
Beijing Winter Olympics countdown to 7 days丨Xinhai school painter Chen Jialing "Wing Mei" to welcome the Winter Olympics

On January 28, the Central Broadcasting Network Reported (Reporters Yang Jing, Bai Tingjun, Zhang Qian, Zhou Hong, Liu Ziyi, Wang Yizhe, Wang Lei, Guo Enyou, Zhou Li, Pang Qingshan, and Liu Yongbo) The "Ice and Snow Shine new year" Shanghai artist creation activity was held in Shanghai International Media Harbor a few days ago. Six top artists from Shanghai poured ink around the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger and the Beijing Winter Olympics, and greeted the arrival of the Beijing Winter Olympics with their works, expressing their blessings for the New Year of the Tiger and showing the charm of China's excellent traditional culture.

Beijing Winter Olympics countdown to 7 days丨Xinhai school painter Chen Jialing "Wing Mei" to welcome the Winter Olympics

Mr. Chen Jialing created "Wing Mei" and wrote "Bu Operator Yong Mei" (Photo courtesy of the interviewee issued by CCTV)

On the day of the event, Mr. Chen Jialing, a new genre and powerful painter of modern Chinese painting in China, created a painting of "Wing Mei" and wrote Chairman Mao's "Bu Operator Yong Mei". Mr. Chen Jialing believes that these two works of "Yongmei" contain three meanings: "The first meaning is that the plum blossoms represent the arrival of spring as soon as they bloom, symbolizing the prosperity of the country and heralding the successful convening of the Beijing Winter Olympics; the second meaning is 'Ling Han blooms alone', no matter how cold the plum blossoms are gorgeous, no matter how difficult we have the will of the plum blossoms to overcome; the third meaning is the heart of the plum blossoms, 'when the mountains and flowers are full of flowers, she smiles in the bushes', which is the spirit of the Chinese nation. ”

Mr. Chen Jialing also mentioned that the Spring Festival is coming soon, and the Beijing Winter Olympic Games are about to open. Beijing has hosted the Summer Olympic Games and wants to host the Winter Olympic Games, which is also a double happiness, and he is very proud.

Beijing Winter Olympics countdown to 7 days丨Xinhai school painter Chen Jialing "Wing Mei" to welcome the Winter Olympics

Creation scene (Photo provided by the interviewee issued by the Central Broadcasting Network)

Mr. Chen Jialing, a painter of the Xinhai School, was the first researcher of the National Academy of Painting of China and a professor of the Department of Chinese Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts of Shanghai University, born in 1937 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, and graduated from the China Academy of Art in 1963, where he studied under Pan Tianshou and Lu Yushao, and taught at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. As a leading figure of the Xinhai School painters, Chen Jialing' artistic vision in his eighties inherits Qi Baishi's open humanistic feelings, and contains the new style bones of masters such as Ren Bonian, Lin Fengmian and Lu Yushao of the Hai School. Because his life trajectory is closely linked to the fate of the times, the works exude a strong atmosphere of the times. He used a sense of home and country to look back at history, find the spiritual source from history, and write the glory of the times. From "Open Lotus" in 1984, which exploded on the animation scene, to the "West Lake Scenery Map" that was widely concerned at the 2016 G20 Summit, and then to last year's "Red Star Illuminates My Way - Chen Jialing Revolutionary Holy Land Collection", Chen Jialing used traditional context and integrated language to achieve the unique new ink spirit of Chinese painting and build a new coordinate of contemporary oriental art aesthetics.

This creative activity was jointly initiated by the Shanghai Terminus of China Central Radio and Television Corporation, the Shanghai Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, and the Shanghai Artists Association, and was hosted by International Media Harbor (Shanghai) Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

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