
Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

author:Ear and Ear Academy
Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce
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Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

In the hospital room, a 43-year-old man named Dongdong is lying on the bed, the flame of life is flickering faintly. This once handsome young doctor is now tormented by cancer.

He weakly held the hands of his two children, and his eyes were full of reluctance and affection.

Dongdong tried hard to say something, but his trembling lips couldn't make a sound. There was a heavy smell in the air, as if time stood still in this moment.

This once active online doctor is in the final battle against cancer. However, his story is much more than that, a complex and touching life journey is waiting to be revealed.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

In 2020, Dongdong's life suffered a huge turning point. The 41-year-old young doctor was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer, which had invaded his lungs, bones and liver.

This bad news was like a bolt from the blue, instantly shattering the good life of Dongdong and his family.

Faced with such a brutal diagnosis, Dongdong did not choose to give up. He decided to fight the disease bravely, and thus began a difficult road that lasted for more than three years.

The journey was fraught with pain and challenges, and the torment of cancer left the once-prime-born doctor skinny. In the most difficult time, Dongdong's weight even dropped to an astonishing 65 pounds, which is only equivalent to the weight of a child.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

In this battle with death, Dongdong's parents have become his most solid backing. They put down their work and life to devote themselves to taking care of their son.

From Shanghai to other cities, they traveled from hospital to hospital, looking for every glimmer of hope and trying every possible treatment.

This long and difficult road to fight cancer not only reflects Dongdong's tenacious vitality, but also shows the deep family affection of this family. Dongdong once shared his anti-cancer experience on social media, and his optimism and strength have touched countless people, and also made him a high-profile "anti-cancer Internet celebrity".

However, fate always seems to be extraordinarily cruel. Even with so much effort, even with the meticulous care and love of his family, Dongdong's condition is still getting worse.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

Cancer cells are relentlessly eating away at his body, but they can't destroy his love for life and concern for his family.

In this struggle against fate, Dongdong used his actions to interpret the preciousness of life and the power of family affection. Although he was unable to overcome the disease in the end, his courage and perseverance, as well as the selfless dedication of his family, deeply touched everyone who knew this story.

In the midst of Dongdong's battle with cancer, one cannot help but notice one detail: his wife seems to be absent all along. This phenomenon has sparked a lot of speculation and discussion, and some people believe that Dongdong's wife chose to leave when he needed help the most.

However, the truth of the facts is far more complicated than speculation from the outside world.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

The story of Dongdong and his ex-wife dates back to 2010. At that time, they were all high-spirited young people, who met and fell in love by chance. Dongdong is a handsome doctor with the heart of a healer, while his wife is a talented and beautiful lawyer.

Their love is like a fairy tale, which is enviable.

However, marriage in real life is far from being as simple as a fairy tale. As time passed, the busyness of work made the two get together less and leave more, and the communication between them gradually decreased.

The once passionate feelings slowly cooled in the dullness of day after day. Eventually, after a long period of inner struggle, they made a difficult decision: to end the marriage in early 2019.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

This decision was not made lightly. Both went through painful thinking and finally chose a way to be responsible for each other. However, fate always seems to like to joke.

Shortly after their divorce, Dongdong was diagnosed with cancer.

When Dongdong's ex-wife learns the news of his illness, her heart is filled with mixed emotions. Although they have parted ways, the years they once spent together and their two lovely children are still the bond that binds them together.

Even if she is no longer a husband and wife, she still chooses to lend a helping hand when Dongdong needs help.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

In order to clarify the misunderstanding of the outside world, after Dongdong's death, his ex-wife issued a sincere statement. She recounted her interactions with Dongdong and described the support she gave to Dongdong after learning about her illness.

Although she is no longer a husband and wife, she still does her part when Dongdong needs help. She even personally drove Dongdong to Shanghai for treatment, expressing her responsibility to the family and her concern for Dongdong with practical actions.

This statement not only restores the truth of the matter, but also reflects the ex-wife's respect and friendship for Dongdong. She wanted people to understand that their separation was not because of Dongdong's illness, but because something had happened before that.

The revelation of this truth adds a layer of complex human color to Dongdong's story.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

On social media, Dongdong's ex-wife also shared a photo of their former group together. In the photo, Dongdong is handsome and chic, she is beautiful and moving, and it was their happiest time.

These photos are not only a nostalgia for the past, but also a clarification of misunderstandings.

The story of this marriage allows us to see the complexity of life. It teaches us that love and marriage are not just black and white, and that relationships between people should not be simply labeled.

Even separated couples can support each other in difficult times. The story of Dongdong and his ex-wife shows the tolerant, understanding and responsible side of human nature, and also adds a touch of warmth to this sad story.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

In the final moments of Dongdong's life, fate seems to have arranged a heartbreaking coincidence for this story. On the night he was about to die, his ex-wife had an ominous dream.

