
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved

author:Yu Jin's Food

1. Glutinous rice in an egg pack

The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved

Ingredients: corn kernels, green bean kernels, diced ham, sticky rice, eggs.

Seasoning: salt, black pepper, light soy sauce, chopped green onion, salt, black pepper, light soy sauce, paprika.

The production steps are as follows:

The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved

1. Boil the water, boil the water into the prepared corn kernels, blanch the green beans and boil until they are broken, drain the water and set aside.

2. Heat the oil, stir-fry the glutinous rice evenly under the heat of oil, add salt, black pepper, light soy sauce and stir-fry to taste, stir-fry over high heat for 30 seconds and set aside.

3. Brush the oil in the pot, beat the egg liquid into the hot oil, after the egg liquid is slightly solidified, spread the glutinous rice, after the egg liquid is fully cooked, sprinkle with chili powder, fold it in half and cover, cut it into pieces, and then you can eat.

2. Spinach egg noodles

The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved

Ingredients: spinach, eggs, noodles, tomatoes.

Seasoning: salt, light soy sauce.

The production steps are as follows:

The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved

1. Wash and cut the spinach into sections for later use, wash and cut the tomatoes into pieces for later use, and beat the eggs for later use.

2. Heat the oil, fry the eggs in the hot oil, stir-fry them and set them aside, add oil to the pot, add tomato pieces, add a little salt and stir-fry for easy juice, add two bowls of boiling water after the tomatoes are fried out of the juice.

3. Add two spoons of light soy sauce and one spoonful of salt, put in the noodles after boiling, add the scrambled eggs after the noodles are cooked, and finally add the spinach and blanch it is ready to cook.

3. Braised noodles with tomato omelette

The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved

Ingredients preparation: tomatoes, eggs, noodles.

Seasoning: light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, aged vinegar, salt, chicken essence, chopped green onion.

The steps are as follows:

The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved

1. Heat the oil, fry the eggs until golden brown and set aside, leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the chopped tomatoes and stir-fry the juice, add a spoonful of dark soy sauce, two spoons of light soy sauce, oyster sauce, half a spoon of aged vinegar, a little salt and chicken essence to taste, add an appropriate amount of boiling water.

2. Boil the water for about 1 minute, add the noodles and fried egg, cover and simmer for 4 minutes, sprinkle with chopped green onions and eat.

Fourth, fried dumplings with corn kernels

The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved

Ingredients: minced meat, corn kernels, carrot cubes.

Seasoning: cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, chicken essence, chopped green onion.

The steps are as follows:

The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved

1. Stir the pork into minced meat, add a spoonful of cooking wine, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, a little salt, chicken essence, a spoonful of cooking oil, then add corn kernels, chopped carrots, chopped green onions, stir well and set aside.

2. Wrap the dumpling skin with a full of meat filling, pinch it tightly in the middle, do not close it, brush the frying pan with oil, put the potstickers in the hot oil, slowly fry over low heat until the surface is golden, add a spoonful of flour and starch, salt, half a spoon of cooking oil, half a bowl of water to the bowl and stir well.

3. Pour in starch water, cover and simmer over medium-low heat for 10 minutes before eating.

5. Shrimp porridge

The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved

Ingredients: luncheon meat, shrimp, rice, shiitake mushrooms, green vegetables.

Seasoning: salt, sesame oil.

The steps are as follows:

The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved
The motivation for waking up early was my mother-in-law's breakfast, which I really loved

1. Clean the shrimp, remove the shell and head for later use, heat the oil, fry the shrimp head in the oil, add water and boil, remove the shrimp head, soak the soft rice in advance, add the mushroom slices and cook for 15 minutes.

2. After 15 minutes, add the luncheon meat, shrimp, add an appropriate amount of salt, stir well with sesame oil and cook for another 2 minutes, and finally add the chopped vegetables and cook for one minute, then turn off the heat.