
Eating during the Spring Festival and teaching these table manners to children will affect the child's life!

Eating during the Spring Festival and teaching these table manners to children will affect the child's life!

The Chinese dining table is a platform for communication, and during the Spring Festival, it is inevitable to gather together and feast. As a country of etiquette, China also has certain requirements for children's table manners.

General dishes on the table, some people wave chopsticks such as dancing spears, like wildfires sweeping the whole territory, some people boldly and thoroughly churn like pulling grass and snakes, and more people pick up a piece of meat in the vegetable bowl, sweep it and then put it down, pick up a piece and then put it down, and finally choose a more favorite piece, clip it up and send it into the blood basin after the big mouth, but also put the chopsticks in the mouth to suck it...

——Liang Shiqiu, "Round Table and Chopsticks"

After reading the above paragraph, did anyone mutter in his heart: Isn't this polluting your saliva with food and causing everyone to eat your saliva unintentionally?

In fact, this is not only a matter of hygiene, but more importantly, such a table behavior seriously affects the personal image, because to some extent, eating can reflect a person's upbringing, can see the family culture and personal cultivation taste behind him.

Eating during the Spring Festival and teaching these table manners to children will affect the child's life!

◆ For example

Once a relative brought his grandson to the house, and during the meal, the grandson of the relative was very fond of one of the dishes. Out of courtesy, we put this dish closer to the children, and the children ate very happily, basically the whole dish belonged to his posture. At this time, the child's grandmother did not remind him to pay a little restraint and pay attention to politeness, but simply pulled the dish down in front of his grandson and said, "We are all family, and when we get here, we are home, and there is nothing polite!" ”。

At this point we know why this child is ten years old, but he does not understand the basic etiquette of treating people and things.


Learn the importance of table manners

If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand

Confucius instructed his son, "If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand." "If a person does not know etiquette, he cannot gain a foothold in society.

China has been a country of etiquette since ancient times, and there are many old traditions and rules that have been passed down through the ages. Good table manners are the basic embodiment of a person's character and quality, and are the result of long-term family cultivation, and we should let our children develop the good habit of observing good table manners from an early age, so that our fine traditions can be passed on from generation to generation.

Promote the development of children's emotions and emotions

Good dining etiquette not only ensures the quality of the meal, but also long-term edification will help promote the cultivation of children's healthy emotions and emotions.

For example, during meals, children can be encouraged to share food, which will not only make children get a good emotional experience, but also exercise children's interpersonal skills, which is conducive to social development.

Helps to develop a sense of rules in children

When eating, you can't use it twice, you can't talk, don't sprinkle rice grains, you can't make chewing sounds, and so on, and such dining etiquette can let children establish a sense of rules, let children know what things can be done and what things can't, which is conducive to allowing children to develop good living habits such as living on time and living regularly.

Cultivate children's civilization literacy

Etiquette education is important because people are social, we are in contact with and contact with the people around us every day, and the dinner table is an important occasion for the development of social relations.

Cultivating a civilized and elegant dining habit is an important prerequisite for ensuring children's future adaptation to social norms, harmony in interpersonal interaction, and career success under various conditions.

If you can develop civilized eating habits from an early age, for children, it is the most valuable intangible asset left by parents to their children, and this asset is eternal and infinite. Beyond the wealth of the family, it cannot be measured by money.


What table manners do parents and children need to learn?

1. Prepare before meals

Before eating, let the child help set up the dishes, serve dishes, etc., and when it is ready, ask the child to invite the elders to eat and remember to wash their hands before eating.

2. Ask the elders to sit first and let the elders eat first

Respect for the elderly is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, parents usually have to do a good job of demonstration, when eating, first invite the elders in the family to sit down, and first give the elders a meal.

"University" Cloud: "Things have an end, things have an end, and if you know what is in order, you are close to the road." To be a person, we must understand the order of succession, and before the elders have moved the chopsticks, the younger generations should not take care of themselves to eat first. When the parent hands the bowl to the child, the child should take the bowl with both hands to show respect for the elders.

3. Encourage children to help their families and elders pick vegetables (with public chopsticks) and serve rice

After the child is completed, parents can praise the child "Mom found that you are very good at taking care of others" and so on.

4. Take the chopsticks correctly

It is best to talk to your child about the origin of chopsticks and teach your child to use chopsticks correctly. Just a use of chopsticks, can make a person appear very cultured, our ancestors invented chopsticks, a prop can be used for a variety of food, contains a deep invariance, to simply cope with the complex of traditional cultural essence, which is also what we must inherit.

