
How to correctly paste couplets during the Spring Festival? Left to right, or right to left? Posting mistakes is easy to make jokes

"Yuan Day" Song Wang Anshi

In the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze sends warmth into Tu Su.

Thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old charms.

Every Spring Festival, every household will carry out a traditional activity - the Spring Festival. The custom of attaching Spring Festivals in China has a long history, and during the Song Dynasty, every household would paste Spring Festivals to welcome the new year with joy.

However, many friends do not know that it seems simple to paste the Spring League, and there are many exquisite in it. If the sticker is not good, not only will it not be able to get a good color, but it will even make the neighbors laugh at the family's lack of common sense.

So how should we properly paste the Spring League? Left to right, or right to left? When posting the word "Fu", is it pasted on the front or upside down?

How to correctly paste couplets during the Spring Festival? Left to right, or right to left? Posting mistakes is easy to make jokes

2021 ends, 2022 the Year of the Tiger quietly comes, the beginning of the new year, the first thing every household does is to paste the door god and paste the couplet. Chinese New Year's Eve or twenty-nine years old, the elders of the family have taken to the streets to buy Spring League. There are Yaxing people themselves at home who splash ink and write some words of blessing. The stickers of the Spring League also represent the official arrival of the new year.

But sticking to the Spring League is exquisite. The Spring League attached to the gate includes the upper link, the lower link, and the horizontal batch, and only by completely pasting the Spring League on the door will it have the sign of warding off evil spirits and eliminating disasters and welcoming good fortune.

Before pasting the New Spring League, first clean the door and tear off the old Spring League. When posting, you must pay attention to it, and do not reverse the upper and lower links.

The correct way to stick it is that the holder faces the door and sticks the upper link on the right and the lower link on the left. So how to correctly distinguish between the upper and lower links? It depends on the last word of the couplet or the writing of the horizontal batch.

In ancient times, because it was written from right to left, the upper link was pasted on the right side of the door, and now because the writing habit is from left to right, some people also paste the upper link on the left side of the door.

However, the writing of the horizontal batch will not change much, when we buy a pair of New Spring League, but do not know whether we should paste the upper link on the left or right side of the door, you can see whether the horizontal batch of this spring link is written from right to left, or from left to right.

If the horizontal batch is written from right to left, then the upper link should be pasted to the right of the door and the reverse top link to the left.

How to correctly paste couplets during the Spring Festival? Left to right, or right to left? Posting mistakes is easy to make jokes

So how do you distinguish between upper and lower links?

The last word of the shanglian should be "仄声", which in modern Hanyu Pinyin means three or four sounds. The voice gives people the feeling that they have not finished speaking halfway through the speech, and they have the meaning of expecting the next link.

The word at the end of the lower link is "pingsheng", and in modern Hanyu Pinyin, pingsheng is a soft word with one and two sounds. The flat voice gives the impression that the words have been spoken and a complete couplet is formed.

For example, there is such a couplet "Family Happy welcome riches", "Full Hall and Shunqing Peace", which one do you think is Shanglian?

The answer is that "Full Hall and Shunqing Peace" as the upper link, usually should be pasted on the right, "family happy to welcome the rich" is the lower link, should be pasted on the left.

During the New Year period, you can pay attention to the fact that the horizontal criticism of some people's Spring League is obviously written from right to left, but the upper link is pasted to the left. Some people write horizontally from left to right, but the upper link is pasted to the right, and some couplets do not have a flat distinction.

This shows that the household was sloppy when posting the Spring Festival, and did not figure out the difference between the traditional upper and lower links.

How to correctly paste couplets during the Spring Festival? Left to right, or right to left? Posting mistakes is easy to make jokes

Friends who like to write the Spring League also need to pay attention to the fact that the traditional way of writing the Spring League must be written directly, from right to left, from top to bottom, and the order of the words cannot be reversed.

Moreover, as a spring festival that pins people's good wishes, the content should not appear words such as "extinguished", "absolute", "dead", "dead", etc., so as not to destroy the fortune.

The horizontal batch of the Spring League is even more important than the up and down links, and it is necessary to be cautious before writing. Speaking of which, we can summarize the four points of attention when writing the Spring Festival.

First, the number of words is the same, and the sentences are consistent. Except for deliberately vacating the position of a word to achieve some effect, the number of upper and lower words must be the same.

Second, the part of speech is relative, the position is the same. Virtual to virtual, real to real, noun to noun, verb to verb, the corresponding word must be in the same position.

Third, it is necessary to be flat and contiguous, that is, the last word of the upper link should be used in the voice, and the last word of the last sentence of the lower link should be used in the flat sound.

Fourth, the content is related, up and down. The meaning of the up-down link must be connected to each other and cannot be repeated.

After pasting the Spring League, don't take it off during the New Year, wait until the next year to take it off and replace it with a new Spring League.

How to correctly paste couplets during the Spring Festival? Left to right, or right to left? Posting mistakes is easy to make jokes

What is the "three non-stickers" of the Spring Festival, which is widely spread by the people?

The meaning of three non-stickers is not to paste the anti-spring league, not to paste the wrong time, and not to paste the double number of the spring league.

These three points are also very easy to understand, do not paste the anti-spring league, the meaning is to find out whether the upper link is on the right or on the left?

The time of not posting the wrong time refers to the period between 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon in the Chinese New Year's Eve, which is the golden time for posting the Spring Festival (the time for posting the Spring Festival in most areas). People should get up early to decorate their homes, and then quickly paste the Spring Festival. You must not sleep until you get up at noon, and do not post the Spring Festival League until one or two o'clock in the afternoon, which is a taboo.

Finally, there is the Spring League without even numbers. In traditional Chinese culture, the double number is yin, unlucky, the singular number is yang, positive, and the spring league pasted on the gate should choose the number of words.

Some people will ask: Some people not only paste the Spring Festival league on the gate, but also paste a "Fu" word upside down.

In fact, the word Fu can be pasted on the door, but it must be pasted on the front, and the word "Fu" can be applied to the cabinet or small door in the house.

How to correctly paste couplets during the Spring Festival? Left to right, or right to left? Posting mistakes is easy to make jokes

Because the door is upside down with the word blessing, it will mean pouring blessings to other people's homes. Sticking the word "blessing" means opening the door to welcome the blessing, and the auspicious door is approaching.

The word Fu is posted upside down on the cabinet or small door in the house, indicating that the blessing will always come to the house. The cabinets and drawers in the home, including the bedroom, belong to the place where items and rest are stored, and the word Fu will be posted on it will let go of the blessing.

In rural areas, the word Fu will be posted next to water tanks, garbage bins, and stoves, and the word For Blessing in these places must be pasted upside down, in order not to let go of the blessings of the family.

The toilet or kitchen can also be affixed with the word Fu, and these places where dirt and grime are stored should be pasted upside down with the word Fu, which offsets each other with bad luck.

How to correctly paste couplets during the Spring Festival? Left to right, or right to left? Posting mistakes is easy to make jokes

In general, as a traditional Chinese custom, The Spring Festival Lian expresses people's yearning for a better life. The seemingly simple Sticky Spring League actually contains China's profound traditional culture, which is also very exquisite.

In today's rapid social development, I believe that many young friends have no idea how to correctly paste the Spring League, so that they are laughed at by neighbors after posting mistakes.

So everyone remember to learn more about the relevant knowledge of the Spring League!

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