
Once you have gout, you have to "keep your mouth shut"? 3 dietary mistakes can cause many patients to suffer miserably

During the meal, the seafood is raw and mushroomy, and the cups of beer are constantly staggered.

As a result, when you go to sleep in the middle of the night, you find yourself awakened by an indescribable, unbearable pain, as if a demon is devouring your toe joints, accompanied by the burning sensation of stepping on the burning red coal.

And this phenomenon is not anything else, but gout!

Once you have gout, you have to "keep your mouth shut"? 3 dietary mistakes can cause many patients to suffer miserably

Gout is not just pain

The so-called gout mainly refers to diseases caused by excessive blood uric acid levels and crystallization in the joint cavity.

As the concentration of blood uric acid increases, blood uric acid will form urate crystalline crystals, which will accumulate in the body's joints and kidneys, and then trigger an inflammatory reaction.

Once gout occurs, it is not so simple as pain, long-term gout can also cause chronic gout arthritis, which in turn causes dysfunction, which threatens kidney function, and may also develop into kidney failure, which in turn causes uremia.

In addition, gout is also a risk factor for high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction and other diseases.

Once you have gout, you have to "keep your mouth shut"? 3 dietary mistakes can cause many patients to suffer miserably

Does having gout mean that I need to quit all kinds of foods?

For people suffering from gout, it is indeed necessary to avoid eating in daily diet, such as some thick broth, animal fat, fried foods, or animal offal.

The purine substance in these foods is very high, and once it enters the body, it will metabolize a large amount of uric acid, resulting in an imbalance in uric acid values.

Moreover, the metabolism rate of these foods is particularly slow, which will affect the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys and also lead to an increase in uric acid values.

In addition to these foods, all alcoholic and high-sugar drinks, as well as some seafood foods, should also be reduced in the number of intakes. The purines in these drinks and foods are also relatively high, and excessive intake can also affect uric acid values.

But this does not mean that gout patients have to quit a lot of food.

For example, some meats do contain higher purines, but if the method of boiling is taken and the amount of consumption is controlled, it will not affect the disease.

Once you have gout, you have to "keep your mouth shut"? 3 dietary mistakes can cause many patients to suffer miserably

What are some common dietary misconceptions about gout?

First, all vegetables can be eaten in large quantities

For people with gout, it is indeed necessary to eat more vegetable foods in the daily diet, which can improve the metabolic function of the body and promote the excretion of uric acid.

But not all vegetables can be eaten in large quantities.

The most common mushroom foods, as well as asparagus, peas, beans, bamboo shoots, bean seedlings and other vegetables in the purine substance is relatively high, gout patients should reduce the intake of these vegetables.

Once you have gout, you have to "keep your mouth shut"? 3 dietary mistakes can cause many patients to suffer miserably

Second, do not eat any animal food

Many people think that gout patients should not eat any animal foods, including various meats, eggs, fish, shrimp and crabs.

These foods are high-purine foods, and once consumed, they will affect the uric acid value, which can induce gout attacks, which is not true.

If gout patients only eat plant foods, it will lead to a lack of various nutrients in the body, which will not only affect immunity, but also make a series of discomforts in the joint area aggravate.

Gout patients can eat some duck, chicken, and freshwater fish in their daily lives, which have lower purine substances but contain more high-quality proteins and minerals.

Once you have gout, you have to "keep your mouth shut"? 3 dietary mistakes can cause many patients to suffer miserably

Third, there is no need to control the intake of table salt

Many people believe that gout patients have poor physical fitness, and appropriately increasing the intake of table salt can improve physical fitness, which is completely wrong.

Patients with gout must adopt a low-salt diet, and the daily intake of salt should not exceed 6 grams.

If too much salt is ingested, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, resulting in a large amount of uric acid that cannot be excreted, thus inducing an acute attack of gout.

Once you have gout, you have to "keep your mouth shut"? 3 dietary mistakes can cause many patients to suffer miserably

How do you tell if the food you eat is a homopurine?

In fact, purines are substances that are present in the nucleus, and basically most foods contain purines, but in varying amounts. The greater the number of cells in the food, the higher the purine content.

For example, a one-cell food like an egg, even if it is large, the level of purine is still relatively low.

The biggest feature of high purine food is that it is ---- fresh in one word.

Therefore, the more delicious the food, the higher the purine content, such as animal offal, a variety of seafood and broth gravy, etc., are all "classic" high-purine foods.

Once you have gout, you have to "keep your mouth shut"? 3 dietary mistakes can cause many patients to suffer miserably

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