
Xiao S denied the reboot of "Kangxi is Coming": If it comes out again, the content will not be able to surpass before

author:Wise Entertainment



The immortal memory and future outlook of "Kangxi is Coming".

In the long river of entertainment programs, some programs are like bright stars, forever shining in the memory of the audience. "Kangxi is Coming" is such a dazzling star, which has become a classic in the hearts of a generation with its unique charm and profound influence. However, when the show's producer Zhan Renxiong proposed the possibility of "Kangxi" resurrection, Xiao S and Cai Kangyong chose to let this beauty stay in the past.

Xiao S denied the reboot of "Kangxi is Coming": If it comes out again, the content will not be able to surpass before

Xiao S revealed in an interview that she and Cai Kangyong did discuss the resurrection of "Kangxi is Coming" with Zhan Renxiong. However, after careful consideration, they decided that "Kangxi is Coming" was already a perfect memory and should not be reawakened. Xiao S said: "If it comes out again, the content will not be able to surpass before, maybe everyone will feel very excited in the first 3 episodes, but after a long time, it will definitely be compared with before, everyone may say that it is not as good as before, I don't want this kind of thing to happen." ”

Xiao S denied the reboot of "Kangxi is Coming": If it comes out again, the content will not be able to surpass before

This passage not only expresses Xiao S and Cai Kangyong's respect and cherishment for "Kangxi is Coming", but also reflects their strict requirements for the quality of the program. They don't want to ruin the good memories in the hearts of the audience because of a momentary nostalgia. This kind of reverence for art and respect for the audience is worth learning from each and every one of us.

Xiao S denied the reboot of "Kangxi is Coming": If it comes out again, the content will not be able to surpass before

However, this does not mean that the spirit of "Kangxi is Coming" has disappeared. On the contrary, it continues to affect us in another form. The humor, wisdom and sincerity in the show have become valuable assets in the hearts of the audience. Whenever we encounter difficulties and setbacks in life, recalling those classic moments in "Kangxi is Coming" always brings us strength and courage.

Xiao S denied the reboot of "Kangxi is Coming": If it comes out again, the content will not be able to surpass before

In addition, Xiao S and Cai Kangyong also continue to shine in their respective fields. With his unique hosting style and sense of humor, Xiao S continues to bring laughter to the audience in other shows. Cai Kangyong, with his profound cultural heritage and humanistic care, transmits positive energy to the society. In their own way, they continue the spirit of "Kangxi is Coming".

Xiao S denied the reboot of "Kangxi is Coming": If it comes out again, the content will not be able to surpass before

In these fast-changing times, we are always eager to grasp the past, but we have to face the reality. The resurrection of "Kangxi is Coming" makes us think about a problem: how to balance nostalgia and innovation, and how to bravely welcome the future while respecting the past.

Xiao S denied the reboot of "Kangxi is Coming": If it comes out again, the content will not be able to surpass before

Perhaps, the best way is to cherish the past, but not be bound by the past, like Xiao S and Cai Kangyong. We can draw inspiration from "Kangxi is Coming", but we must also have the courage to innovate and constantly explore new possibilities. Only in this way can we find our place in the changes and create our own wonderful.

Xiao S denied the reboot of "Kangxi is Coming": If it comes out again, the content will not be able to surpass before

In short, although "Kangxi is Coming" has become a thing of the past, its spirit and influence will always remain in our hearts. Let's take this good memory with us and bravely step into the future and create more possibilities.


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