
Xuzhuang High-tech Zone held a summary meeting on the study and education of party history

author:Information News

On January 21, Xuzhuang High-tech Zone held a summary meeting on party history study and education, deeply studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on party history study and education and the spirit of the central and provincial party history study and education summary meetings, conscientiously summarized the experience of party history study and education, consolidated and expanded the achievements of party history study and education, mobilized the high-tech zone to strive to write a chapter in the "strong, rich, beautiful, and high" new Xuanwu modernization construction, and greeted the party's 20th national victory with excellent results. Tang Chengwu, member of the party leading group of the district government and secretary of the party working committee of the high-tech zone, attended the meeting and made a speech; Zhu Yan, deputy secretary of the party working committee, secretary of the discipline work committee, and deputy director of the management committee of the high-tech zone, presided over the meeting; Liu Jian, the second guidance group of the party history study and education district committee, attended the meeting for guidance; and all civil servants in the high-tech zone, responsible comrades of the centers of the high-tech group, and responsible comrades of some party organizations attended the meeting.

Tang Chengwu pointed out that carrying out party history study and education in the whole party is a major strategic decision made by the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, based on the new starting point of the century-old party history and focusing on the new journey of career development. Since last year, the high-tech zone has conscientiously implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech instructions, closely followed the decision-making and deployment of the central and provincial and municipal party committees, and in accordance with the requirements of "studying history clearly, learning history to increase credibility, learning history to revere morality, and studying history to practice", closely follow the key tasks, base themselves on the reality of the high-tech zone, promote the study and education of party history to expand in depth and exert efforts in a down-to-earth manner, the vast number of party members and cadres in the high-tech zone have received a comprehensive and profound political education, ideological tempering, and spiritual baptism, and the creativity, cohesion, and combat effectiveness of party organizations at all levels have been significantly enhanced.

Tang Chengwu stressed: Strengthen organizational leadership, solidly promote the study and education of party history, effectively carry out innovative forms of party history study, persistently arm the mind with the party's innovative theory, guide practice, and promote work; sink down to understand the thinking, integrate and integrate the implementation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the CPC central committee and the spirit of the provincial and municipal party congresses with the study and education of party history; do practical things with sincerity and sincerity, and solidly promote the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" and the action of "two in two together" to build new merits; take the initiative to promote development, and comprehensively roll out key projects The power of science and technology innovation has gradually increased, and the four major plans of "Wutong", "Young Eagle", "Wild Goose Array" and "Jinbao" have been fully launched to accelerate the agglomeration of high-end innovation elements. Paying attention to summing up and refining, and fully absorbing the valuable experience of party history study and education, we must adhere to the bacon soul casting, demonstration-driven, innovative carrier, and mass line. We should always regard the study and education of party history as the primary political task, explore and carry out vivid practice with rich content, and harvest valuable experience and enlightenment. We should strive to combine learning with application, earnestly promote the study and education of party history in a deep and down-to-earth manner, and continue to strengthen political construction, continuously deepen theoretical armament, and firmly practice the sense of purpose. There is no end to the study and education of party history, and consolidating and expanding the achievements of party history study and education focuses on long-term effectiveness and transformation. All levels in the high-tech zone should always make unremitting efforts to regard the study and education of party history as an eternal task for strengthening party building and a lifelong task for deepening self-revolution, make efforts to study and make new changes on a regular basis, see the true chapter in regular study and understanding, and seek practical results in regular study and common use.

In the next step, Xuzhuang High-tech Zone will continuously transform the achievements of party history study and education into the work momentum of forging ahead into a new journey and building a new era of meritorious service, strive to promote all work in the park to a new level, take history as a mirror, create the future, immerse itself in hard work, forge ahead courageously, strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of the high-tech zone, contribute Xuzhuang strength to the construction of the new Xuanwu of "strong, rich and high", and greet the party's twenty major victories with practical actions and excellent results.

Editor: Ding Yanqing

Review: Sheden Mei

(Source: Xuanwu District People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send private messages or send 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】