
The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Belgium players in 6378 Comments: 2 people got a perfect score, 4 people passed, and 5 people collapsed

author:Sport Storm

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Text: Athletic Storm



The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Belgium 63-78, and this loss made people feel regretful and worried. As a long-time commentator on Chinese basketball, I can't help but sweat for the Olympic prospects of the Chinese women's basketball team.

After all, there is only one month left before the Paris Olympics, and the performance of the Chinese team is far from ideal. The problems exposed in this warm-up game undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the team.

But we can't lose confidence in the Chinese women's basketball team because of this. After all, this team has created brilliance and risen in the face of adversity.

Let's take a look back at the game, analyse the performance of the Chinese team, discuss the challenges facing the team, and discuss the hopes for the future. In this game, the performance of the Chinese team can be described as "unsatisfactory".

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Belgium players in 6378 Comments: 2 people got a perfect score, 4 people passed, and 5 people collapsed

As can be seen from the score, the Chinese team has encountered serious difficulties on the offensive end. The 63 points scored in the game is too few for a team aiming for an Olympic medal.

Throughout the game, the Chinese team exposed many problems on the offensive end. First of all, there are frequent passing errors, and the tacit cooperation between the players is obviously insufficient.

There were many occasions when the pass went out of bounds or was tackled by the opponent, which seriously affected the consistency and efficiency of the attack. Secondly, the Chinese team was very passive in the face of Belgium's double bag, often playing too slowly, giving the opponent an opportunity.

What's even more worrying is that the Chinese team seems to lack an effective tactical system to support. Most of the time, players rely on individual singles to score points, and it's rare to see subtle teamwork.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Belgium players in 6378 Comments: 2 people got a perfect score, 4 people passed, and 5 people collapsed

This style of play is not only inefficient, but also easy to be targeted by opponents. Especially in the second quarter, the Chinese team only scored 7 points, and this kind of scoring drought is absolutely unacceptable in a high-level game.

Defensively, China's performance was equally disappointing. Players generally have problems with lack of concentration and defensive awareness.

There have been many cases where the opponent has easily made an empty basket, which is fatal in the international top arena. In addition, the Chinese team is not active enough in the rebounding competition, especially the poor protection of backcourt rebounds, which gives the opponent a lot of opportunities to attack twice.

From the perspective of individual performance, Han Xu and Yang Liwei are the highlights of the whole team. Han Xu showed good dominance on the inside, not only scoring steadily under the basket, but also shooting three-pointers from the outside, showing all-round offensive ability.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Belgium players in 6378 Comments: 2 people got a perfect score, 4 people passed, and 5 people collapsed

Yang Liwei has performed well in terms of organization and breakthroughs, creating many opportunities for the team. The performance of these two players is the main reason why the Chinese team was able to maintain the score in the first three quarters without excessive disparity.

Zhang Ru, Huang Sijing, Sun Mengran and Wang Siyu also passed the performance. Although they did not perform particularly well, they did their part in their respective positions and provided some help to the team.

In particular, Huang Sijing, although she has just returned from injury, still shows good defensive ability, and made a mistake for Belgium after coming on the field. What is even more regrettable is that there are 5 players who have completely collapsed in this game.

The sluggish performance of Li Yuan, Luo Xinqi, Yang Shuyu, Pan Zhenqi and Wu Tongtong directly dragged down the performance of the whole team. Li Yuan was cut off after coming on the court, causing the opponent to counterattack and score.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Belgium players in 6378 Comments: 2 people got a perfect score, 4 people passed, and 5 people collapsed

Luo Xinqi appeared hesitant when organizing the attack, and was repeatedly caught by the opponent's double bag and caused mistakes. Yang Shuyu and Pan Zhenqi also performed well below expectations on the offensive end, failing to provide effective firepower support for the team.

Wu Tongtong's low shooting percentage at the free throw line directly affected the team's scoring. The aberration of these five players is undoubtedly one of the main reasons for the Chinese team's big loss.

This defeat sounded the alarm bell for the Chinese women's basketball team's Olympic preparations. With only one month left before the opening of the Paris Olympics, the Chinese team must find out and solve the existing problems as soon as possible, otherwise it is likely that it will be difficult to achieve the desired results in the Olympic arena.