In the dream, she saw Dongdong's condition deteriorate dramatically, and this dream made her uneasy.

Early the next morning, the ex-wife decided to take the children to the hospital to visit Dongdong. She was nervous, not knowing what kind of situation she was about to face. However, she did not expect that this visit would become a farewell.

By the time they arrived at the hospital, Dongdong was already on the verge of dying. Dongdong's mother choked up and told his ex-wife that at the last moment of his life, Dongdong held the children's hands tightly and wanted to say something, but he couldn't make a sound.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

This scene made the hearts of everyone present like a knife.

The ex-wife looked at the confused and sad eyes of the children, and her heart was full of mixed emotions. She is both saddened by Dongdong and saddened by the imminent loss of their father to her children.

This family, which was once full of laughter, now has to face the pain of life and death.

In the early morning of the same day, Dongdong's mother called to inform him of the news that Dongdong had passed away. Despite her mental preparations, the ex-wife still couldn't believe the cruel truth.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

She sat in the dark, recalling the bits and pieces she had spent with Dongdong, tears streaming uncontrollably.

This last wait is not only a farewell to the past, but also a blessing for the future. Although their marriage has ended, in the last moments of their lives, they still care about each other and face this difficult time together.

On this night, love and regret were intertwined, leaving indelible memories.

Late at night on April 27, Dongdong's family posted a heartbreaking message on social media, showing Dongdong's mourning hall and posthumous photos. This news is like a bombshell and has caused a huge response on the Internet.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

Fans who once followed and loved Dongdong expressed their grief and reluctance, and many people found it difficult to accept the fact that the young anti-cancer fighter passed away.

In the mourning hall, the atmosphere was solemn and sad. In the center hangs the four big characters of "deep mourning", the handwriting is solemn and sad. Dongdong's posthumous photo was carefully placed on the table, it was a handsome and chic photo, as if you could still see Dongdong's exuberance before his death.

In the photo, he contrasts sharply with the image on the sickbed, which highlights the impermanence of life. The table is full of Dongdong's favorite fruits, and these details all reflect the family's love and reluctance to him.

The most heartbreaking thing is Dongdong's mother. She stood in the center of the mourning hall, never taking her eyes off her son's last photo. Tears kept pouring out of her eyes, sometimes whimpering, sometimes crying loudly.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

This elderly mother, although her eyesight is poor, seems to engrave her son's appearance in her heart forever. Her body trembled slightly from grief, and she held a tissue in her hand and kept wiping away tears.

Dongdong's father was sad and dazed. This usually highly respected forensic scientist seemed so helpless at the moment. He stood beside his wife and patted her on the back, trying to give some comfort, but he couldn't contain the sadness in his heart.

The figures of the couple seemed to have aged a lot in an instant.

Family members and friends took turns to comfort Dongdong's parents and remind them to take care of their health. However, what could be more heart-wrenching for parents who have just lost their son? Their eyes never left their son's posthumous photo, as if one more glance would keep a little more memory of their son.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

This sad farewell ceremony is not only a commemoration of Dongdong's life, but also a testimony to the deep affection of this family. In the face of life and death, all the contradictions and estrangements seem so insignificant.

At the moment, they are just an ordinary family shrouded in grief, facing the pain of losing a loved one.

Every detail in the mourning hall tells a story of love, courage and fragility of life. Dongdong's departure is not only the loss of a life, but also the pain of a family, the mourning of a group of fans, and a deep reflection on the meaning of life.

The story of Dongdong has left us with a profound and multi-layered enlightenment. Life is so fragile, yet so tenacious. In the face of the relentless invasion of cancer, Dongdong has always maintained his love and hope for life.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

His strength not only touched the people around him, but also inspired countless netizens who paid attention to him. Dongdong uses his own experience to explain to us the preciousness of life and the importance of cherishing the present.

The selfless dedication of the family shows the greatness of family affection. Whether it is the inseparability of his parents or the support given by his ex-wife after learning of Dongdong's illness, it reflects the brilliance of human nature.

This reminds us to cherish the people around us, because life is impermanent, and every time we get together may be the last.

Dongdong's story also makes us think about the meaning of life. Even in the face of a terminal illness, he still chooses to face it bravely and use his experience to influence and help others.

Internet celebrity Dongdong held a funeral, his mother broke down and cried in the mourning hall, and his ex-wife took a group photo to expose the reason for the divorce

This spirit is worth learning from each and every one of us.

For Dongdong, we sincerely wish him to rest in heaven and be free from the torment of illness. For his family, we hope that they will be able to get out of their grief as soon as possible and regain their confidence in life.

Dongdong's departure is an end, but also a new beginning. His story will continue to inspire us to cherish life, be kind to others, and be brave in facing life's challenges.

In this world full of uncertainties, let us remember the story of Dongdong, learn to be grateful, cherish the present, and live the wonderful life.

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