
Britain's 13-year-old boy "like to be a father", 12 years have passed, and the results are tearful!

When it comes to "early love", everyone is certainly not unfamiliar, after all, under the influence of youth hormones, coupled with young and crazy, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not do some irrational things. But for those parents, early love of children is really a headache, how to guide children to correctly look at love, has become the most concerned issue for parents of adolescent children.

But this kind of thing is difficult to prohibit, the child itself is in a rebellious period, parents can only guide, rather than add fuel to the fire, otherwise it is easy to cause disaster. Especially in a country as free as the United Kingdom, what is the case when a 13-year-old boy succeeds in becoming a father?

First, the youngest "dad"

The protagonist of the incident is an English boy named Alfie. 13 years old, it is the age of fun, but Alfie learned that he became the youngest "father", and for him, he can't take care of himself, but there is a child who needs him to take care of, his girlfriend is only two years older than him, as soon as such a thing happens, it quickly spread all over the Internet, and everyone is curious, after all, such a small can actually be a father.

Britain's 13-year-old boy "like to be a father", 12 years have passed, and the results are tearful!

Physiologically, The British are generally precocious, coupled with the high content of hormones in food, which also has an impact on their children's development. It is common for the British to be tall and tall, and they look very mature at a very young age, so it is not a difficult thing to have a child at the age of 15.

Foreigners themselves are more open-minded, and early love should be a very common thing for them. It's just that there are still relatively few like Alfie who are "happy to be a father" at such a young age, he can't even take care of himself, and he actually ran into trouble, And Alfie's parents were shocked when they learned of this news, and at the same time, they actually relied on this matter to make huge profits from it.

Britain's 13-year-old boy "like to be a father", 12 years have passed, and the results are tearful!

Yes, Alfie's fatherhood is news that the man's parents sold to the media. After all, this was really a strange news at the time, but the parents obviously did not take into account the mood of the person concerned. All they thought of was making money, relying on their son's fame to make money, and not providing a solution for the little boy in time.

However, Alfie is obviously more reliable than his parents, and when he learns that he has become a father, he tries to accept the child while being shocked. He also learned how to take care of children, for himself is still a child, it is really not easy, did not choose to run, but chose to face, many adults can not do it.

Britain's 13-year-old boy "like to be a father", 12 years have passed, and the results are tearful!

This has to be mentioned that Alfie and his girlfriend are young plum bamboo horses, two small no guesses, the two often play together. If such a thing does not happen, it is estimated that when they grow up, the relationship between the two will be so good, and there is a high probability that they will come together. It just happened that this kind of thing actually made the little couple fall into self-doubt.

II. Misery as the "Wronged Head"

Alfie's family is average, there are still many children in the family, and Alfie has such a thing, which is undoubtedly worse. In order to take care of the child, Alfie took on the responsibility of a grandfather, learned to change the child's diaper and breastfeed, and even skipped class for the child, but because she always did not go to class, she simply dropped out of school, and this time she could concentrate on taking care of the child.

Britain's 13-year-old boy "like to be a father", 12 years have passed, and the results are tearful!

But the dramatic scene is staged again, as mentioned earlier that the pair of green plum bamboo horses have been playing from childhood to adulthood, but the woman's private life is not in order. While falling in love with Alfie, he has a vague relationship with other boys. Why? Because after this incident, the woman's ex-boyfriends have stood up, which can make Alfie dumbfounded.

Therefore, Alfie chose to let the parents take the child to do the paternity test, and after the results came out, everyone found that Alfie was not the father of the child at all, and the biological father had someone else. Although this was good news, Alfie had a feeling of being deceived and felt unworthy of the sacrifices she had made.

Britain's 13-year-old boy "like to be a father", 12 years have passed, and the results are tearful!

After the truth of the child's matter came out, Alfie's girlfriend could not withstand the huge pressure of public opinion and chose to move. For Alfie himself, things don't seem to get any better. People would still make fun of him about it, which made Alfie feel confused.

How do you start a new life? Alfie has experienced so many things, can she still live with peace of mind? These are all things that Alfie has to face, and everything seems to be developing in a good direction, so will the result really be as everyone wishes?

Britain's 13-year-old boy "like to be a father", 12 years have passed, and the results are tearful!

Third, the gray life

Time will dilute everything, and the heat of that thing has passed. But the blow to Alfie did persist, and instead of choosing to continue school, he became a man of nothing to do. 12 years later, Alfie even has a case.

Yes, according to people familiar with the matter, Alfie once appeared at the door of the courthouse and was also suspected of burglary. At that time, the beautiful little boy had been replaced by a scruffy man with a beard, and it was really necessary to sigh that time was not waiting for anyone. The years have made a boy a man, and they have not made him excellent, but have made his life into ashes.

Britain's 13-year-old boy "like to be a father", 12 years have passed, and the results are tearful!

4. Summary

In the child's growth path, parents are the first teachers. Their role is very important, that is, the enlightenment of life. Parents need to establish a correct outlook on life and values for their children and guide them to the right path of life.

On the question of early love, avoidance is useless. Children can also feel helpless when they face their feelings. They don't know whether what they are doing is right or wrong, at this time they need someone to tell them that this person is a parent or a teacher, in short, to channel the child's psychological problems, rather than using coercive means to force the child.

Britain's 13-year-old boy "like to be a father", 12 years have passed, and the results are tearful!

Good inducements can often impress children, and the evidence that is favorable may also be the basis for convincing children. In fact, it can also be understood that some parents will be a little helpless in the face of their children's things, love deeply, hate the cut. Every parent wants to become a dragon, but children also need time to understand.

Parents should set a good example for their children, and children will follow suit, there is no perfect thing in this world, and people can only try to move closer to the perfect direction. In the face of children's help, we really have to ask ourselves, have we really solved the problem for our children? Or do we also need to learn that no one can become a good parent, so at this time, parents must be stable, calm, and treat the problems raised by their children with a normal heart.

Britain's 13-year-old boy "like to be a father", 12 years have passed, and the results are tearful!

In the end, early love is not terrible, pure love is the most precious, but it also needs to look at the timing. Students' first priority is to study, so they can wait until college to fall in love. At that time, parents will still support and not delay schooling, so is this not the best of both worlds? Do you agree with the editor's views? What better ideas do you have? Welcome to leave a comment to the editor at any time, thank you for your attention and support.

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