5, do not negatively evaluate food

Don't complain that the meals that others have worked so hard to prepare for you are not to taste, and don't say any rude comments. Enjoy our every meal with a grateful heart. This gratitude includes the fact that nature brings us a variety of seasonal delicacies in all seasons, including those who cultivate these foods, and also to these foods that replenish our nutrition and energy.

6. Standardize sitting posture

At the dinner table, let the child sit up straight and maintain a straight posture. This is not only good-looking, but also conducive to children's digestion.

When eating, the Chinese rice bowl should be lifted, one hand to take the bowl and the other hand to take the tableware, do not bow the head to grill rice, do not put the elbows on the table, put the legs under the table, the feet are as close as possible, not to stilt feet, and the distance from the table is so that it is better to use the tableware.

Western food forks are sent to the mouth, and do not bend for food. It is impolite to put your feet flat, take off your shoes or spread your legs; do not cross your legs, do not shake your feet.

Eating during the Spring Festival and teaching these table manners to children will affect the child's life!

7. Do not knock on the dishes or make loud noises when eating

Knocking on the dishes and making loud noises are very uncultured behaviors, and disrespectful behaviors can cause disgust and disgust among people who eat at the same table.

8. Avoid flipping around in the dish

When picking vegetables, it is not advisable to clip too much at a time, eat your own bowls and dishes, and then go to pick up the dishes. Don't use a spoon or chopsticks to flip around in the dish in order to pick your favorite dish, some people even transfer all their favorite dishes from the plate, and leave the unpalatable dishes to others, which is a very rude behavior and seems selfish.

9. Don't make a sound as much as possible when eating

When eating, chew carefully and swallow slowly, and do not speak in the mouth of the meal; do not suck with your mouth when drinking soup to prevent making a sound.

10. Wipe your mouth frequently

11, do not put chopsticks in the mouth and lick chopsticks

12, do not hold chopsticks on the table in your hands

13, do not cross others to pick vegetables

14. Do not insert chopsticks on meals

15, do not go to other people's plates to take food

16, do not put the food out of the back

17, do not use chopsticks or knives and forks to point at others or use them to play and fight

18, do not look east and west

19. Improperly behave in an uncivilized manner

Tell your child that coughing and sneezing should cover their mouths with one hand to the side of no one, and flossing and nose picking should be blocked with napkins or hands so as not to affect the appetite of other guests present.

20, do not waste food, how much to eat

21, learn to divide the food into small bites and eat it, do not bite, nibble in pieces, and eat it without barbarism

22, spit out fish bones, bones, vegetable residue, with chopsticks or paper towels to pick up, can not be directly spit on the table

23. Teach children to use honorifics such as "please" and "thank you"

Guiding a child to ask for something (such as not being able to reach food on the table) requires polite language and a smile when someone hands a dish to the child.

If you meet family and friends who get together for dinner during the New Year, it is inevitable to drink alcohol to help entertain, parents can encourage children to toast to the elders with drinks or boiled water, and say some toasts such as "Happy New Year, good health" and so on.

24 Don't do anything else while eating

The time of eating is the time when family and friends get together to communicate, remind the child that when eating, you can not play with toys, watch TV, play iPad, and try to let the child not leave the seat during the meal process. Mom and Dad also have to lead by example and not play on their phones.

25. Thank the person who prepares the food after the meal

Thanking the person who prepares the food is not just polite, it's gratitude.

26. If you want to leave the table after eating, you must greet the elders

This is also a basic etiquette. If the child eats well first, he should get up and say to everyone, "I have eaten well, please use it slowly", and then leave the table.

27. Help clean the table, clean up the dishes or help wash the dishes after meals

Every small movement in the process of dining reflects a person's upbringing. Good table manners will make children more likable from an early age, and more popular when they grow up to enter society, and these good habits that accompany them throughout their lives will bring them unexpected gains after they step into society.

In short, teach your child to learn these table manners, and mom and dad can take them out with confidence! Your child is expected to be loved by your grandmother and uncle, and your friends and relatives are fiercely praising!

The child's growth process,

It's like the growth process of a tree,

The most honest, the most explicit,

What is watered, what grows.

Declaration of ingenuity

"I'm fully engaged in teaching my kids because I know,

In these short years, I will have a lifelong impact on my children.

I don't waste a minute or a second, I treat them like my own children,

And see yourself as a teacher and a parent, not just a teacher! ”

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