
Spring is coming, come to the Houshan Contemporary Art Center to meet the "Early Spring Map"

On January 26th, under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the Tianhe District Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Tianhe District Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports, supported by the Guangdong Museum of Art, the Management Committee of Tianhe Science and Technology Park of Guangzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone, the Curatorial Committee of Guangdong Artists Association, and the Houshan Contemporary Art Center, the exhibition "Early Spring Map - Tribute to Guo Xi" co-organized with Heng Art Museum, and co-organized with Heng Art Museum, and curated by Pi Daojian, a famous art critic and professor of the Fine Arts Department of South China Normal University, opened at the Houshan Contemporary Art Center.

Spring is coming, come to the Houshan Contemporary Art Center to meet the "Early Spring Map"

Wang Shaoqiang, vice chairman of Guangdong Artists Association and director of Guangdong Museum of Art, delivered a speech

At the opening ceremony, Curator, famous art critic and professor of South China Normal University Pi Daojian, CPPCC National Committee member and president of Guangzhou Sculpture Institute Xu Hongfei, vice chairman of Guangdong Artists Association and director of Guangdong Museum of Art Wang Shaoqiang, and You Dongquinu, teacher of the Basic Department of China Academy of Art, delivered speeches respectively.

Spring is coming, come to the Houshan Contemporary Art Center to meet the "Early Spring Map"

Exhibition site

Houshan Contemporary Art Center tries to help the development of the urban area through different public projects, this exhibition is a "spring" theme exhibition of Houshan Contemporary Art Center during the Spring Festival, "Early Spring Map - Tribute to Guo Xi" is not only the opening of the series of curatorial activities of the Houshan Contemporary Art Center "Contemporary Art Research Exhibition", but also a cultural project that benefits public cultural services.

Spring is coming, come to the Houshan Contemporary Art Center to meet the "Early Spring Map"

Sije Artur Schopenhauer said: "Every fresh morning is a little youth". The newly established Houshan Center for Contemporary Art is in its youth; from the perspective of art history, Chinese contemporary art that originated in the '85 Art Trend' should also be in its adolescence, and its youth is characterized by getting rid of the toddlers of the growth period and beginning to base itself on its own national cultural soil and continue the traditional context for independent localization of contemporary art creation.

Spring is coming, come to the Houshan Contemporary Art Center to meet the "Early Spring Map"

This exhibition invites five artists, Lin Haizhong, Wang Shaoqiang, Wu Qiang, You Dongquo and Zhou Wei, to jointly interpret the above themes, which is based on this consideration. Guo Xi's "Early Spring Map" has deservedly become a symbol of the traditional Chinese culture here, in fact, in the five artists' exhibited works, we can clearly feel the artists' subtle transformation of tradition and contemporary and their respect for Guo Xi's artistic spirit.

Lin Haizhong and Wu Qiang "apprenticed with the past", borrowing the past to open up the present, with the accumulation of profound traditional pen and ink and hazy and implicit artistic conception, prompting the elitist spirit of the times and resisting the haze of real life. Wang Shaoqiang opens up the distance between space and time through the ambiguous relationship between innovative pen and ink and mountain stone image, creating a profound and mysterious space of meaning. It is advisable to regard You Dong Quinone's works as a spiritual construction starting from the material nature, and his comprehensive material painting is a profound understanding and practice of the oriental philosophy of "not taking from the phase, as if it were not moving". Zhou Wei uses the waste of contemporary life to create gardens and landscapes, and to view the invisible in a "Zen" middle way, inspiring us to think about the relationship between nature, the city and people.

Spring is coming, come to the Houshan Contemporary Art Center to meet the "Early Spring Map"

The colorful Chinese contemporary art puzzle composed of five artists' works is a Spring Festival gift from Houshan Contemporary Art Center to the audience, allowing us to taste the artists' "Lin Quan Gao" and the spring weather of Chinese contemporary art together; at the same time, "Early Spring Map - Tribute to Guo Xi" Invitational Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art is also the first topic prepared by Houshan for its concomitant "Contemporary Art Research Exhibition" series: how to define "contemporary art". And how Chinese contemporary art maintains a confident, free and open mind in the tension between local and global cultures, and rejuvenates new creative vitality.

Spring is coming, come to the Houshan Contemporary Art Center to meet the "Early Spring Map"

It is reported that the Houshan Contemporary Art Center is a famous art studio jointly built by the government and society, which is a characteristic innovation space for the study of aesthetics and art, and a cultural and artistic center that is not for profit, serves the society and is open to the public. As a distinctive public cultural project, Houshan Contemporary Art Center provides research, exhibition, communication and public education services for citizens and art practitioners, which will become the highlight of Tianhe Smart City's humanistic and ecological characteristics. The center will carry forward traditional Chinese culture, intervene in the city with art, build a new development model with aesthetics, integrate national art resources through academic research, art exhibitions, public education and other activities, explore the contemporary value of traditional culture and the context of international dissemination, create a public art space with unique cultural characteristics, and provide a win-win and shared wisdom program for the ecological construction of regional culture and art, which has positive significance for exploring the ecology of humanities and arts in Guangzhou.

Spring is coming, come to the Houshan Contemporary Art Center to meet the "Early Spring Map"

The exhibition will run until March 25, 2022.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City reporter Li Qiaorong

Image source: Organizer

Correspondent: Zeng Ruijie

Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng editor Dai Yujing

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