
Wright: Bringing in players needs to be considered from a tactical level, and Van Dijk's move to Liverpool is an example

Wright: Bringing in players needs to be considered from a tactical level, and Van Dijk's move to Liverpool is an example

According to the Echo newspaper, gunner star Ian Wright recently praised Van Dijk in an interview, believing that his move to Liverpool was a "perfect" transfer.

Wright said: "Let's first look at Pogba's transfer, he is neither the No. 6 nor the No. 8 position, nor like the No. 10 player, although he played for Juve, although he was mostly on the left side of the midfield, he played more like a free man in midfield. Ramsey's style of play is similar to his. ”

"But look at his performance after returning to Manchester United, it has always been tepid. This also fully shows that the team needs to fully consider whether he can integrate into the team's tactical system when buying people, while Van Dijk, his joining has an immediate effect on Liverpool. ”

'Van Dijk has played in other leagues that are not as strong as the Premier League, which has also made many teams not notice his outstanding performance, and finally Liverpool also has a unique vision and spends a lot of money to recruit him."


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