First of all, the Chinese team urgently needs to improve the tactical system on the offensive end. The current style of play is too dependent on individual ability and lacks effective teamwork.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Belgium players in 6378 Comments: 2 people got a perfect score, 4 people passed, and 5 people collapsed

The coaching staff needs to devise a tactical routine that makes the most of the characteristics of the players and opens up the opposition's defence. At the same time, players should also strengthen tacit cooperation with each other, reduce passing errors, and improve offensive efficiency.

Second, defensive literacy needs to be improved urgently. The young Chinese team appeared inexperienced defensively, lacking in judgment and determination.

Players need to be more aware of their defense, improve their defensive focus, and especially not have serious defensive holes in critical moments. At the same time, the protection of rebounding also needs to be strengthened, especially backcourt rebounding, which is directly related to whether the opponent's offensive opportunities can be limited.

Third, the psychological quality of the players needs to be further trained. In this game, the Chinese team had many unbalanced mentalities, especially when they were behind.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Belgium players in 6378 Comments: 2 people got a perfect score, 4 people passed, and 5 people collapsed

This state of mind can easily affect the performance on the court, leading to more mistakes and less offensive efficiency. The coaching staff needs to help the players build a stronger mental quality, learn to stay calm and adjust in the face of adversity.

Although the current situation seems difficult, I do not think that the Chinese women's basketball team is hopeless. As the former hegemon of Asia, the Chinese women's basketball team has a deep heritage and tradition.

Looking back on history, the Chinese women's basketball team won the runner-up in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, creating the best results of Chinese basketball in the Olympic Games. Although results have slipped in recent years, the team's potential remains.

First of all, the Chinese team has a group of extremely talented young players. Pan Zhenqi, Li Yuan, Luo Xinqi and other new generation players have excellent physical conditions and technical characteristics.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Belgium players in 6378 Comments: 2 people got a perfect score, 4 people passed, and 5 people collapsed

Although they did not perform well in this game, as long as they can adjust their mentality in time and continue to improve in details, I believe that they will soon be able to re-release their strength. These young players are the hope for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team and the key to the team's success in the Olympic Games.

Secondly, the Chinese team also has a group of experienced veterans. Players such as Huang Sijing and Han Xu are seasoned veterans of international competitions, and their leadership and consistency on the field are invaluable to young players.

Especially Han Xu, as the center of the Chinese women's basketball team, her outstanding performance in this game proved her strength. The presence of these veterans is able to balance the overall structure of the team well and step up at key moments.

The most important thing is that the Chinese women's basketball team has always had the spirit of unity and never giving up. This spirit is the tradition of Chinese sports and the most valuable asset of the Chinese women's basketball team.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Belgium players in 6378 Comments: 2 people got a perfect score, 4 people passed, and 5 people collapsed

No matter how difficult it is, they are able to grit their teeth and fight hard. This kind of spiritual power can often create miracles at critical moments.

In addition, the Chinese women's basketball team has another month to adjust and prepare. Although this period is not long, it is still possible to achieve a qualitative leap if it can be used wisely.

The coaching staff needs to develop a targeted training plan based on the problems exposed in this game. The players also need to seize every opportunity to train and warm-up games to continuously improve their quality and form.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Belgium players in 6378 Comments: 2 people got a perfect score, 4 people passed, and 5 people collapsed

Overall, although this defeat is worrying, it does not mean that the Chinese women's basketball team is in a desperate situation. On the contrary, the problems exposed in this game pointed out the direction of the team's next preparation.

As long as the team can reflect in time and make effective rectifications, it will definitely be able to regain its former style. As a loyal supporter of Chinese basketball, I am full of confidence in this united and hard-working Chinese women's basketball team.

The Chinese women's basketball team lost to Belgium players in 6378 Comments: 2 people got a perfect score, 4 people passed, and 5 people collapsed

They have created brilliance and risen in the face of adversity. I believe that after this month's hard work, the Chinese women's basketball team will be able to show its best state in the Paris Olympics and win honor for the country.

Let's look forward to seeing a brand-new and combative Chinese women's basketball team in the Olympic arena!


I believe that in the near future, when this turmoil subsides, we will see more wonderful performances on the screen. And then, we will also become a more mature and wiser audience.

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