
Wu Zetian killed people like hemp, why didn't he get rid of Cheng Biting Jin? It's neither feasible nor necessary

author:Please call me the Demon King

Cheng Yaojin died in 665 AD, and Wu Zetian became emperor exactly 25 years later, that is, in 690 AD, so Wu Zetian, who was an empress, naturally could not kill Cheng Yaojin.

However, when Cheng Yaojin was alive, Wu Zetian was already more active in the political arena. In particular, from 660 AD, Emperor Gaozong of Tang's reign became more and more serious, which had affected his vision; in order not to delay political affairs, he asked Empress Wu to assist him. After all, when it comes to reliability, who can compare to their own wife?

Opportunity favors those who are prepared, and it is Said that Wu Zetian is Wu Zetian. She is intelligent and witty, full of literature and history, and her handling of related matters is very much in line with Li Zhi's own ideas, which can be described as a qualified assistant. From then on, until Li Zhi's death, Wu Zetian was fully involved in political affairs: "Since then, he has been assisting the state for decades, and his power is no different from that of the emperor, and he was called the "Second Saint" at that time. ”

That is to say, in theory, Wu Zetian and Cheng Yaojin had at least 5 years of overlap in the political arena, why didn't she move her mind to kill Cheng Biting Jin?

Wu Zetian killed people like hemp, why didn't he get rid of Cheng Biting Jin? It's neither feasible nor necessary

First of all, Wu Zetian is not a murderer, but a politician

"The morning of the rooster, only the rope of the family", women in power, inverting yin and yang, will lead to the destruction of the family and the death of the country, which is the traditional thinking of ancient China. Indeed, such cases are not uncommon in history, and the reign of Wang Zhengjun at the end of the Western Han Dynasty provided unique conditions for Wang Mang's usurpation of the throne; the chaotic government of The Western Jin Dynasty's Jia Nanfeng caused the rebellion of the Eight Kings, which directly led to the Wuhu Chaos; the Cixi of the Qing Dynasty did not need to be said more.....

But in fact, this sentence seems to make sense, but it is actually a stealing concept. Women in power will destroy the country and the family? In fact, the vast majority of the tyrants and lords of the fallen kingdoms in history are men.

On the contrary, Wu Zetian, as the only empress in Chinese history, can be called a qualified politician who is "less than the top and more than the bottom". During her reign, she vigorously improved and implemented the examination system politically, cracked down on traditional door valves, and fostered emerging political talents; at the same time, she continued the policy of rectifying the administration of officials and severely punishing corruption in the early Tang Dynasty, sending emissaries to "chazhou counties with six articles", and the virtuous talents who were punished for perverting the law for corruption and perverting the law, and who were honest and upright, were repeatedly promoted; although the punishment was severe, they were very tolerant of the outspoken and outspoken subjects.

Wu Zetian killed people like hemp, why didn't he get rid of Cheng Biting Jin? It's neither feasible nor necessary

Economically, Wu Zetian attached great importance to the development of agriculture, lightly dispensed with the meagre endowments, rested with the people, and issued the "Zhaoren Benye Record" to promote advanced agricultural production experience and technology; in addition, agriculture, handicrafts, and commerce have made great progress. During her reign, the steady growth of the population of the Tang Dynasty fully reflected the political achievements of this period.

Wu Zetian's most criticized point is that during her reign, she promoted the "politics of cool officials", appointing cool officials such as Junchen and Zhou Xing, and vigorously promoting prison and purging dissidents, especially the massacre methods of the Li clan were particularly fierce, which was a great regression compared to the Qingming politics of the zhenguan years.

But in this way, in essence, it is to eliminate political enemies in the form of severe punishment and harsh law in order to consolidate their own rule. After all, Wu Zetian is a woman in power, and the opposition and resistance faced can be imagined.

While Cheng Yaojin was alive, Wu Zetian did not fully grasp the power, and the real decision-making power was Li Zhi of Tang Gaozong; at the same time, neither for Li Zhi nor for Wu Zetian, General Cheng was not a political enemy and did not pose any threat.

Wu Zetian killed people like hemp, why didn't he get rid of Cheng Biting Jin? It's neither feasible nor necessary

Second, the person who knows the times is Junjie, and the old-fashioned Cheng Bite Jin can be described as "harmless to people and animals"

It is said that Li Shimin did not slaughter heroes, in fact, there is a reason for this.

