
When "Departure" meets rock and roll...

If you hadn't seen Wu Tong's passionate singing with your own eyes, it might be hard for you to believe that the classic Chu Ci "Leaving the Riot" can also be so fashionable and trendy.

On the stage of "New Folk Music National Wind Night", Wu Tong's team not only used traditional instruments such as gong na and guqin, but also integrated modern elements such as rock and electronic music. The tension-filled singing and music made the audience wonder if Qu Yuan lived in modern times, he might also be a fashion master.

In the "New Folk Music National Wind Night" broadcast on January 25, there are many wonderful cross-border performances like Wu Tong. "New Folk Music National Wind Night" is jointly produced by Henan Satellite TV, Youku Video and Shrimp Music Entertainment, and broadcast on Henan Satellite TV and Youku. It is reported that the theme of folk music was held in the small Chinese New Year's Eve, which was the first time in China.

When "Departure" meets rock and roll...

Based on the new expression of traditional Chinese music culture and Based on Chinese folk music, the evening party innovatively integrated popular music, opera, traditional martial arts, intangible cultural heritage, dance and other stage performance forms, presented in a cinematic production method, and launched a large number of original works. The youthfulness and cultural flavor of the party triggered a wave of praise from netizens and achieved a sensational communication effect.

When "Departure" meets rock and roll...

The fusion of East and West, cross-border performances interpret new folk music

Because of her love for Chinese culture, Annie gave herself the name of Chinese "Tang Bohu". Growing up in Beijing, she finds new surprises in Chinese culture every year. She performed "A Hundred Birds and a Phoenix" with Chen Libao, a performer of the birds. Against the backdrop of many musical instruments, the high-pitched and loud screams are like phoenixes singing qishan and King's Landing birds. The meticulous choreography and cheerful singing give the traditional instrument more possibilities.

When "Departure" meets rock and roll...

Like "A Hundred Birds and a Phoenix", the integration of instruments, musical styles, rhythms with national characteristics and Western musical styles is often referred to as "Chinese music and Western music". This is the main feature of the new folk music and an important trend in contemporary instrumental music performance. "New Folk Music National Style Night" takes the national music elements as the motivation, uses modern concepts and means to interpret the new situation of music, and hopes to find more young audiences for folk music and make everyone cherish traditional Chinese culture more.

The integration of ancient and modern, cultural bondage together to forge the heart of China

In "Three Inches of Heaven", Yan Yidan and Zhao Zhigang's cross-border duet is even more breathtaking.

When "Departure" meets rock and roll...

Yan Yidan's unique gentle voice complements Zhao Zhigang's rounded and thick voice, and popular songs and Yue opera complement each other, singing an unfinished relationship deep into the bone marrow, making the listener unmoved. When Yan Yidan stepped into the back garden from the study and sang with Zhao Zhigang in the snow, this relationship seems to have traveled through time and space, which is unforgettable.

If nostalgia is an eternal classic, then excellent traditional culture is a classic in the classic. "New Folk Music National Wind Night" is committed to spreading the excellent traditional Chinese culture, carefully giving the classic poems a new fashion expression: in "The Hut is Broken by the Autumn Wind", Chen Weilun's singing makes us more deeply understand Du Fu's worries about the country and the people; in "Crab Leaf", Gong Linna sings the ancient style and tenderness with ink wind; in "Bu Suanzi I Live in the Head of the Yangtze River", the old wolf once again sings the thoughts and reluctance in his heart... The evening party is committed to exploring the common cultural bonds of ancient and modern times, using song and dance to narrow the distance between the ancients and us, and then condensing the eternal spiritual strength of oriental civilization.

North-south integration, emotional resonance highlights the "national style +"

What is valuable is that "New Folk Music National Wind Night" does not limit its own region and vision, but faces the national audience and strives to create excellent works that are jointly appreciated by the north and the south. In "Saibei Jiangnan", the flowers in the northwest and the Suzhou Pingtan in the southeast are romantically combined to form a wonderful audiovisual feeling. Under the interpretation of Zhang Gayi and Yuan Jiaying, the ruggedness of Saibei and the tenderness of Jiangnan are intertwined, which together present the colorful Chinese culture.

When "Departure" meets rock and roll...

Since the spread of the Henan Spring Festival Gala in early 2021, from the "Chinese Festival" series to the "Dance Millennium", Henan Satellite TV has firmly walked on the road of national customs and national tides. In 2022, the slogan of Henan Satellite TV channel was upgraded to "Henan Satellite TV Cultural China", looking at the whole country to promote Chinese culture. Adhering to this concept, "New Folk Music National Wind Night" cuts from the perspective of culture, and each program focuses on cross-border integration, which is refreshing. The unremitting pursuit of emotional resonance has created this real feast of folk music, so that young people can love and understand traditional culture more.

After watching these wonderful programs, we may suddenly find that Chinese culture has never been far away from us, and it has long been immersed in the blood and soul of Chinese.

"Elephant Sharp Review" by Wang Yiyi

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Editor 丨 Li Zhen Producer 丨 Ma Yu

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