
"Bringing a baby according to law" is no longer on paper, and the first "Family Education Order" holds up an umbrella for children

The ancients often said, "To mo ruo godson." For parents, educating the next generation is the most important thing. And parents often use the excuse of "making money to support the family" to ignore this important responsibility to accompany their children.

In fact, "making money to support the family" and "accompanying children" are the family responsibilities shared by husband and wife, which can be divided into divisions of labor and cooperation, and can also be cooperated. The result of a perfect collaboration is to develop a person who is physically and mentally healthy, filial and respectful, and useful to the family and society.

"Bringing a baby according to law" is no longer on paper, and the first "Family Education Order" holds up an umbrella for children

On January 19, the Yicheng City People's Court of Hubei Province issued the first Family Education Order of the Yicheng City People's Court of Hubei Province. The Family Education Order is to investigate the responsibility of the guardians of three defendants under the age of 16 for poor family supervision in the trial of a juvenile robbery and illegal detention case.

During the trial, in view of the fact that the three defendants had dropped out of school, suspended from school, or truant from school, and had not been supervised for a long time, the court reprimanded the three guardians for their family education and "neglected to perform their guardianship duties", and issued a "Family Education Order" to the three guardians in accordance with the law.

"Bringing a baby according to law" is no longer on paper, and the first "Family Education Order" holds up an umbrella for children

At the same time, the court also invited the teachers of the city's No. 1 Senior High School to walk into the "Happy Family School" and talk with the defendants, and the Youth League Municipal Committee, the Municipal Women's Federation, the Municipal Bureau of Justice and other departments jointly guided the guardians to conduct family education for the children.

On January 1, 2022, the Family Education Promotion Law was promulgated and implemented, and the family education of children changed from "family affairs" to "state affairs", and family education was no longer a paper talk.

In today's society, there are many such families. Because parents are busy with their careers and neglect to discipline their children, children gradually expose their personality defects when they grow up. At the beginning, parents made a lot of money, but neglected to educate their children, and now, children spend a lot of money and torture their parents with their own status quo, which also has a cause and effect.

"Bringing a baby according to law" is no longer on paper, and the first "Family Education Order" holds up an umbrella for children

More seriously, when a child breaks the law without the supervision of his parents, he not only destroys the child, but also sometimes feels at peace. How does this not make parents sad? The consequences of this are actually the result of parents shirking their responsibility for their children's family education, and some parents always use the excuse of "making money to support their families" to become "hand-throwing treasurers" and evading their children's family education responsibilities.

In turn, while providing the child with the necessary material life, parents also spend a lot of time with the child, educating the child, guiding and encouraging the child when he is helpless, cultivating him and supporting him in the areas he is interested in.

When the child grows up, he will not only be able to support himself, but also give his parents spiritual warmth and comfort like his parents have given him. The family supports each other, cares for each other, and enjoys it, which is also a cause and a cause.

"Bringing a baby according to law" is no longer on paper, and the first "Family Education Order" holds up an umbrella for children

So, as a parent, what kind of outcome do you really want?

(1) In terms of thinking, it is clear that it is important to accompany children

The father is the child's heaven, and the mother is the child's land. When parents often accompany their children, the children have a sense of security of stepping on the ground and the blue sky above their heads, and the sense of security is too important for the growth of children!

Imagine what kind of eyes a person looks at those around them when they are in an unsafe environment? Can you still do things bravely and naturally? Willing to communicate with others?...... Children who are not raised with their parents will live in an insecure world all the time. There is no joy in such a world.

"Bringing a baby according to law" is no longer on paper, and the first "Family Education Order" holds up an umbrella for children

Conversely, a child who has the love and companionship of his parents will rarely have insecurities. Such a child often dares to say, dare to do, dare to think, dare to try, he is confident, bold, dare to innovate and face. Such children will face life and work positively. Even if there are storms in life, it is short for him, because the sunshine in his heart will shine throughout life.

Therefore, from the perspective of the child's own physical and mental development and lifelong happiness, it is absolutely important for parents to accompany their children. From the perspective of parents' feelings, parents can only understand their children if they often accompany their children. And children feel the love of their parents when they are young, which is the premise for parents to feel their children's love when they are old. If parents want to spend their old age easily and happily, they must plant the seeds of "accompanying their children" at a young age.

"Bringing a baby according to law" is no longer on paper, and the first "Family Education Order" holds up an umbrella for children

(2) In the supervision of children, lower the material standards and return time to the children

In today's society, there are not many parents who make money to feed and clothe. Most of the reason why parents are desperately trying to make money is to satisfy their own and their family's material enjoyment. Enjoyment is the bottomless pit, and "desire" is the abyss. Man's blessing is lost in the waste of life.

If parents understand that material enjoyment is short-lived and the healthy growth of children is long-term, they will not exchange earning time for their children's growth in order to pursue a high standard of material life. Therefore, parents can completely reduce their material standards, practice frugality in life, enrich their spiritual world, and save time to make money to accompany their children to grow. This is the big thing and the right thing in life.

"Bringing a baby according to law" is no longer on paper, and the first "Family Education Order" holds up an umbrella for children

(3) One person is outside the main and one person is inside, and the economy and education are not wrong

The father earns money outside the home and uses the economy to support the material needs of the family; Mothers educate their children at home, laying the foundation for their children's growth and family harmony. Parents should understand that the economy and education are the two major things in the family, the economy is the hardware, and education is the software, which is indispensable. Two people do not have a relationship of making money and supporting anyone, they are mutually supportive and mutually supportive. As long as parents assign their respective responsibilities and attach importance to the education of their children, family prosperity is an inevitable result.

Since the promulgation and implementation of the Family Education Promotion Law, many localities have issued the first Family Education Order in accordance with the law, and legally punished the behavior of shirking responsibility in family education and "neglecting to perform guardianship duties".

"Bringing a baby according to law" is no longer on paper, and the first "Family Education Order" holds up an umbrella for children

Dear parents and comrades, take action! Under the background of the in-depth promotion of the "double reduction" policy, the child's growth pattern has undergone fundamental changes, and the child has returned to the family, requiring parents to carefully plan, carefully accompany and grow together for the growth of their children!

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