fuliang's team at Zhejiang University confirmed that royal jelly has anti-aging and neuromodulatory activities and can be used as a functional food for the targeted treatment of pathological Alzheimer's disease.

The benefits of honey for the brain nerve are so many that the "distress" signal sent by the brain should be replenished in time

As the saying goes, "to live a long life, first nourish the brain, nourish the brain for a hundred years."

The body is not made of iron and cannot withstand a thousand hammers. Whether you are an office worker, a pillar of the family, or a retired elderly, you must take good care of your brain and body.


1, Taizhou Evening News, "cerebrovascular disease is gradually younger, pay attention to health from the "head" / 2, People's Network, "Office workers to relieve brain fatigue to eat what is good?" 》

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