
China's e-cigarette 2021 annual brand list released: only four have entered the top ten for three consecutive years, and those who have fallen off the list are not losers

Blue Hole New Consumption reported today

On January 28, bluehole new consumption (BlueHole) and brand reputation big data research institute digital brand list (DBRank) jointly released China's annual brand mental share ranking of e-cigarettes, which is the annual list of 2021.

China's e-cigarette 2021 annual brand list released: only four have entered the top ten for three consecutive years, and those who have fallen off the list are not losers

The annual list reflects the sum of the brand's market voice in the past year, and can better reflect the comprehensive development of the entire market than the quarterly list.

Both parties promised that the list would be produced on the basis of raw and real data, without any manual intervention or commercialization.

This list is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any investment or store opening advice.

Data sources and analysis descriptions

Data description: This list is based on the proprietary calculation model of the digital brand list, covering news media, information websites, news clients, Weibo, WeChat and other platform accounts, Zhihu and other content platforms, based on media reports, user UGC content to calculate the brand's user mental share.

The data observation window for this quarter's list report is from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

Indicator description: Based on the unique insights and research of digital brand lists, we measure and measure the user reputation of brands on social media in DB. A FEAT model for calculating the digital value of brands in the social media era:

Favorability – a measure of an audience's emotional propensity;

Engagement – a measure of how engaged an audience is;

Activeness – an indicator of the efficiency of information diffusion;

Timeline – A measure of how much influence decays.

Thus, a brand's digital value, or DB total, is the sum of the "reach× engagement× favorability× timeliness" of each article associated with the brand.

Based on the DB value, we compare different brands under different definition dimensions, so as to obtain the brand's mental share in the user's mind, so that the communication effect of the enterprise is measurable and the user's reputation reflects more really.

China E-cigarette 2021 Annual Brand Mind List:

Blue Hole Reviews:

There are 25 brands on the list this year, compared with 30 in 2020, down 17%, and brands with a market share of less than 0.01% are temporarily not on the list.

The annual list is not the same as the quarterly list, which can be listed on the annual list, indicating that the whole year is still alive, the quarterly list can not explain the problem, the annual list can better reflect the survival of a brand in the past year, as for how to live, it is another matter.

From the 2021 fiscal year, the e-cigarette industry has opened high and gone low, and has experienced a wave of curves that are almost exactly the same as the stock market.

From the end of the epidemic in various places at the beginning of the year, the major e-cigarette brands have been fiercely armed, opening stores widely, and then to the rise of negative public opinion in the market in May, the opening of store volumes, store sales have deteriorated, until the end of the year, the national standard for e-cigarettes and the release of e-cigarette management measures, and finally in order.

In the era of disorderly supervision, the development of regular brands depends on funds, relying on brand influence, garbage products rely on stealing chickens and dogs, fish and dragons are mixed, and in the future, all e-cigarette goods will be supervised through the national trading platform of e-cigarettes, which will greatly reduce unqualified products on the market, and will have a fatal impact on wildcards and fakes.

From the perspective of individual brands, the pattern of the top ten has not changed much, almost the same as in 2020, but the position has changed up and down.

Yueke is still thriving, no matter how you scold, Yueke is still the only hard currency in this jianghu, the first season of e-cigarettes, the pattern of Chinese e-cigarettes is indeed Yueke and others.

The top ten brands of mind in 2021 are: Yueke, Bode, Leimi, Magic Flute, Yuzu, Wei na, Ono, Non-Me, Bolan and Xiwu.

The top ten brands of mind in 2020 are: Yueke, Yuzu, Bode, Snow, Magic Flute, Ono, Non-Self, Hi Mist, Polar Sense and Only It.

The top 10 brands of mind in 2019 are: Yueke, Bode, Ono, Fluke, Neway, Weipo, Xuejia, Yuzu, Lingxi and Kemi.

As you can see, there are not many brands that have entered the top ten of the annual list for three consecutive years, only four brands: Yueke, Bode, Yuzu and Ono.

Of course, on the list does not explain how, the side reflects the brand continues to invest and losses become more, has long withdrawn from the list and e-cigarette industry brands, should be happy, especially after the regulatory dust settled, you were forced to do a timely stop loss, help yourself and investors save money, can be called the biggest winner of the e-cigarette industry in the past three years.

Less loses wins.

An example will help you understand this statement.

As of yesterday's close on January 27, 4207 stocks have fallen this year, with an average decline of -10.31% and a median decline of -11.43% in the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets. This means that as long as you don't buy any stocks this year, a short position can outperform most investors.

You see the e-cigarette industry is also so ridiculous, early exit from the market and the list of companies no longer invest heavily, it is equivalent to making money. Now most brands, who are not spending tens of millions of dollars every year into it do not make money and have to grit their teeth and move forward, waiting for the dawn.

But unfortunately, we predict that when the e-cigarette regulation is officially out, it will also mean that the industry has lost its imaginative business model.

Existing brands, trapped in the mire, it is difficult to ride the tiger, neither in nor out.

Like fish drinking water, cold and warm self-knowledge.

After the end of the transition period of e-cigarettes, we expect that the industry will officially enter the era of low gross profit, the business model of factories, brands, platforms and channels will become a pure supply relationship for buying and selling goods, the entire market will lose the power of capital entry and exit channels, and the popularity of e-cigarettes will continue to decrease, and eventually become a normal topic that no one discusses.

When the entire market is left with a pure traditional business model of buying and selling, no capital and no capital will be interested. This is exactly the result that you want to see in the end.

Some people may say that the second season will enter the stage of fighting resources and relationships, which is indeed possible, but a similar rollover has just been staged.

To be stable, you have to be hard.

Throw away your fantasies, accept and embrace reality, and all of you have sweated in the industry and wish you all a good year.

Limited by space, the reviews of the annual brand and the industry inventory are like this.

Again, the Blue Hole Mental Ranking reflects the brand's relevant information and mention rate on WeChat, Weibo, Zhihu and Today's Headlines, industry websites and mass websites, and does not represent the real market share and shipment volume, and is only for everyone's reference in terms of brand.

I hope that all brands will be treated with a normal heart. I also hope that all brand agents will treat it with a normal heart.

The fact that there is no brand on the annual list can only show that the real market and voice are too small.

In addition, the blue hole ranking will never be entered into the wildcard, nor will the long-term brush volume of the e-cigarette industry media public account data into the monitoring. At present, a number of brushed media public accounts have been pulled into the blacklist.

In other words, no matter how many articles you post on these fake public accounts, they will not produce any data in the end and will not have any effect on the leaderboard. Because, as you know it yourself, it's a false reading number.

Every time we have to emphasize, the Blue Hole Leaderboard does not accept any commercial sponsorship or any request for help.

Also, if important, don't ask us how the leaderboards are calculated.

This list is based on the proprietary calculation model of the digital brand list, covering news media, information websites, news clients, Weibo, WeChat and other platform accounts, Zhihu and other content platforms, based on media reports, user UGC content to calculate the brand's user mental share status.

Special Notice:

1: The Blue Hole ranking only counts regular brands that are committed to long-term development, and never enters wildcards. The data generated by the brushing public account will be canceled and blocked.

2: This list is for reference only and does not accept any commercial sponsorship.

3: If any violation of the brand is found, it will be disqualified from the list.

4: Brands that have not entered the ranking list may have the following reasons, the amount of data is too small, or have not entered the monitoring library, if there are the above reasons, please leave a message in the message area, we will collect and compare and add to the database.

2021 Q1, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Quarter Leaderboard Portal:

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