Wu Zetian killed people like hemp, why didn't he get rid of Cheng Biting Jin? It's neither feasible nor necessary

By the time Li Shimin died, the founding heroes had already died. As a kind old father, Li Shimin arranged a civil and martial arts team for his son Li Zhi:

Wen is Li Zhi's maternal uncle, The Eldest Sun Wujie, and Chu Suiliang, "Wujie, Suiliang is here, Ru don't worry about the world";

Wu is the li shixun who is called Li Jing. In order to verify the loyalty of this famous general, The Li father and son also joined hands to sing a double reed:

Li Shimin demoted Li Shixun to a local place, and the wise Li Shixun did not say a word and immediately set off, which was exactly in line with the wishes of Li Zhi's father and son; Li Zhi immediately enlisted him as prime minister after he ascended the throne, and Li Shixun not only escaped death, but also became a confidant of the new king.

Another founding star who is still alive may be Cheng Biting Jin. Unlike the reckless image in the rendition, Cheng Yaojin in the zhengshi period, like most heroes, retreated behind the scenes like most heroes during the Zhenguan years, never came out of the limelight, and almost disappeared.

Wu Zetian killed people like hemp, why didn't he get rid of Cheng Biting Jin? It's neither feasible nor necessary

In the early days of Li Zhi's reign, Cheng Yaojin was appointed as the grand commander of the March of the Onion Mountain Road in 656 AD, leading an army against the Western Turks. After the start of the war, when the Tang army had the upper hand, Wang Wendu, the deputy governor, said that "I have a holy purpose and do not allow the army to go deeper", and Cheng Yaojin immediately obeyed his words and strictly controlled the soldiers who were eager to try and made meritorious contributions. Later, when he arrived at The City of Qidu, Cheng Yaojin followed Wang Wendu's advice, killed the soldiers, and slaughtered the city on a large scale.

After Tang Jun returned to the division, Cheng Yaojin and Wang Wendu, the deputy governors, were dismissed from office at the same time, and the crime was: "Wendu sat on the correction and died; Zhijie also sat and walked and chased the thief."

But let's not worry. Soon after this incident, Cheng was appointed as the Assassin of Qi Prefecture, but he requested retirement on the grounds of his old age (68 years old) and enjoyed a pension life until his death in 665 AD. Wang Wendu, on the other hand, also served as the governor of Xiongjin a few years later, and died heroically in the line of duty.

Did you find out that when the two were dismissed from office, it was purely a drama, that is, the new Jun Li Zhi gave the veteran general Cheng Jin a play. What a chicken thief who has been in the official field for a long time, has a three-dimensional heart to understand the spirit, and lives a good old-age life. After all, for an old jianghu of his age, power is nothing compared to life.

Wu Zetian killed people like hemp, why didn't he get rid of Cheng Biting Jin? It's neither feasible nor necessary

And the three auxiliary ministers left by Li Shimin to Li Zhi also made people sigh:

The eldest grandson Wujie and Chu Suiliang were loyal to their duties and had full control of military and political affairs, and although Li Zhi seemed to obey his words, the imperial power had always not allowed others to interfere, and his inner feelings could be imagined. In the end, the change of empress became the fuse for the two sides to part ways.

As for Li Zhi's desire to abolish Empress Wang, the daughter-in-law chosen by Emperor Taizong of Tang, the eldest son Wuji and Chu Suiliang were resolutely opposed, even if Li Zhi personally went to the home of the eldest son Wuji to say good things;

Another elder, Li Shixun, claimed to be ill and would not participate in the discussion, but then privately encouraged Li Zhi: "This is Your Majesty's family affair, you can do whatever you want."

In 655, after Li Zhi forcibly changed Wu Zetian to the throne, he and his eldest grandson Wuji and Chu Suiliang also officially tore their faces. Soon after, the two ministers were demoted; three years later, Chu Suiliang died in Aizhou; another year later, Li Zhi's uncle Changsun Wuji was forced to commit suicide in Qianzhou, and many of the elders of the Guanlong clique were linked.

Wu Zetian killed people like hemp, why didn't he get rid of Cheng Biting Jin? It's neither feasible nor necessary

The change of empress was actually a power struggle between Emperor Gaozong of Tang and Li Zhi to get rid of his father's influence and take full control of the imperial court. Standing against himself, even the uncle who helped him become the prince in the first place could not escape death, and the famous general Li Shijian who supported him soared. At home, Cheng Yaojin, who never showed his attitude, will naturally not be affected by this crisis and eventually enjoy his old age in peace.

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