
Wuhan's first "Family Education Order": Judges Join Hands with Family Education Instructors to Promote "Bringing Babies According to Law"

Wuhan's first "Family Education Order": Judges Join Hands with Family Education Instructors to Promote "Bringing Babies According to Law"



On February 11, in a divorce dispute case, the Qingshan District People's Court of Wuhan Issued The First Family Education Order in Wuhan, correcting improper family education. This is also the first time that the Hubei Provincial Court has invited the legislative experts of the "Hubei Provincial Family Education Promotion Regulations" to participate in the case and jointly promote "bringing a baby according to law".

Wuhan's first "Family Education Order": Judges Join Hands with Family Education Instructors to Promote "Bringing Babies According to Law"

Cha Wei: Educational problems are found in divorce cases

On December 27, 2021, a middle-aged woman, Liu Mou, sued the Qingshan District People's Court of Wuhan City for divorce due to her disagreement with her husband Yang Mou.

During the trial, Hu Yang, the judge in charge of the case, found from Liu Mou's repeated emphasis that "he scolded the child at every turn" and "the children also said that they didn't like him and wanted to follow me", that the case not only involved the marriage problems of two adults, but also reflected that the healthy growth of the two minor children needed urgent care.

On January 1, 2022, the Family Education Promotion Law was officially implemented, and the issue of the education of minor children has risen from "family affairs" in the traditional sense to "state affairs" with laws to rely on. Article 34 of the Family Education Promotion Law clearly stipulates: "When hearing divorce cases, the people's courts shall provide family education guidance to both husband and wife with minor children".

Therefore, Hu Yang immediately made a decision and made a "Family Education Order" in response to Yang's wrong education method, which was served on the defendant Yang in person on February 11. The education order ruled that Yang paid more attention to the physical, psychological condition and emotional needs of children born in wedlock, and used scientific family education methods.


Together: Build bridges with family education instructors

Wuhan's first "Family Education Order": Judges Join Hands with Family Education Instructors to Promote "Bringing Babies According to Law"

In order to ensure the effective implementation of the "Family Education Order", Hu Yang also specially invited Wei Zhuo, a legislative expert of the "Hubei Provincial Family Education Promotion Regulations" and vice president of the Hubei Marriage and Family Research Association, to give Yang special family education guidance.

At the Special Studio of Family Trial of qingshan District People's Court, Chairman Wei Zhuo had a long talk with Yang Mou. From the legislative spirit of the Family Education Promotion Law to the psychological tips for communicating with children, Chairman Wei Zhuo stressed the importance of family education to Yang in a simple and simple way, reminding him to pay attention to the child's inner world, fully respect the child's ideas, and become a qualified parent.

At the same time, Hu Yang, who has the qualification and experience of psychologist counseling, also had a heart-to-heart conversation with two children who came with him. When it comes to emotional places, Yang mou and the children are left in tears.

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